6. He's Nice

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John sat at his desk with his pencil in his hand, careful not to smudge the sketch he already had worked so hard on. All he had to do was ink and he'd be home again. He missed his kids, especially today with Paul caring for them.

He dug into his bag and dialed Paul's number.

" 'lo?" Julian's voice brought a smile to John's face.

"Jules, baby," John said. "How's everything?"

"It's fine, that Ringo guy is fun." Julian said. "He's funny and smart and cool."

"What about your old man?" John feigned betrayal.

"You're cool," Julian said. "Did you know Ringo's your same age?"

"And what's that supposed to mean?" John laughed.

"I don't know." Julian shrugged.

"Are you trying to hook me up with Paul's friend?" John smiled.

"Maybe." Julian said.

"How do even know if he's into guys?" John smirked.

"Oh you're right! Hey Ringo are you gay?" Julian screamed and John's eyes went wide.

"Julian Lennon!" John exclaimed. "You have no right to ask such personal questions to people you just met!"

"But Daddy," Julian whined. "He says he is!"

"Bye Julian, stop snooping in other people's lives. I love you." John blushed and hung up before his own could say anything else.

Was he so lonely that his son was trying to hook him up with his babysitter?

"Who was on the phone?" Ringo was looking after Sean while Paul cooked for the kids.

"Dad," Julian answered and sat back down to where his homework was. "He's at work."

"No sh- kidding." Ringo was still getting the hang of not cursing in front of kids.

"Are you really gay?" Julian looked up from his homework and watched the adult blush.

"Yeah," he nodded. "Why would you like to know?"

"Maybe you could go out with my Daddy," Julian shrugged. "He's b-bise- he's bi-"

"Bisexual you mean?" Ringo chuckled.

"Yeah that," Julian smiled. "You're his age. You two can date."

"I've only talked to him once," Ringo argued. "What if he doesn't like me? Have you thought of that?"

Julian's eyebrows furrowed together. He looked down and stayed silent. That is until he looked up and tapped Ringo's shoulder. "Can you help me with math?"

"Sure thing kiddo," he smiled. "What are you learning?"

"Adding with double digits." Julian let out a long sigh.

"What grade are you in?" Ringo asked.

"4th. It's so hard!" Julian pouts.

"C'mere. I'll help you out if you quit pouting. Deal?" Ringo held out a hand.

"Deal!" Julian shook his hand and dropped the sheet of math onto Ringo's lap.

Sean sat beside Ringo, his head pressed against the man's side. He liked how soft he was and how he had an arm around him protectively. Sean snuggled closer to him and smiled to himself.

He liked Ringo. He's super nice. Maybe Daddy would like him too.

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