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{~song for chapter: Runnin' (Lose It All)- Naughty Boy ft Beyoncé~}
Tazlynn's POV:
~the next day~
I'm brushing my hair out as I get dressed..
Today we don't get a challenge..
So I'm chilling here in my room...
Jasmila rushes in my room groaning
"Omg are you okay?" I ask her
She shakes her head & throws up in the sink.
I hold her hair up & I rub her back..
"Oh god" I say as I feel my stomach turn..
I rush to the toilet..
I puke in the toilet & I cough a little..
Nayeli rushes in & grabs both of us..
"Okay what's up? You both are sick?..we didn't get food poisoning..because we all ate the same food.." Nayeli says
"You both might be pregnant" she adds raising a eyebrow
"It's impossible..I'm infertile & she hasn't had action in weeks" Mila says pointing at me
I roll my eyes playfully..
"Thank you so much for that brilliant explanation Mila" I say trying not to laugh.
"We did get some action yesterday.." I add & they gasp
"But we used protection!" I say quickly
"It probably broke.." Nayeli says smirking
"You both gotta get the tests" she adds
"Yeli you crazy girl..do I have to prove to you that I'm not pregnant?!" I say
"Yeah do we really have to?" Jasmila says
"Yes..we're going to the store" Nayeli says
"But the boys are downstairs..they won't let us leave in the rain" I say
Nayeli rushes downstairs
I follow her & Jasmila eventually walks downstairs..
I see the boys outside smoking & drinking..
"They're busy..it's our chance!" Mila says
"Alright.." I say signing & I put a white sweater over my clothes.
I'm wearing a regular white loose tee & long pants with slippers.
I climb into my car & I drive to the nearby CVS with the girls...
"Who's going inside?" Mila asks
"YOU GO" we all say at the same time & pointing at each other
"There's only one way to settle this" I say
"Rock,paper,scissors!" I shout & I make a fist
"Aw damnit she broke my scissors!" Mila says pouting
Now it's me & Yeli..
"Rock,paper,scissors..." I say & I lay my hand flat..
She made a fist..
"I win" I say & cover her fist
"What? No..." she says shaking her head
"Paper covers rock." I say pulling out my phone..
"Whatever y'all suck" Yeli says & flips us off.
We laugh & close the car doors on her..
She can't reopen the door again & she tries to pull on the handle..
She bangs on the window laughing  & walks inside the CVS..
Nayeli's POV:
"Hello..where's the pregnancy tests?" I ask the very young cashier girl
"Where the condoms are at duh" she says rolling her eyes
"I don't know what that was...but imma let you slide today" I say sighing
I walk to the condom aisle & I search for the pregnancy tests..
"Excuse me.. I can't find any" I say & I can't find any pregnancy tests.
She sucks her teeth & walks over with attitude plastered over her face..
"Listen old lady. I said they are here..do you need your hearing aid?" She snaps
"Old lady? I'm literally only a few years older than you." I say rolling my eyes
This girl's 17 & I'm 24 years old..
There's only a 7 year age gap between us..yet she makes it seem like I'm 60 years old.
"Whatever lady.." she says
"Is something wrong here?" The manager says & the young girl freezes..
"Yes actually I was just asking your cashier girl..where was the pregnancy tests at..she rolled her eyes at me..I let her slide..but when I told her they weren't here..she snapped." I say crossing my arms..
"I'm ashamed of her actions. I'm sorry miss. For the experience you just went through..for that..the pregnancy tests are free of charge." The manager says & walks me in the back room..
"We sold out on the racks..but we were suppose to restock earlier..she must've forgot" the manager says & hands me a pregnancy test kit
"I'll need 2" I say
"Of course you can never be so sure" the manager says smiling & hands me another..
"Thank you sir..goodnight" I say
"Goodnight miss" he says & waves goodbye..
I open the car door & I climb in..
Tazlynn's POV:
She looks happy inside the car..
"I got your tests girls..let's do this. Nayeli says & we drive back home...
We park the car & sneak upstairs with the boys noticing..
I go first & i gulp down a entire water bottle..
I pee on the pregnancy stick & Jasmila sets the timer for 5 minutes..
We stay waiting & waiting..
I circle the bathroom biting my lip nervously..
"Ella's only 2 & she's going through the terrible twos stage." I say sighing
The timer goes off & the girls get excited..
They crowd around me as I grab the test
I look down to see..
I'm pregnant. Again.
I gasp & I almost pass out..
"Whoa there girly..it's okay now..Ella's 2 it's okay to be pregnant again" Mila says
"But..omg another little baby I'm so happy" I say & tear up with happy tears..
Mila sits down on the toilet & pees on the pregnancy test
I set the timer for her..
Just like me..she has to wait 5 minutes..
She looks at me..
"Girls I know what that test is gonna say..it's gonna say negative. If it does..don't show me..It's bad enough I cry sometimes because of me being infertile" Jasmila says tearing up..
I hug her tightly & Nayeli joins in us in a group hug..
"I love you girls so much" Mila says
The timer goes off & she sighs loudly..
"Okay..let's see." She says & inhales slowly..
She holds her breath & grabs the test..
Jasmila's POV:
I grab the test & I close my eyes for a second..
I know I'm not pregnant...
Because it's impossible if I am...
I look down to see the most shocking result..
"Wait what? How is this possible??" I say tearing up
"Sometimes it happens" Nayeli says tearing up
I see Lynn tearing up in the corner..
"I'm pregnant." I say in barley a whisper with a tear rolling down my cheek.
"I'm pregnant." I say again a little more louder..
I smile & I let out a loud holler
"I'm pregnant! Take that you silly doctor! I'm pregnant with my husband's baby" I say & the girls hug me..
"Now to tell the lucky men" Nayeli says..
Both me & Lynn giggle..
We walk back into Lynn's room & we try to brainstorm ideas to surprise the boys..
Tazlynn's POV:
I'm pregnant & Jasmila's pregnant...
Both amazing & one is a miracle....
I'm so happy I'm pregnant again..but to tell Jack..
Omg our wedding!!!..
We'll have to move up the date!!!...
{~memories turn to dust..please don't bury us..I got you..I got you..running..running..running..ain't running from myself no more...I'm ready to face it all..I ain't running...running..running..running..running from myself no more..together we'll win it all..if I lose myself...I'll lose it all.~}
I love you guys so much💋💋💋
Thank you guys for the massive love & support 💜💜💜
Comment below your favorite moment & your thoughts about this chapter.👌🏼💜
Tagged favs;❤️
Peace & Love💙

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