15. Friendly Sleepover

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It was about 6:47 pm when they had all arrived back at the Lennon apartment.

John had Julian in his arms while Sean was snuggled in Ringo's arms. Sean was fast asleep and Julian was close to sleep. Julian was put in his room and Ringo stood awkwardly in the living room with Sean still curled up in his arms, his head resting near his heart.

Sean was warm against him and the minute that John's hands went around his waist, his dark eyes went wide open. "Tiger," John sighed. "Go back to sleep."

"I don't wanna go to my room," Sean pouted and bunched his small fists into Ringo's shirt. "I wanna stay with him."

"Get a blanket," Ringo whispered and cradled Sean in his arms. "We can stay in here and watch a movie while he falls asleep."

"Good idea," John nods. "I'll be back in a sec."

Ringo had sat with Sean in his lap, his head still on his heart. He liked watching as his small chef rose and fell, how his dark eyes occasionally fluttered opened and came to a close. He liked to run his fingers through his thick hair and watch as the little boy tossed in his lap.

"He's a real cutie when he's not wreaking havoc amongst us," John whispered and Ringo jumped slightly. "Sorry luv, did I scare you?"

"A bit yeah," Ringo smiled. "Sit down with me."

"Oí I thought this was my home," John smiled and sat down close enough so that he could put an arm around his shoulder. "If the kid is asleep I'm guessing we can watch adult movies if you know what I mean."

"If you're saying what I think you're saying I'm leaving." Ringo whispered and rested his head on John's shoulder.

"No you're not," John smiled his charming smile and Ringo couldn't help but shift when he felt his heart flutter. "I meant watch an actual movie not porn you git."

"Well sorry for making assumptions," Ringo rolled his eyes and curled up on John's soft side. Sean was now between both their laps. "I can't help it."

"I know, it's fine." John sighed and reached for his remote with his fingertips. He got it into his grasp and turned on the television, settling instead for reruns of Star Trek and watching as Ringo cocked his head to the side.

"It's interesting," Ringo said suddenly and John turned to him. "How we can imagine all these possibilities in a place that we aren't ready for yet."

"Space?" John guessed and Ringo clicked his tongue in agreement.

"Yeah," he moved closer into John's side and made sure that Sean was still asleep. "The stars and all that shine."

"They're beautiful," John shrugged and leaned in tentatively. "Not as beautiful as you."

"Oh please," Ringo smiled. He leaned in closer and bit his lip. John could smell the hints of peppermint and tea on his lips. "You're just saying that."

Captain Kirk had just given Spock a glare. Someone had pointed to Scotty and they were being taken back into the Enterprise.

John and Ringo payed no mind to their antics. John had a hand ghosting over Ringo's cheeks and their lips were centimeters away. John watched as Ringo's lips trembled and he gave up, leaning in and feeling the way that the blue eyed man kept motion with him. John only tasted sweetness when he kissed Ringo.

He was gentle when he kissed him, slow motions and soft touches here and there, careful not to go lower than the waist. Ringo couldn't help but smile into the kiss. John's taste was strong: coffee and a faint taste of liquor. His lips were rough but the way his hands held him made Ringo feel like he belonged there, on John's side, with Sean sleeping peacefully on their laps.

It was perfect.

The screen had faded. A familiar voice entered their ears, "space..." it was Kirk, the episode was coming to a close. They looked over at the television and blushed, leaning in once more but their lips stayed apart. John kissed his cheek gently and took Sean in his arms, kicking Ringo softly to get his attention.

"My room is the first door there. Wait in there, please." John gave the man one last look before walking his boy to his room where he could dream about Daddy finally being happy while never realizing that it had finally come true.

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