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{~song for chapter: Alive-Sia~}
Tazlynn's POV:
~the next day~
The host announced that the challenges for today were cancelled due to heavy rain.
So I stood in my room with Jack & Ella
I hear the sound of rain hitting my window
Just like when I was pregnant..I remember humming a certain tune to Ella..
Every single night..
I close my eyes slightly & Ella hugs me
I hum the sweet melody of the song..
I peak a little to see her falling asleep on me..
It always worked to calm her kicking habits in my belly..to this day..
It helps her go to sleep..
I sit up from the bed & I walk downstairs to get some food
I see Jasmila & Nate dressed up..
"Whoa someone's aiming to impress" I say eyeing Jasmila's outfit
A white long sleeved crop shirt with a high waisted flowy mint skirt & heels
She has her hair curled & stunning makeup on..
"I have to..we're going to Happy Ally Adoption Center..we want to impress the adoption agency." I say
"Babe I can't do this" Nate whines trying to fix his tie
I roll my eyes playfully & giggle
"Jack does this to me every single time he wants to wear a tie" I say
She giggles & fixes it for him
She puts on a jacket & leaves with Nate to the adoption agency..
Jasmila's POV:
I get all shaky as I walk into the large building..
I see the desk lady..
"Hello welcome to Happy Ally Adoption Center." She says with a smile
"Hi.." I stare at her name tag
"Sally" I add
"I set up a interview with Mrs. Orson" I say
"Yes she's right inside with another couple..I'll send you in once she's done" she says
We sit down & I sigh loudly
"Babe relax..it's gonna okay" Nate says
"No you relax..I wanna make a very good first impression..it's important!" I say
To be honest I'm completely stressed out.
In 24 hours I've gone from sad to stressed.
Nate places his hand on my thigh
"You know the interview is gonna last for 40 minutes right?" He says
"The couple she's handling right now.." he says
"Ok & you know this?"
"Let's go do something wild..something we haven't tried before yet." He says
"Why?" I ask him raising a eyebrow
"She's on break" he says & I look to see Sally gone
I look at him & he drags me into the women's bathroom..
He locks the door & I giggle lowly..
~after a while~
I walk out of the bathroom fixing my skirt
As I walk back to our seats when I hear
"Mr & Mrs Maloley?" Sally says into a mic
Me & Nate blush at each other
We walk across the long hallway & find ourselves at Mrs. Orson's office.
I knock on the door
"Come in please" I hear a voice say from behind the door
I open the door to see two young children running around
"Ah yes your the couple who called me yesterday right?" She says
I nod & we sit down
"Wow I must say..you are very beautiful! I mean your glowing!" She says
I smile but try to hide my face
as I turn red..
Nate smirks at me & smiles at the lady
"So what gender are you looking for?" She asks
"Well..it doesn't really matter. I would want any gender really." I say smiling
She stands up & walks over to the file cabinets
She pulls out a few files & walks back over
She sits down & opens the files up
She shows us the pictures of children
When I hear one of the children.
I saw running around say..
"Mommy can I have some strawberries"
I look down to see the same curly haired child pouting at the lady
"These are your kids?" I ask her
She nods
"I couldn't have any of my own..my husband & I divorced..so I adopted my kids. This is Paloma" she says & lifts a young little girl with wavy hair
Her skin a perfect tan..almost like my skin color.
"I adopted her from Santo Domingo I went on vacation there 7 years ago..I saw her & instantly had a connection. Loma say hi!" She says & the little girl waves at me
"Mami por qué es esta hermosa mujer aquí con un hombre feo?" the little girl says
The lady giggles & whispers something to the little girl in her ear
I see the little girl smile at me & the little girl says
"un niño o una niña?" She says
I raise a eyebrow
"I'm sorry..yo no hablo español" I say
"That's a lie you just did" she says with a thick Spanish accent giggling
I smile & she grabs my hand
She pulls me closer to her
She whispers in my ear
"Your too beautiful for him." She says
"Thank you Paloma but he's my husband" I say
She looks at Nate & smiles at me
"He better watch himself with you." She says & giggles
"Your very mature for a 7 year old!" I say laughing
"I'm 9 years old ma'am!" She says standing with her hands on her hips
"Oh my! You are a big girl!" I say giggling
"Loma how about you take Quentin with you to lunch with Sally" Mrs. Orson says
The little girl nods & grabs her younger brother
She waves at me & leaves..
"I'm guessing you would like mostly a girl" she says to me smiling
I nod
"I do like girls." I say looking at the pictures
Mrs. Orson says to me
"Girls are like the younger version of you that's why."
"Yeah I guess you can say that." I say
I look deeply at a picture of a little girl
She has blonde curly hair & beautiful crystal blue eyes
Her skin is tan & she's apparently almost 2 years old.
"What's her name?" I ask her pointing to the little girl
"Oh her..she's been here for almost 2 years now..her birth mother dropped her off at the local firehouse...never came back for her. So really we don't know her name or her birth mother's name." She says
"I like her a lot." I say
"Actually I feel tears building up in my eyes when I see her.." I add
"Is this the one you want?" She asks
I look at Nate
"Can we have a minute?" I ask her
She nods
"Take your time it's perfectly fine." She says & leaves her office
I look at Nate & grab his hands
"Nate she's a child who never met her mother..let's be the parents she never had. Sure she's bigger than we thought..I know you wanted a baby..like a newborn..but she's so perfect look at her." I say & show him the picture
He tears up a little
"She is beautiful." He says as his voice cracks a little
"Nate are we really ready for kids?" I ask him
"I am...are you?" He asks me
"I'm so ready..but it's like it's a huge step now we're taking"
"We're taking it together..the right way." He says & pecks my lips
"I love you" I say
He presses his forehead on mines
"Ready for a daughter?" I ask him
He nods & Mrs. Orson walks in..
"So...have you made up for mind yet? Or should I leave you two alone for more time?" She asks
"No no..we made up our mind.." Nate says
"We wanna adopt her" he adds smiling
"Great it's settled. The price is $10,000" she says
Me & Nate look at each other..
"$10,000..Nate you got money with you?" I ask him
He nods & reaches into his wallet
"Nate how do you carry around 10 grand? but when it comes down to paying a uber..I have to ask other people to help us out?" I ask crossing my arms
"Babe I just got this money" he says giggling
"Oh I'm sorry.." I say blushing & hiding my face
Well I feel like a idiot.
"It's okay babe." He says & hands Mrs. Orson the money
"We'll have you both meet her tomorrow & she'll go to live with you. but for now..you must sign the adoption papers." She says
We both sign the adoption papers & I sigh in relief after finishing it
"Congrats you both are new parents to a daughter!" She says
Me & Nate smile at each other..
We leave her office & head back to our car..
Nate grabs me by the waist & hugs me tightly
"I'm so happy.." he says tearing up a little
"Nate are you crying?" I ask him now tearing up myself
"Yes..because finally we'll be parents..I don't care if it's not our blood..she's still our daughter & I'll love her no matter what." He says
"We have to give her a name." I say smiling
"We have think of ideas for a name.." I add
Nate's his face lights up in delight as I say that
"I have some ideas.." he says
"Tell me at the house. I'm tired" I say & climb into the car
I slip of my heels
Which were hurting my feet badly..
I throw them to the back of the seat & buckle myself in
Nate turns on the car & looks at me
"Happy to be a mommy?" He asks me & focuses a mirror on me
I smile & nod
"Tired?" He asks
"Yup." I say popping the p
He kisses my hand & we drive off..
Can't believe we're gonna be parents!..
{~But I'll survive..I'm still breathing..I'm still breathing..I'm still breathing..I'm still breathing..I'm alive..I'm alive..I'm alive..I'm alive..~}
Tagged favs;❤️
Peace & Love💙

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