27. Sean's Realization

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Sean remembered those three days in which Julian was suspended from school.

They were perhaps the most important days of Sean's life.

"Why'd you get suspended?" Sean had asked. He sat idly on the edge of Julian's bed, hoping that he'd actually get up and talk to him.

A grunt. Something underneath the bedsheets moved. A tuft of hair poked out and then eyes were staring at Sean with intensity.

"I fought someone." Julian's voice was muffled by the blanket and he fell back in bed.

"Why?" Sean moved closer and found where Julian's lap is supposed to be. "I thought Dad said fighting was bad."

"It is," Julian mumbled from beneath the sheets. "But I wanted to fight."

"Why?" Sean tried to pry off the sheets from Julian's head.

"You wanna know why I did it?" Julian suddenly shot up, anger filling his voice, rage in his eyes.

"J-Julian?" Sean tried to climb off the bed but his brother gripped his arm tightly and pulled him back on the bed.

"Listen here Sean," Julian growled. "I want you to listen to every single word I say and pay close attention to what I say. Because this applies to you just as much as it applies to me. Okay?"

"Alright." Sean's voice wavered in his throat.

"Listen, you have two dads now. Two. Kids normally have one mom and one dad. Not us. You also have a gay brother. You're really gonna get made fun of because of that. You're gonna get beat up because of that. You're gonna get called names because of that. People are gonna hate you because of that. I'm telling you this now. You're going tonight back eventually. Even you know this. You're gonna win some fights, you're gonna lose some. You might end up getting suspended like me but it won't matter.

You know why? Because we're doing it for Dad and Daddy. You love them right? If you love them enough you'd be willing to fight for them no matter what. You got that? Because this is never gonna leave you. Never. So you better open your eyes and start fighting the real fight at hand: equality versus hatred. Think about it Sean. You can have a world where everyone is happy, peaceful, or something like what we have now. A place where people like us get made fun of because of what we like or who's our parents. I know that's not what you'd like but it's all we have left. Just fight the right fight and we'll be fine, okay?" Julian softened his grip on his brother.

Sean bit his lip. He'd never heard his brother talk more than one or two sentences at a time. This was probably going to be the most he'd ever hear him talk in his entire life. Instead he clung onto his brother tightly, he didn't want him to feel like he was alone in this fight.

"I'll fight," Sean said. "I'll fight for you and Dad and Daddy. I'll always fight."

"Thanks Tiger," Julian smiled and offered Sean a space in bed with him. "I love you, y'know."

"I know Jules," Sean sighed softly and climbed underneath the blankets. He snuggled closer to his brother and smiled when he felt him kiss his head softly. "I love you too."

(Alright guys don't hate me but the next chapter will be the end! I hope you've enjoyed it so far so prepare for a hopefully good ending that you guys will like)

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