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{~song for chapter: Oui-Jeremih~}
Tazlynn's POV:
-after the flight-
We're picked up by a limo..sent by the host himself..
The driver places our bags in the trunk..
We climb into the limo & I'm surprised by the host..
Who looks different..
2 years does good for someone..
"Welcome back!" He says greeting me
"Thank you..I know I was a bit of trouble with you..2 years ago" I say giggling
He smirks
"Trouble? You almost beat me up.." he says laughing
Jack raises a eyebrow at me
"I wasn't in the best of mood when they picked me up" I say laughing
"Now I see this is Ella" he says & focuses the camera on our daughter
Who's now awake & playing with my phone..
It keeps her busy..it helps that I downloaded apps just for her..
That are for kids only..
There's a little section for them & it's called "Ella's Faves"..
While all of my personal apps are all over the phone..
she doesn't get to tap into them..thank god.
"So in 2 years time..what is happening so far?" He asks
"A lot actually..I'm launching a makeup line on my birthday & Jack's been working hard in the studio with Johnson & they are releasing a new album pretty soon...& I'll be popping up in Jack & Jack's new video which will be released later this month as Gilinsky's love interest..which is ironic right.." I say giggling
"Wow that's a lot  on your plate..how do you handle all of that & raising your daughter?" The host asks me
The mic moves to my face
"Well..it's easy when I have such a amazing boyfriend by my side" I say & blush looking at Jack
"Why is it you two lovebirds haven't had the wedding?" The host asks
"It's all due to our schedules...it'll happen soon..just not right now" I say & hold Jack's hand
"Mommy they're taking a picture of you!" Ella shouts pointing to the camera
That's focusing on me
"No princess..that's a camera recording us..say hi to everyone" I say
She gasps
"Everyone sees us???!!!" She shouts
"Yes" I say giggling
She covers her mouth with her hands & looks at me in disbelief
"Omg.." she says & looks at the camera
"Hi EVERYONE. HI grandma..hi grandpa..hi aunties & uncles...hi Everybody!" She yells
I laugh & Jack giggles
She waves at the camera
"Cmon mommy & daddy..say hi!" She says & pulls us closer to the camera
"Hi everyone" we both say
"Good job mommy & daddy" she says & claps her hands
I giggle & lift her up
"We have arrived" the host says
We pull up to the house..
I gasp seeing as it haven't changed at all..
"Mommy it's beautiful" Ella says gasping
"I know princess" I say & we pull into the driveway..
"Lets go inside now.." the host says & opens the door for us..
We start walking to the door
He lifts up a mat & slides out a golden key
"We saved the original key..that was used 2 years ago.." he says
I smile & he unlocks the door
I gasp at the sight...
{~there's Oui..without..you & I..~}
Tagged Favs;
Peace & Love💙

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