11. He's Got A Crush

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John let the kids run into the lobby, their giggles and shrieks making the place a bit happier than usual. The man behind the desk gave him a small smile and handed the two boys candy. They loved when it was his shift.

Normally no one in the building could stand the Lennon kids, but it was nice when someone actually gave them a chance. They raced for the elevators and Julian won this time, pressing the button triumphantly while Sean sulked in his place. They screamed for their father when the elevator door opened and the man ran to the elevator before the doors could close with the boys inside it.

Sean got to press the button to the floor since Julian already did the elevator one. They were back on their floor in a matter of seconds with Julian running off to his room and slamming the door shut. Sean stayed with his father in an attempt to keep annoying him.

"Who are you going out with?" Sean asked. He helped his father pick up all his toys like any good boy should.

"Someone," John blushed. "You wouldn't know."

"How come?" Sean whined. "I wanna know!"

"If I tell you, you can't say anything. Promise?" John held out his pinky and watched as his boy's eyes went wide.

"Promise!" He linked his own pinkie around John's and climbed onto the couch, waiting for his dad to reveal who the mystery person was.

"It's Ringo," John said and Sean's squeals of excitement filled the room. "Quiet down!"

Too late. Julian had ran out the room, wondering what in the hell as going on in there. "Daddy? What's wrong?"

John's eyes pleaded with worry. Shut your mouth, shut your big fat fucking mouth.

"He's gonna go out with Ringo!" Sean said and Julian eyes widened.

"Why- wait. You like him!" Julian smiled. He began to dance circles around his father. "You like him! You really really like him!"

"Shut it!" John blushed.

"Daddy and Ringo sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g, first comes love then comes marriage, then comes-"

"Alright Julian we get it." John sighed.

Note to self: never tell them anything ever again.

John made an excuse to go to the bathroom and made sure to lock the door behind him. He had an anxious feeling in his chest, it rose and fell rapidly.

With shaking fingers he dialed the number and felt his heart stop until a voice came through on the third ring. "Hello?"

"Ringo," he sighed of relief. "Listen, I was wondering if you'd like to come back over."

"To babysit?" He asked.

"No actually," John said quickly. "I was hoping that maybe you'd like to just, y'know, hang out with me. I called up Paul and asked him to babysit the boys. It'll just be you and me."

"Just us?" He repeated and John felt his heart rate increase again.

"Just us." John clarified.

"I'll be there in a few." And with that Ringo hung up and John was jumping for joy and Julian was still wondering what in the hell is going on in this house.

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