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{~song for chapter: Temperamental Love-Bridget Mendler Ft Devontée~}
Tazlynn's POV:
~a week later~
With the finale creeping up in 2 days..
I've been so nervous on top of that.
I went to the doctors & they said they see the gender of the baby.
But I'm throwing a gender reveal party tonight.
So I told them to put it in a envelope & I didn't bother looking at it.
I even had them put the sonogram pictures of the baby..
In the envelope also.
I'm driving home from the doctors with Jack in the drivers seat..
I looked outside the window & I saw the most beautiful sunset..
"You look different" Jack says smiling & grabbing my hand..
"I'm so just so excited to find out what we're having" I say giggling
"It's a baby..that's what we're having" Jack says giggling
I slap his arm playfully
"I know that smartass" I say rolling my eyes playfully
We finally pull up to the front of the house.
"Let's get changed in my room." Jack says & we walk to the front door..
"You mean our room?" I say smirking & twisting the key in
"It is still mine..you have your own room" Jack says
"Only for another week or two" I say & I get on my tip toes..
Since he's way taller than me & I'm a tiny bean next to him..
I struggle to reach his face properly & I guess he noticed.
He picks me up in one swift motion & now I'm against the wall..
"Jack we need to go-"
He interrupts me by kissing me..
"Oh DAMNNNN" I hear..
I blush & I hide my face in embarrassment
I see Jasmila with everyone behind her & covering not only Ella's eyes..but Izabella's too
"Sorry about that." I say & move away from Jack..
Jack smirks at me & I walk inside..
I see the inside of the house decorated to perfection & I see Jasmila walking towards me
"I have this for you." She says & hands me a shopping bag.
I smile & I reach in
I pull out a pink dress & she smiles
"I got it for you so you didn't have to rush so much. Just get dressed. Fix your hair a bit & come out here! The party starts in literally 20 minutes!" She says & pushes me up the stairs
She drags me to the bathroom & I change in there..
I brush my hair out & I tie it up in a high ponytail
I put the dress on & slip on comfortable flats
I walk out of the bathroom & Jasmila hugs me
"You look stunning" she says

I brush my hair out & I tie it up in a high ponytailI put the dress on & slip on comfortable flats I walk out of the bathroom & Jasmila hugs me "You look stunning" she says

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I take a picture of myself in a mirror
I put on a white crown with fluff on the lining of it & I put on a "Mom-To-Be" stash over the dress..
Jack steps in & we take a cute picture together..
"I can't wait to find out what we're having babe" Jack says & hugs me tightly
"It's a baby." I say mocking his words from earlier
He laughs & squeezes me tighter..
I take a look at the cake..
It looks perfect & I'm in love with it.
It's a simple marble cake with white frosting on it..
But the color of the gender is inside & we even have two boxes.
One next to me & one next to Jack.
When I slice into the cake..my dad & Jack's dad will try to open the boxes slowly...
When I pull out the slice..they will open the boxes at the same exact time.
"It has started!!" Jack says & I look over my shoulder.
To see everyone walking in even Nayeli..
"Hi guys!" I say hugging her & Johnson
"Hey boothang..please let it be a girl!" Nayeli says pleading
"I'll be happy with whatever honestly." I say smiling
"Well hello babies" I smile at the kids
"Where's Ella?" One of the twins ask me
I look over & I see my adorable daughter walk down the stairs
"I'm here guys!" She says in her blue & pink dress
She hugs the twins & Nayeli walks over to me..
"Future besties" she says referring to the kids..
I see my dad walk in with my mom & siblings
"Dad!" I say & I hug him
"Sweetie! You look beautiful." He says
"My goodness your glowing & only 3 months along? You look further ahead" my mom says
"Thank you mom" I say laughing & rubbing my own big belly
"We brought you someone" my mom says
"Who?" I ask
She stays quiet & walks me to the front door..
I poke my head out of the door & I look around
"I don't see anyone" I say turning back to my mom
She points to the front of me & I turn around..
I see a tall man with a fresh short haircut & a army outfit on
I eyed the man closely & I teared up at the sight
"Omg its you!" I say running into his arms
"I missed you so much lil sis" he says tearing up also
"I'm here to tell you. I'm retiring from the service. It's been such a long time. You were 15 the last time I saw you..tell me how has your life has been?" He says completely emotional
"Well..you can tell I'm pregnant" I say giggling
"Mommy who's that?" I hear from below me
I look down to see Ella pulling on my leg
"Ella this is your uncle William" I say & pick her up
"You can call me Uncle Billy baby girl" he says to her
"I like your hair" she says running her fingers through it..
Even though it's very short..he seemed to left some hair.
"Girl it's time!" Nayeli yells
"Let's get the reveal started shall we?" I say & William walks inside with me..
To be continued...
{~Girl, you ain't the only one that's all alone..Hell, I'm only seeing you on the phone..What's a FaceTime? I need face-to-face time...Calls being dropped, you think it's all my fault...I'm in the hills, girl, and I'm working extra hard...Don't let the long distance make a mess of us...Or make you think I'm less involved...I'll call you tomorrow, I'm tired of this,Temperamental love taking over me...All the lows shake my bones every time you leave..But I can't escape the thought of you, boy...But I can't escape the thought..But I can't escape the thought of you~}
Sorry for not updating for nearly a week..
I had really bad Writers Block & I couldn't get any ideas at all..
Now I'm back & I hope this chapter makes up for it..
The next chapter will the continuation of this chapter.
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#TeamBlue or #TeamPink ? 🤗💖💙
Tagged favs;❤️
Peace & Love💙

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