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{~song for chapter: Hold Up-Beyoncé~}
Tazlynn's POV:
~later in the day~
Suddenly it got very hot during the rest of the day..
Even worse..
The air conditioning machine broke down..
So the host sent the guy to come fix it..
But he's taking forever..
I'm sweating my ass off in the living room & I wanna just strip out of these clothes
Jack walks in & I roll my eyes at him..
I take this to my advantage..
To mess with him..
"Oh I'm so hot..I think I'm gonna go change" I say loudly & bend down slowly
I can feel Jack's eyes on me & I hear the sofa next to mines move
I look over to see him sitting..
I smirk & I walk upstairs..
I change into my bathing suit

I love it & I feel sexy in it at the same time

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I love it & I feel sexy in it at the same time..
I then reach into my bag & spray myself with sunscreen
I cover Ella in some also..
While she's in her little bathing suit..
Her hair is in pigtails & I curl my hair
I leave it loose & I let the curls bounce down my back..
I slip on black low heel sandals & adjust my sunglasses a little
I put on waterproof mascara & eyeliner..
Not doing too much of a wing with the eyeliner..
I then spray my chest & hair with my favorite Gucci perfume
I inhale the scent & I sigh in relief..
I stuff my essentials in my beach bag & Ella grabs my hand
"Mommy lets go" she says repeatedly
I giggle & follow her out of our room..
I walk downstairs & I walk slowly..
As I see everyone staring at me..
As if this was Paris Fashion Week & I'm the main model to arrive on the runway..
I put on a clear yet light pink tinted lipgloss..
I smile & grab Ella's hand..
"Where you going sexy?" Jasmila asks smirking
"The beach. Any of you wanna come?" I ask raising a eyebrow
They all scramble to get dressed..
"I'll take that as a yes" I say smirking
Jack walks towards me...
"Babe..you look-"
"First. Not your babe...we clarified this & second I know I look good okay?" I say with sass
"I didn't mean to hurt you.." he says
"Lies you tell Jack..if you really want me back..you gotta show me if your man enough to be with me...Jack that move you pulled earlier today..damnit you made me look like a fool. I'm with our daughter Jack..OUR. Daughter all day & you didn't think of us when Samantha came over..no right?..get out of my face." I say & push him away
"Mommy where's daddy going?" Ella asks pointing to Jack walking away from me
"Daddy's gonna get some air..how about we go to the car to start up our fun day huh?" I say
She nods & we run outside..
I turn on the car & Ella climbs in the car
I climb in the drivers seat..
I see Jasmila & Nayeli rushing towards the car..
"Come come girls hurry" I say & they all climb in..
"Oh the boys take Nate's car" Mila yells loudly to the boys..
We drive out of the driveway & i laugh when I see a upset Samantha..
Running out of the house with a beach bag & throwing a tantrum..
My phone rings & I put the phone on speaker
"Yes?" I say
"Lynn that wasn't nice...you left Samantha back there..she wanted to come with y'all" Jack says
"I don't care..if she wasn't a homewrecking piece of shit..maybe I would've let her in the car...the fact you stick up for your little girlfriend is very cute Jack..." I say rolling my eyes
Forgetting the fact the girls are in the backseat..
"Lynn.." he says but I cut him off
"go worry about her Jack..she's more important to you..than me & your daughter" I say I hang up on him & I tear up quietly
"Lynn what's going on?" Mila asks frowning
"Mila give her some space.." Yeli says while rubbing my shoulder
"No no..girls i gotta tell you guys something..I'm ending things with Jack." I say
"What why?" Mila asks shocked
"He cheated didn't he?" Yeli says making a fist
"Calm down Yeli..but yes he did..with Samantha..that evil bitch!" I say & I hit my steering wheel with my fist
"Whoa road rage alert" Mila says with wide eyes
I sigh
"I'm sorry girls..but I had to let it out..it was killing me..i don't want this ruining our beach day..so forget about it..it's already thought of..I'm ending things..I gave him back the ring...he can visit Ella..but he cannot be with me..or see me." I say frowning
"We're here for you girly..we're gonna beat Jack's culo.." Jasmila says
"we told that dumbass not to screw up & he DID. Now he's gonna pay" Yeli says
We arrive at the beach & I look at them..
As I park the car..
"Girls..I love you both" I say & hug them
We unload the car..
We place our towels & blankets on the ground in the beach..
We lay down in the sand & the girls brought their kids with them..
So the twins,Izabella & Ella all are playing in the sand..
Making sandcastles..
"Girls I love being a mom" Jasmila says looking at Izabella
"All 3 of us like being a mother.." I say
We all giggle & I let out a mumble
"What's wrong now?" Yeli asks
"The boys are here. I hear them" I say rolling my eyes..
Yeli stands up quickly & I push her down..
"Not now." I say
"Ok..but he is getting his ass whooped today." Yeli says making a fist..
I giggle & the boys arrive..
Derek sits down & he looks at me..
"Wow you look beautiful Lynn.." Derek says winking
"Thanks Derek..you look hot today" I say & lick my lips looking at him..
"Wanna walk around the beach with me ma?" He asks smirking
I nod & grab his hand..
I notice Jack & Samantha staring..
I smirk & wrap my arms around Derek..
"Hey Derek..you got something on you.." I say
"Where?" He asks searching his body
I kiss him softly & I pull away from his lips
"There.." I say smiling
"Wow..you like me?" He asks
"Yes." I say
"But you & Jack..Ella..what?"
"Jack & I are over..nothing will change about Ella..she's my daughter & I love her..I'm raising her & he's only gonna see her twice a week..when we officially split..it'll be like we always wanted Derek..,you & me..only there's a plus one..if you don't mind.." I say
He leans in & kisses me..
"Will you Tazlynn Coleman be my girlfriend?" He asks
I nod & I see Jack angry looking at us..
I giggle when Derek hugs me tightly..
I see Samantha run away having one of her tantrums..
This is Payback bitch..
{~what's worse?..looking jealous or crazy?..or like being walked over lately..walked on over lately..I rather be crazy..hold up,,they don't love you..like I love you..slow down..they don't love you..like I love you..can't you see..there's no other man above you..what a wicked way..to treat the girl that loves you..~}
I love you guys‼️‼️✨✨💋💋💋❤️❤️❤️
Tagged favs;❤️
Peace & Love💙

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