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{~song for chapter: Deep-Big Sean ft Lil Wayne~}
Tazlynn's POV:
I walk in & Ella's now holding my hand
Jack's behind us
I gasp seeing the house..perfectly polished..
As if no one was ever here..
It hasn't changed a bit..
The stairs still shiny gold & the living room's flat screen still up on the wall..
"The rest of the crew will arrive in 20-30 minutes..so your pretty early...that means you get a head start to unpack & get dressed." The host says
"I'll change..but not unpack yet" I say smiling
"Alright..you remember your room right?" The host asks me
I nod & walk up the stairs with Jack & Ella
I open my old room's door & see the velvet sheets on the bed.
I squeal
it's the same way as I remembered it
"Ella look..mommy used to sleep in here.." I say
She gasps & climbs on the bed
"Mommy it's beautiful.." she says
"Okay let's get changed..we don't got much time" I say & rush to get dressed..
~after a while~

I have on a light pink cropped long sleeved shirt & a white skirt I put on my stockings & I slipped on my beige heels I tie my hair into a perfect ponytail & I curled my hair So my curls are shown in my ponytail & i start doing  my makeup After I ...

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I have on a light pink cropped long sleeved shirt & a white skirt
I put on my stockings & I slipped on my beige heels
I tie my hair into a perfect ponytail & I curled my hair
So my curls are shown in my ponytail & i start doing my makeup
After I finished with my makeup & I started working on Ella's hair
She's dressed up all cute..

I giggle & tie her hair into two cute separate braids I kiss her forehead "Okay your done baby" I say She looks at the mirror & smiles "Thank you mommy" she says "Lets go my beautiful ladies" Jack says smiling & dressed up nicelyHe has a white but...

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I giggle & tie her hair into two cute separate braids
I kiss her forehead
"Okay your done baby" I say
She looks at the mirror & smiles
"Thank you mommy" she says
"Lets go my beautiful ladies" Jack says smiling & dressed up nicely
He has a white buttoned shirt & dark denim jeans with Jordan's on
He styled his hair after getting dressed up & I stare in awe at him
How could he dressed up so simple & look so handsome..
I wanted to jump on him..so badly..
I've been deprived from having alone time with him due to Ella
Ella gets up & walks out of the bathroom
"Mommy I'm gonna go downstairs" she says
I nod & she leaves the room
Jack closes the bathroom door & locks it
He looks in the mirror
"Well..she definitely takes the looks after you" he says adjusting his shirt
I smirk & walk over to him
I bit my lip & wrapped my arms around his neck
He smirked & kissed me..
It was so passionate..I hadn't gotten these type of kisses..in a long time..
He looks around..even though it's locked
"Don't worry the door's locked.." I say winking
He lifts me into the bathroom counter & wraps my legs around his waist
He kisses down my neck
"Jack as much I wanna do this..everyone's downstairs & I really wanted to see them.." I say
"Cmon..they can wait a extra 30 minutes right?" He asks & smirks at me
"Your right...." I say & he leans in
He kisses me passionately & I run my fingers through his hair..
So far this is the most heated make out we've had in a while..
We have to wait until Ella's asleep..for us to make out like this..
He grabs my ass during the kiss & I giggle
"Yo whatcha doing in there?" I hear Jasmila's voice from the door
She bangs on the door repeatedly
"Cmon Jack" I whisper
As I try to move away
"Relax..tell her we'll be out in a bit" he says & unbuttons his shirt
"Are you two getting freaky???!!" She yells
Aw shit.
I hop off the counter & fix my outfit..
Damnit we only kissed..
It's something though..
I unlocked the door to reveal Nate & Jasmila smirking
"Well..I hope that was fun for you two" Mila says
"Chill out..he was helping me with my makeup..which matter of fact..I gotta reapply lipstick..I just noticed that" I say coming up with a complete lie
She sees it though
"Really? I see Gilinsky buttoning his shirt..aye it's okay girl..me & Nate always hook up..anytime..anywhere..everywhere.." she says looking at Nate & Nate grabs her ass
"Ew you two" I say & we walk downstairs...
{~I just gotta wake my ass up out of my sleep though..~}
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Peace & Love💙

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