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{~Song for chapter: Stay-Zedd Ft Alessia Cara~}
Tazlynn's POV:
~2 days later~
I open my eyes & I see Jack staring at me..
He smiles at me
"Hello gorgeous" he says..
His voice is deep & raspy..
That means he just woke up a few minutes ago..
He pecks my lips & I smile
I run my fingers through his messy brown hair
"Today is the finale." He says
"Yay.." I say my voice hoarse
Due to me screaming all throughout the night..
We were all partying too hard last night..
He lifts my chin up with his finger
"We're gonna win & we're finally gonna relax in peace again." He says
"Yay I miss our home." I say pouting
He climbs out of bed & I follow him..
I walk over to the bathroom & I nearly let out a scream at the horrible sight
My hair all over the place & my cheeks bright red..
My eyes slightly baggy & my lips chapped..
I wash my face & I brush my hair out..
I tie it up in a perfect bun & I brush my teeth with my blue toothbrush..
I wash my mouth out & I rinse my mouth with mouthwash..
I go through my closet..

I put on a cute comfortable romper & I tie my hair up in a perfect ponytail

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I put on a cute comfortable romper & I tie my hair up in a perfect ponytail..
I put on a coral lipgloss & some eyeliner on my eyes..
I slip on nude heels & I grab my purse..
I walk downstairs to find everyone crowded around..
"Ah at last..the favorite couple has arrived & now we can head on outside." The host says
"We are doing one last challenge..luckily it's nothing with pies,whipped cream,any food item,jumping into pools or anything water related..it's a "how well do you know me really?" game..where you ask questions to your partner that you think they might know the answer to & see if they get it correct..remember couples the points are counted & added with the votes for the big finale tonight..the winning couple gets immunity. So good luck." The host says into his mic
I sit down in a lounge chair & Jack sits across from me..
"Let's get it started shall we?" The host says
"Once the alarm goes off the game it's over." The host adds 
We all nod & everyone else sits in their seats
"your time starts now!" He yells & the cameras surrounded every angle of everyone..
Including me & Jack..
"Jack baby..what do I put in my sandwich every morning?" I ask him & I cross my arms
He sees me make them everyday..so he must know the answer.
"You put first mayonnaise..then chicken breast..you sprinkle pepper on it..then you put lettuce & tomatoes..you even add bacon." He says smirking
"Yes very good handsome" I say & we high five each other
"You got it right!" I add smiling
"Okay..what's my biggest pet peeve." He asks me wiggling his eyebrows
"Since you have major OCD I know your biggest pet peeve is disorganization." I say laughing
He pouts
"It's not funny.." he says & flips me off
I peck his lips
"I'm joking baby." I say giggling..
~many..many..many questions later~
The alarm goes off & we all pause..
"Okay..let's see how well your partner did in the game." The host says
The leaderboard pops up & I see
[Jasmila & Nate: 26/30 questions correct. Total points: 2,000]
[Tazlynn & Jack: 29/30 questions correct. Total points: 2,500]
[Samantha & Derek: 17/30 questions correct. Total points: 1,000]
"Congrats Tazlynn & Jack..you've won immunity!" The host says
I scream & I jump on Jack
He laughs & twirls me around while Samantha rolls her eyes..
"We'll see you all here tonight for the finale!" The host says & I giggle..
~later in the night~
I choose to keep my outfit on..
Since I'm very pregnant & I wanted to be comfortable.
I walk out with Jack hand in hand & Nayeli is outside..
I hug her tightly & she smiles
"I'm performing again! I'll be performing with Johnson & this year the singer that will perform after us..is....Kehlani!!" Nayeli says excitedly
"Nate worked with her before..OMG!!" I say excited..
"Well it's time.." she says & leaves me to get on stage..
She puts in a ear piece & grabs the mic..
Music starts playing & Johnson starts rapping..
She sings yet another cover/ remix of a popular song..
"We found love in a hopeless place..we found love in a hopeless place." She sings perfectly
I record it all & post it on snapchat,Instagram etc..
~after the Nayeli's performance~
They leave the stage & the host gets on clapping
"Bravo to Nayeli & Johnson..Mr. & Mrs. Johnson slayed the stage didn't they?"
Jack bumps my arm slightly & signals me that Kehlani is about to step on stage..
He purposely moves me closer to the stage & she looks at me..
"Give it up for my girl Kehlani!" The host says & everyone cheers..
"Wow lots of beautiful people out here..what's your name beauty?" She says & bends down to me
She places the mic in my face.
I giggle
"Tazlynn." I say smiling like a idiot
"Wanna come on stage with me?" She asks
She winked at Jack..
This boy he did something didn't he?
Jack smirks & pushes me up on stage..
I get on & she hands me a mic..
Music starts playing & it's my favorite song of hers..
"Do me a favor..pick me up..take me out later..don't worry about no paper..cause I got much stacked up for nights like this." Kehlani sings perfectly
"My life can get crazy..I deal with shit on the daily..but baby I'm thinking maybe..we can agree to wanna to work it out like this." She sings
She signals me to start singing..
I blush & I close my eyes..
"I need you...to give me your time..I need you..to not wanna be mine" I belt out the words & sing it like a pro..
We both start singing the chorus..
"Are you down to be a distraction, baby? But don't distract me, let me ask you baby..do you..do you..do you..do you wanna be..a distraction baby?..do you..do you..do you..do you wanna be.." we sing & the music stops..
We bow down & she hugs me tightly
"Jack told me about your vocals but damn girl you fire..you need to hit me up..we need studio time..I see us cooking up some #1 hits." She says & leaves the stage..
"Omg I just sang with Kehlani" I say gasping & Jack hugs me
"You did it baby!" He says cheering me on
Jasmila & Nayeli are in shock.
"Damn those vocals!" They both say at the same time..
I giggle & the moment we've been waiting for comes..
Nayeli sits in the canopy with Johnson..
Me,Jack,Jasmila & Nate all hold hands..
While Samantha & Derek stare at us..
"So this is the top 3 congrats! This is huge for you all to even be here..so be proud of yourselves for making it this far along the road..2 years ago..this show sprung into popularity once you couples came into our house & you guys basically made the show amazing..i thank you all for doing this. I will sadly reveal the couple in 3rd place." The host says & pulls out a card..
"The couple in 3rd place is.."
"Jasmila & Nate?" He says & even he finds it ridiculous..
I gasp & Jasmila hugs me
"See you in the canopy bestie" she says smiling & runs off..
Wow she's a trooper.
She's also not a sore loser!
Samantha glares at me..
"Okay..the winner of Keeping Up With The Baddies..is.." the host says pulling out another card..
His face lights up & he smiles
"Tazlynn & Jack." He says
Me & Jack leap on each other..
Samantha throws a tantrum
"I refuse to believe this! I demand a recount..me & Derek were supposed to win..me & Derek are the ideal match..because we got married when I got pregnant..not got married once the child was 2 & already pregnant with baby number 2..is she really sure that ugly little girl is Jack's daughter?" She yells out
Derek yells
"BOYCOTT KUWTB!!!" He says
"Security!" The host yells & big guards come out..
They drag Samantha & Derek out..
I'm handed the trophy with "OG baddie: Tazlynn Gilinsky"
I smile & Jack carries me on his shoulders
I'm surprised since I'm pregnant..
We start celebrating & partying in the canopy in peace finally..
In your surgical plastered face SAMANTHA!!
{~and you know that..all you gotta do is stay..a minute.,just take..your time..the clock is ticking..so stay..all you gotta do is stay..a second your hands on mine..the clock is ticking..so stay..all you gotta do is stay..~}
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Tagged favs;❤️
Peace & Love💙

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