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{~song for chapter: River-Bishop Briggs~}
Tazlynn's POV:
~the next day~
I wake up in our bed in the same crazy house..
I've been living in for 3 months...
"Are we really spending our honeymoon here?" I say to Jack whining
He sighs
"I'll make it up to you..with a retake honeymoon." He says & pecks my lips
"When will that be?" I ask him
"How about our anniversary?..it'd be awesome" he says smirking
"I like it. But isn't today elimination week?" I ask him
"Yes..but we have to do a challenge in a few.." he says yawning
I leap off the bed..
"You could've told me a little earlier! Now I have to rush to get dressed" I say
I run into my closet & search for a outfit..
I pick out a outfit & lay it on the bed..

I walk into the bathroom & I take a quick shower

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I walk into the bathroom & I take a quick shower..
I brush my teeth & rinse my mouth out..
"Where's Ella?" I ask as I quickly try to get dressed..
"Downstairs with the other kids..playing in the kids pool." He says covering himself in the bed sheets
"Jack..cmon baby..wake up already." I say & attempt to drag him out
He's too heavy for me to move him..
I whine & pout my lips
"Jack..it's not fair. Fine don't come downstairs. I'll just win the challenge without you.." I say & slip on my sandals..
I tie my hair up in a high ponytail & I apply lipgloss on my lips..
"I'm awake now..you happy?" Jack says rubbing his eyes
He stands up from the bed & wraps his arms around me...
"Brush your teeth & get dressed mister." I say
"Ok..mom." He says laughing
"Ugh.." I say rolling my eyes playfully & I flip him off..
"I love you tho" he says & walks into the bathroom
"Pendejo" I mumble under my breath..
~after a while~
I'm downstairs waiting for Jack..
"Is hubby coming down?" Nayeli asks me
"Yes..girls my doctor's appointment is next month..I'm nervous." I say
"How long are you btw?" Nayeli asks me..
"Idk really..I haven't gone to the doctors yet Yeli" I say giggling
"Oops sorry..that sounded like a blonde moment" she says laughing
"Speaking of blondes" Jasmila says glaring at Samantha
"Hello ladies..wow Tazlynn..you look..just..um." She says eyeing my outfit
"Yeah..I look great don't I?" I say smirking & flipping my hair
"Don't get cocky bitch" she says pushes me roughly..
"Oh I know you didn't just push me" I say now getting upset..
"If I did..what you gonna do about it? Huh..hit me?" She says crossing her arms
I make a fist & I punch her
She grabs her cheek..
"Oh that's it bitch..you messed with the wrong woman" she says & lunges on me..
We start fighting & I hit her multiple times..
I pull her hair & I stand up from the ground...
"Your a piece of trash Tazlynn....I don't understand why Jack would marry you..it probably was out of pity.." she says
"Pity? Me & him have a child! Child together & one on the way..so don't even say it was out of pity..we love each other Samantha..something you never had before.." I basically yell in her face
"Well..You should tell your little friends about your life back in Cali..how you were stripping for money" Samantha says
"I never stripped Samantha that was you..I know because I saw you" I yell
"Wait..since we're spilling tea about each other..how about you Samantha..tell Jasmila what you did with her dear little brother of hers? Huh..tell her how you two hooked up like crazy during my wedding!!" I yell
Samantha freezes up & Jasmila looks at me
"She did what?" Jasmila says frowning
"I'm sorry to say this Mila..but when your brother Bruno came to my wedding..his wife & his kids..stood behind while he sneaked away with Samantha.." I say frowning
"You..you dirty slut! How could you?!" Jasmila yells with tears building up in her eyes
"Bruno was happily married to his wife!" She adds
"He wasn't that happy..if he let me flirt with him" Samantha says smirking
Jasmila attacks her & I see Samantha trying to beat her up..
I then start punching Samantha & Jack rushes downstairs..
"Whoa whoa!" Nate says & grabs Jasmila
Jack grabs me & Samantha stands up..
"Your gonna regret all of this..both of you..even you Nayeli." Samantha says glaring at us
She spits at us & leaves..
Jack checks my face
"Ouch babe..you got scratches on you." He says frowning
"Damnit.." I say & pull out a small mirror
I look at myself in it & I sigh loudly
"Never can it be a normal day." I say
"Come upstairs..I'll fix both of you." Nayeli says & we follow her upstairs..
~during the challenge~
"Welcome to one of the last challenges guys..congratulations it's been 3 months!" The host says
I clap my hands slowly & Samantha smirks at the host..
The host rolls his eyes looking at her & looks into the camera
"This challenge today..will be..A NERF GUN FIGHT! everyone will be handed nerf guns & a large bucket with ammunition in it..you must take out your enemies before the bell rings..whoever has the most points & kills wins immunity..the couple who wins immunity..will then be safe during elimination..which it's tonight...good luck guys..oh wait before we start..your kids will be included in this" the host says
Ella runs towards me & jumps on Jack
"Let's get it started..everyone get to your hiding posts" the host says
Me,Jack & Ella rush to a spot..
We hide behind a big tree & Jack loads up our nerf guns..
"1...2..3! LET THE GAMES BEGIN!" The host yells & the bell rings..
Signaling the game has started..
I peak my head out a little & I see Samantha sneaking around searching for something to shoot..
I shoot her in her arm with my nerf gun..
She groans & turns around to see me..
She fires the gun at me & misses when I duck my head..
I hide again & Jack starts firing his gun at everyone..
I get out of my hiding spot & Ella follows me..
I start firing at Nayeli..
She falls down & pretends she's dying..
"I'm dying..oh no.." she says & fires one at my leg..
It hits my leg & I moan in pain..
It really hurts these nerf bullets..
Even though they are not real bullets..
She then pretends she's dead & Johnson fires at Jack..
I shoot my bullets at Nate & he also pretends he's dying
He fires a shot at me & it hits my upper thigh..
I groan..
since again I say..
it hurts a little & he falls down faking a a cough.
He fires another shot at me & it hits my other leg..
I shoot him a couple more times & he pretends he's dead..
I walk away & search for Jasmila..
Jack shoots Derek repeatedly with his nerf gun & Derek fires shots back at Jack..
I shoot Jasmila on her leg & in the process of running away.
She trips over a rock & falls down..
I shoot her & she pretends she's dead...
I then search for Samantha..
Samantha's daughter shoots her nerf gun at Ella..
Ella cries & runs away..
She trips over a tree stump & falls down..
As she's crying..
I run over to her & see she has a cut on her knee..
I sigh & hold her close to me..
"Sucks to be you doesn't it?" Samantha says holding her nerf gun at Ella's head..
"You wouldn't dare." I say
She shouts a bullet at Ella's head & Ella rubs her head.
She lays her head on me & Since she's mimicking everyone else..
She pretends she's dead..
I stand up & glare at Samantha..
I shoot her daughter with only one shot & she falls down pretending she's dead as well..
I place my nerf gun on Samantha's chest & she places her on my chest..
I fire my nerf gun at her & we continue firing at each other..
Until finally I finish her & she falls down to the floor in defeat..
I grab Ella & I run off.
I find Jack with a still very loaded nerf gun & Derek on the floor..
Pretending he's dead also..
The bell rings & the host applauds
"Wow..amazing..Jack & Tazlynn took everyone out with only 3 seconds until the bell rang" the host says into his mic..
"Everyone get off the ground & wake up..it's now to check the leaderboard!" The host says..
Nate,Jasmila,Nayeli,Johnson,Derek & Samantha walk over..
I see the leaderboard..
[Jack & Tazlynn- kills: 5 | points: 1,010]
Everyone claps & Jasmila hugs me tightly
"No hard feelings for you killing both me & Nayeli in the game..it was a part of the game" Mila says giggling
"Mila I love you." I say & hug her back
[Nate & Jasmila- kills: 6 |points: 1,120]
I clap & Jasmila bows down smiling
[Johnson & Nayeli- kills: 3 | points: 980]
I smile & hug Nayeli..
Which leads to a group hug with us 3..
[Derek & Samantha- kills: 1 | points: 570]
We stay quiet & the host smiles
"Alright congrats to Nate & Jasmila you two have won Immunity tonight!" The host says
Jasmila cheers up & down..
"You better be safe later tonight bestie!" Mila says
"I hope I am babe" I say & hug her tightly..
I smile & Jack looks at me..
"Your not upset?" He says
"No..because I'm not a sore loser." I say smiling & he pecks my lips..
"Plus..she deserved it." I add
He smiles
"Your a good woman Tazlynn..I'm so happy to be your husband" he says
"I'm so happy to be your wife Jack." I say smiling
~later in the night~
I get changed into a comfy yet cute outfit..

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