2. Sean

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When Julian was away at school John would stay at home and take care of his little darling boy, Sean.

Sean was one of the joys that he had in life. He was one of the reasons why he wakes up everyday and tries his hardest to make everything work for them. Sean likes to support his Daddy with cheers and hugs and playful tackles.

Sean was a beautiful boy. His eyes were similar to his mother's, but the darkness in them were all John's. He had his mother's pointed nose and her pale skin. He had his father's figure and sort of attitude.

Sean was a wild boy. He liked being called Tiger whenever the opportunity was given.

Sean loved his Daddy the same way he loved his big brother. He always protected them and made sure that he got both of their attention even when they didn't necessarily want to give it to him.

He radiated cuteness wherever he went. John beamed with pride whenever anyone took his son into admiration. He loved how amazing his boy was.

John had decided to take him out for a trip to the park, like always. He'd watched over him as he slid down the slide for almost an entire hour and squeaked with joy when John finally agreed to let him go on the big kid swings. Just because he was on the big kid swings didn't mean that John wasn't watching.

He was ready to catch Sean if he saw him start to wobble (he'd learned from Julian's previous accidents, sorry Jules) and he was there to kiss him better if tears started to pour.

About three hours had passed when John had called for his son to get down, they had to go now!

"Daddy!" Sean huffed when his father scooped him off the seat and carried him out of the park. "I don't wanna go home!"

"But Julian's coming home Tiger," John used the same voice Sean had. He watched as his eyes widened and a smile emerged. "Don't you wanna see your brother?"

"Jules!" He giggled and bounced happily in his father's arms. "I wanna see Jules!"

Kiddos ★ lennstarrWhere stories live. Discover now