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{~Song for chapter: Sunday Candy-Chance The Rapper ft Jamila Woods~}
Tazlynn's POV:
~a few minutes later~
Everyone's crowded around & I grab Jasmila's hand..
"We're both pregnant & I decided..we're both doing a gender reveal. We planned it out like that." I say
Completely surprising Jasmila.
My parents & Jack's parents planned it out just like this.
One box is gonna be the reveal of my baby & one box is the reveal of hers.
We both have to cut from two different angles from the cake.
I walk over to the table & everyone has their phones out..
"Hello welcome back to Keeping Up With The Baddies!! Today's episode..it's Tazlynn & Jasmila's gender reveal party! We will find out the genders tonight folks!" The host says into his mic..
Large cameras circling the room & bright lights around..
Jack hands me a knife & Nate hands Mila one..
Everyone starts counting down..
As I slowly move my hand further & further down..
I cut into the cake & Jasmila cuts into the cake as well..
"3...2....1!" .
Jasmila pulls out hers first & it's a pink inside the cake.
She jumps up & down in excitement while everyone is cheering.
I hug her tightly while I'm screaming my head off..
"Omg it's a girl!" I say smiling big
"Your turn!" She says & grabs her phone
She records me as I slowly pull the slice out..
I look & she gasps.
I see blue in the inside.
Jack screams & I scream louder than him..
I hug her tightly & Nayeli runs towards us..
"TEAM BOY & GIRL" she says & takes a selfie with us..
Jack takes the slice of cake I cut..
He smears it on my face..
I glare at him & smear frosting on his face..
He looks at me & soon it becomes a cake war..
Everyone starts throwing pieces of cake all over the place..
I duck down & hide with Ella..
I peak up & I throw a piece of cake at Nate.
It lands on his shirt & he throws a piece at me..
I quickly move & it instead lands on the wall..
The cake war continues for what seemed hours & then the drinks came out.
Which is unfair I'm pregnant & I can't drink.
I drink my virgin Piña Colada..
Which is the drink without alcohol..
I sip on it & Jasmila walks over to me..
Drinking a "Virgin Shirley Temple" another drink without alcohol in it.
She sits down with me..
I wipe my face with a towel & my face is now clean of frosting...
I hand it to her & she cleans her face with it..
"So our babies gonna date?" She asks me giggling
"I don't know..it'd be amazing. We'll be in laws then!" I say
She tears up with excitement
"I can't wait to have this little girl" she says cuddling up with me
"I can't wait to have my little prince." I say rubbing my small yet large belly..
"With this kind of party..who needs a baby shower." She says
"Your right. Haha" I say laughing..
We walk outside & dip our feet in the pool..
"Look at the daddies over there" Jasmila says referring to Jack & Nate
"I know.." i say..
Izabella & Ella come running out..
They strip into their bathing suits & jump into the water..
Causing us to get completely wet by them splashing into the water..
We laugh it off & continue chilling by the pool..
It's times like this I love the most..
{~slowly..taking my body like its holy..I've been waiting for ya..for the whole week...I've been praying for ya..your my Sunday candy..~}
Tagged favs;❤️
Peace & Love💙

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