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{~song for chapter: Bad Things-Machine Gun Kelly ft Camila Cabello~}
Tazlynn's POV:
~2 days later~
It's been 2 days since Izabella arrived..
I never seen Jasmila so happy in her life...
The challenges are going well so far..
I won earlier today's challenge & Jasmila won the challenge yesterday..
I've been so wrapped up in the lives of my best friend..
I clearly forget it's me & Jack's anniversary.
I'm embarrassed that I forgot it so easily.
But it's not my fault.
I have a lot on my plate...
Too many things going on in my mind..
If I'm alone for too long..I'll lose my mind.
I sit down on the couch with Ella watching Sofia The First.
It's her favorite show & I have to sit through it..
Mostly to keep her happy & calm..
I feel a tap on my arm & I look over my shoulder
"Yes handsome?" I ask winking
He pecks my lips & Ella covers her eyes
"Mommy! Daddy!" She squeals
Jack lifts her up & tickles her
She's spending time with her dad..
So naturally..
I couldn't resist myself..
I pressed the record button on my iPhone & started recording them
He then looks right into the camera & says
"This is the day Tazlynn Coleman died!" He says & lunges on me
I squeal & the camera shuts off..
He tickles me & tackles me down the floor..
Ella starts hitting him & trying to climb on top of him.
"Jack cmon" I whine
"No. it's our anniversary today." He says pouting & stays sitting his fat ass on me
"I don't care. Jack cmon please move your ass" I say
"What does the word Ass mean mommy?" Ella asks me repeating the word
"Don't say that word Ella! Jack I'm going to beat your ass..what the hell!" I say
"Whoa whoa..what's going on?" Jasmila says walking downstairs with Izabella
"Jack won't get his fat ass off of me." I croak out
I can't breathe with his large body on mine.
That sounds so wrong..
She jumps on him & tackles him off of me
I stand up & he stands up with wild messed up hair
I giggle & walk upstairs.
I lay down in the bed & i grab my iPhone
I go scrolling through Instagram & I see a photo posted by Samantha
I gasp & almost drop my phone
It's Samantha & Madison together smiling
"Besties forever" the caption said
I feel nervous & I leap off the bed
I walk downstairs & grab myself a glass of water..
As I'm gulping down my water.
Samantha pops up downstairs..
Everyone is not inside.
Only me & Samantha.
Everyone else is in the back of the mansion at the pool.
Which I'm thinking of getting in it now...
"Scared?" She says smirking
"Huh?" I ask almost choking on my water
I cough a little & she stands there with her arms crossed
"Are you scared that me & your little fiancé's ex are friendly? that means we both can ruin your pathetic life." She says flipping her hair
"Stop flipping your extensions bitch" I blurt out
"This are not extensions you dirty hoe." She yells out
I smirk
"I'm upsetting you..that's means I'm getting to you." I say smirking
"You should shut your ass up Tazlynn. What a ugly name for a girl. Thank god my mother loved me enough to name me a beautiful name." She says scoffing
"Your name is so common it's sickening" I say laughing in her face & clutching my stomach
Does she think her taunting of my name will make me mad?
It only makes me laugh.
"What kind of name is that for your daughter? Janella Finn..i always say name the girls the most beautifulest names but nooo..you peasants always give the worse names..ugly ass names that marks them as a mistake. LIKE YOU & YOUR DAMN DAUGHTER. She was a mistake & we both know that too Tazlynn. She is more uglier than you..it's a shame a handsome man like Jack..downgraded when he could've had me." She says
"well your daughter's gonna be a stripper & don't you dare speak about my daughter..when you were planning to place yours up for adoption. Yeah right? Because you thought it wasn't Derek's. Shameful of you to talk shit. I love my daughter..I never wanted to get rid of mines or give it up for adoption. She's beautiful & she's only ugly to you..because your daughter is ugly unlike mines..mines will win any beauty pageant" I say smirking
She groans & runs away
"Yes run away..like you always do...you know what?..Vete Al Infierno Puta" I say loudly
"WTF does that even mean?" She yells
"IT MEANS GO TO HELL SLUT" I yell back at her
"IM NOT A SLUT" she says shocked
"yes you are. A big one too. I'm surprised you haven't caught anything yet." I say
"UGHH YOU GO TO HELL Tazlynn..YOU & THAT UGLY MISTAKE OF A CHILD." She says & slams her bedroom door
I turn around to see Ella almost crying
"I'm a mistake mommy?" She says with tears building up in her eyes
I wanna cry seeing this..
Once again..there goes Samantha ruining other people's lives.
I bend down & I lift her chin up with my finger
"No you are not. Samantha is just a very jealous person babygirl. you are the best thing that's ever happened to me. I learned to be a mother. Which is a beautiful thing to learn. I love you so much Ella..don't listen to hateful people okay?" I say
She nods
"Okay mommy" she says
She hugs me tightly & I wipe her tears
"Be careful around her daughter okay?" I say
"You got it mommy!" She says smiling
"Now lets go make you a peanut butter & jelly sandwich" I say & we walk to the kitchen
~later in the day~
Ella fell asleep early..
It's 10:00.
Which means I can meet up with the rest of crew at the club.
I'm looking for a outfit & it's a struggle.
I cover my mouth quickly..
when I feel someone grab me
I turn around to see Jack giggling
He scared the shit out of me.
Which lead me to let out a scream.
Which luckily is muffled through my hand.
"Ella's asleep..no one's home.." he says kissing down my neck & he smiles at me
As he leans in to kiss me..
"We are going to the club Jack." I say moving my face away
I'm trying not to laugh as his reaction changes
"Wait what? Your telling me on the only night we can be alone..we're going out?" He says raising a eyebrow
"Yes. Maybe I'll have you rent a hotel room out for us two at the end of the night" I say winking
He smirks & kisses me
"Woman your gonna be the death of me." He says & grabs my ass
"Okay mister hands off" I say slapping his hands away
I pick out a outfit & I push him out of the closet..

" He says & grabs my ass"Okay mister hands off" I say slapping his hands away I pick out a outfit & I push him out of the closet

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I get dressed & I walk out in my outfit
I hear wolf whistles coming from Jack.
I turn around to see him in a dressy white shirt & slacks
"Like what you see?" He says winking
I blush & slap his arm playfully
"Lets go handsome" I say & we walk downstairs
To see Nayeli,Johnson,Nate & Jasmila waiting for us
We leave with them & the host reassures me..
That the kids will be okay.
I nod & I climb in the limo..
"Let's get this party started!" Jasmila says & pours tequila shots for all of us
We take the shots & we start dancing in the limo to the music..
I'm so happy me & Jack are going out..
It feels like when we were first together..
When we used to go to the clubs all the time..
I look over to see Jack dancing weird purposely
I start laughing & he grabs my waist
He kisses my forehead & then my lips
I love this silly boy..
{~no matter what you say,no matter what you do,I only wanna do bad things to you,so good,that you can't explain it,what can I say?,it's complicated..~}
Tagged favs;❤️
Peace & Love💙

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