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{~song for chapter: Let Me Love You-Ariana Grande ft Lil Wayne~}
Tazlynn's POV:
~a month & a half later~
I'm packing my stuff..
As the house is being cleaned & being emptied..
I stuff my clothes in my luggage..
Ella runs in..
"Mommy daddy wants you downstairs!" She says jumping up & down
"Why?" I ask raising a eyebrow
"I don't know...he said it's important." She says
I check the date.
October 4th.
Oh damn..it's my birthday..
Maybe he has something planned..
I get changed into a comfy yet cute outfit..
I slip on cute flats & I brush my hair out..
I curl my hair & leave it loose..
I do my makeup & I grab my purse.
I walk downstairs to see everyone waiting for me..
I laugh & hide my face..
"Omg thank you guys!" I say smiling
"Get into a sexy outfit bestie" Jasmila says
"I can't..because I'm very pregnant & I'll look fat." I say frowning
She drags me upstairs & shows me a velvet dress

" I say frowning She drags me upstairs & shows me a velvet dress

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"I love it thank you." I say gasping
"Put it on & meet Jack by the car." She says & leaves the room..
I put the dress on & change into sexy black heels..
I walk downstairs earning wolf whistles by everyone
I giggle & I walk to the front door.
I twist the knob & I walk outside..
I see Jack waiting by the car..
He's leaned against it & he looks so handsome.
He's wearing a simple white dressy buttoned shirt & regular slacks.
His hair styled & freshly cut..
I bit my lip looking at him & I walked over to him slowly.
His eyes locked with mine & he smirked
"You look sexy babe." He says & grabs me by the waist
"Even with this big o'l belly?" I ask him pouting & looking down at my belly
He giggles & pecks my lips
"Of course." He says & everyone snaps pictures of us cuddling us together..
I smile & hide my face in Jack'a shirt..
He opens the car door for me & I climb in..
He closes the door & climbs into the drivers seat..
We start driving away from the house..
"Where are we going?" I ask him raising a eyebrow at him
"It's a surprise." He says glancing over at his phone & then looks at me..
He keeps his eyes on the road & keeps driving smoothly..
"Jack..I wanna know." I plead
"I can't tell you yet." He says
"It's a birthday gift isn't it?" I ask him smirking
"You'll see when we get there." He says
I sigh & look out my window..
I watch the sun go down..
A birthday gift I suppose from Jack..
I don't where I'm going..
But  I'm eager to find out.....
{~just let me..love..you..just let me..love..you...I said girl you need a hot boy..she said you need to stop..*messing*..with them thots boys..I say you need a real nigga..she said yes lord..what you need your ex for? I'm triple x lord..okay..Ariana my little mama..goodbye to the good girl..my ex is tripping it's no biggie..Tupac took her..I'm laid up with my new thang..~}
This is a short chapter..
Because the 3 part final chapters are coming up..
Right after this..
Not exactly right this second..but hopefully this following days..
I'll be able to write the final 3 chapters
Get ready for the last of the fights,drama,romance,lies & secrets to unfold..
Babies are born & a huge betrayal that could shake a couple's future forever..
Find out in the final 3 chapters.
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I love you all 💋💘✨
Tagged favs;❤️
Peace & Love💙

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