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{~song for chapter: Pretend-Tinashe~}
Tazlynn's POV:
I wake up due to Ella tapping me like crazy
"Yes baby girl?" I say opening my eyes to see my curly haired daughter

{~song for chapter: Pretend-Tinashe~}Tazlynn's POV:I wake up due to Ella tapping me like crazy "Yes baby girl?" I say opening my eyes to see my curly haired daughter

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"Mommy I wanna go play!" She squeals jumping up & down
"Princess..mommy's tired.." I say gripping my head
I worked so hard last night..
I stood up so late..
Ugh plus having to put a 2 year old..
who's going through her terrible two's stage..to bed..
At that moment..I was like "Jack you ain't getting me preggo again.."
She pouts her bottom lip..
She's becoming her father..
"Mommy please.." she says batting her eyes innocently
"Get daddy sweetie..daddy will go play with you..mommy needs one more hour." I say
"No mommy I want you!" She says tearing up
I sigh & sit up
"Alright..you win." I say lifting her up & placing her on my lap
She giggles
"Your a meanie..mommy needs to sleep.." I whine
"But mommy.." she whines
Oh god I'm whining with a 2 year old..
I look over to see Jack recording it all on his iPhone
"JACK! PUT THAT DAMN PHONE DOWN" I say covering my face
"I look awful" I add as I cover my face with my pillow
"Noooo don't do that" he whines & snatches the pillow away from me
"No baby..please I look-"
I hear the camera click
I glare at him
He giggles
"Run boy..run.." I say
He raises a eyebrow
"You won't dare..-"
I stand up & glare at him again
"Unless you wanna wrestle here...you better run" I say
He nods & starts running down the stairs
I catch up with him in the living room..
I tackle him down the ground & hold him down
I start wrestling with him
He tries to move me off of him
But our daughter bangs her hand on the glass table saying
"1...2...3...! Mommy wins" she says jumping up & down
I laugh & Jack tickles my sides
I try to tickle him back but he instead grabs Ella & tickles us both
I tackle him again & we have another round of wrestling in the living room..
~during the afternoon~
I made lunch for the 3 of us..
Jack took a break from building the indoor studio in the house
His plan is to build a indoor studio in the house..
so he won't have to worry about leaving the house for studio time...
I liked the idea so I let him start building..
He sits down with me & Ella
"Eat your sandwich baby" I say to Ella
"I am ma" Jack says giggling
"Not you" I say chuckling
"It's Ella I'm talking to" I add
"Aww.." he says pouting
Damnit like father like daughter..I swear
I finish eating my lunch & I walk outside to check our mailbox..
I find loads of mail waiting for us..
I start going through them..
"Ooh Jack I found fan mail..we should save all of it & do a video of us opening it" I say
He nods & hides the many envelopes I handed him..
"We gotta check our P.O box too..I bet there's more" I say
He giggles & nods
"Yeah I bet." He says & wraps his arm around me
"What's that envelope?" He asks pointing to a red plush velvet envelope on the table
I shrug & I open it with Jack watching me..
Ella's playing with her toys..
"Your invited to the Baddie Reunion! Tazlynn Coleman..it's been 2 years since Keeping Up With The Baddies..we wanted you to come to the reunion..we hope you can make it..as it's so important to us at Keeping Up With The Baddies..your fellow housemates..will be back to join you for a 3 month adventure again..it's a reunion this time..but still there's challenges & prizes like usual..the winner of the $3 million prize..also gets a free cruise to whatever destination you desire..& more..including free passes to Disney World worth 4-5 years..since we obviously remembered your a
mother now...& a trophy with their name engraved on it..with "O.G. Baddie" written on it as well..hope you can come to the reunion it'd be fun...hopefully we'll see you soon. Love,your 2nd family from Keeping Up With The Baddies. Xoxo-"
Written on a long paper
I get excited..
"Jack they're having a reunion!!" I say jumping up & down
"You wanna go?" He asks
I nod
"We should pack.." I say giggling
He nods & we rush up the stairs..
Nayeli's POV:
"Johnson get the phone please..I'm dealing with the twins!" I say holding our twins
"Coming baby.." he says & rushes to the phone
He grabs it
I hear screaming coming from the phone
I place the kids in their playpen..
I walk over to Johnson
"Who is it?" I ask
"Lynn..the show's having a reunion.." he says shocked
I snatch the phone from him
"Sorry babe" I mouth to him as I do so
"Hello? Hey girl!" I say
"Heyyyyy girl check yo mail" Lynn says
"I never check my mail..why?" I ask
"Because the invite's in there..I'm sure.." she says
I nod & I cover the phone for a minute
"Johnson keep an eye on the twins..I'm gonna check the mail real quick.." I say
He nods & I uncover the phone
I unlock my mailbox & I see envelopes
I grab one that looked pretty fancy..
"Does it have red plush velvet on it?" I ask her
She squeals over the phone
"YESS" she screams basically
"Chill girl..I'm going deaf" I say laughing
I open the envelope....
"Your invited to the Baddie Reunion! Nayeli Johnson it's been 2 years since Keeping Up With The Baddies..we wanted you to come to the reunion..we hope you can make it..as it's so important to us at Keeping Up With The Baddies..your fellow housemates..will be back to join you for a 3 month adventure again..it's a reunion this time..but still there's challenges & prizes like usual..the winner of the $3 million prize..also gets a free cruise to whatever destination you desire..& more..including free passes to Disney World worth 4-5 years..since we obviously remembered your a
mother now to twins is that right?...the winner also gets a trophy with their name engraved on it & "O.G. Baddie" written on it as well..hope you can come to the reunion it'd be fun...hopefully we'll see you soon. Love,your 2nd family from Keeping Up With The Baddies. Xoxo-"
I squeal
"I READ IT YOU GOING???" I ask her
She screams
Johnson runs out with the twins on him
"What's up?" He asks looking worried
"The sky" I say smirking
He rolls his eyes playfully & I giggle
"I'll talk to you later..I'm packing right now" she says
My eyes widen
"Okay bye" I say
As I walk towards Johnson..
I drag him inside
"We're packing now!" I say dragging him up the stairs..
Jasmila's POV:
I'm sitting by the tv with Nate..
It's amazing how in 2 years..we don't got kids..or at least one
I wonder why..I mean we try..but the tests come out negative..
I got a dog that we take care of
He's a mixed breed
Half pitbull (uno dos tres dale😜) & half French bulldog
His coat is golden colored..that's why his name is Simba
Or as Nate calls him..
"King come over to daddy" Nate says to Simba
Simba jumps on top of Nate licking him
"I'm not kissing you after the dog licked you" I say cringing
He tries to kiss me purposely..
I see the mailman leave a envelope through my mail slot
I run over to the door & I see a red plush velvet envelope..
"Hmm,.." i mumble
I open it slowly & I read the letter inside..
"Your invited to the Baddie Reunion! Jasmila Maloley it's been 2 years since Keeping Up With The Baddies..we wanted you to come to the reunion..we hope you can make it..as it's so important to us at Keeping Up With The Baddies..your fellow housemates..will be back to join you for a 3 month adventure again..it's a reunion this time..but still there's challenges & prizes like usual..the winner of the $3 million prize..also gets a free cruise to whatever destination you desire..& more..including free passes to Disney World worth 4-5 years..the winner also gets a trophy with their name engraved on it & "O.G. Baddie" written on it..hope you can come to the reunion it'd be fun...hopefully we'll see you soon. Love,your 2nd family from Keeping Up With The Baddies. Xoxo-"
I gasp & dial quickly Tazlynn's number
"Lynn did you get a letter from-"
"I DID I DID..IM PACKING RN" she screams over the phone
"Whoa..someone had too much coffee this morning" I say laughing
I forgot I placed her on speaker phone..
So Nate yells
"I'm partially deaf now.."
"I can tell..your yelling at me..when I'm right next to you" I say laughing
Simba starts barking
"Simba...chill with that barking.." Tazlynn says
"I'm gonna start packing right now" I say smiling like a idiot
"Packing for what?" Nate asks
I show him the letter
"Oh yes we're going.." he says
I giggle
"Okay gotta go..byeee" Tazlynn says
"Gotta blast" I say
We hang up & I rush up the stairs with Nate to start packing..
Tazlynn's POV:
I stuff my luggage with my clothes..
"We're gonna be all reunited.." I say smiling..
Then my face drops..
"What's up?" Jack asks me
"Nothing..nothing.." I say
I wanna still go..
But I swear if Samantha's there..I'll do physical harm to her this time..
"Let's just finish packing & then pack Ella's stuff..then we can drive our way to the airport.." he says
"Okay.." I say sighing
I continue folding & stuffing clothes in my luggage..
This is gonna be interesting these 3 months..
There ya go!
We're starting this fanfic real quick!
I couldn't wait any longer..😂😂
Comment below which was your favorite moment/moments!‼️‼️
But I'll update later with the chapter of them..
Going to the airport,on the plane & arriving in New Jersey..
I gotta go now guys..
But thank you for the mad love & support you've shown me..
Also how quickly this series "Keeping Up With The Baddies" is getting reads & comments.
I'm really happy..the day I hit 100k reads on Nike or any of these..
I'll cry of happy tears..
Many years of writing on Instagram DM..& one thing happened..
on March 23rd it changed my life 💖💖💖
(P.S. it was late that night..so it was almost March 24th..but by the time..I uploaded my first ever chapter on here..it was March 24th..but I posted the intro to my first book on March 23rd..-Chrissy👸🏽👑⚡️~)
Thank you guys for being in my life..
When we hit one year..
I'll go more into depth over what happened..that made me start writing on here..
But again ily guys so much & thank you for being so supportive & loving 💖😍
Man I can't..even explain how happy I am for having you guys ❤️‼️
You guys stick by me no matter what & if I'm not feeling well..
you guys understand that I won't be able to upload new chapters..
I love y'all..you all are the realest🌹❤️
The haters....well get a life.😉
Tagged Favs;
Peace & Love💙

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