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{~song for chapter: River Of Tears-Alessia Cara~}
Tazlynn's POV:
~a week later~
It's Tuesday..
But unfortunately rain ruined our chance of doing challenges.
I love rain but I really wanted to beat Samantha's ass today..
I change out of my cute outfit..
That I planned to wear for today..
I put on a loose white off-the-shoulder tee & comfy shorts
I tie my hair into two separate braids & i look over at Ella
Who's knocked out on my bed..
I giggle & turn off the lights.
I kiss her tiny head & cover her in a blanket
I close the bedroom door & I walk down the hallway..
As I'm about to go downstairs..
I stop at the top of the staircase..
When I hear giggling sounding really loud.
I don't know where's it coming from...
Assuming it's Ella...who i think is awake now.
I walk around & I walk downstairs..
When I hear the giggling stop..
I step outside & I hear the sound of the Jacuzzi running.
I raise a eyebrow & I shrug
I reach into a pocket in my shorts
I pull out a blunt..
I reach into the other & pull out my purple lighter.
I mess with it for a bit to get the lighter working..
Them I light my blunt up & I inhale slowly..
I sigh on relief..
Feeling all the tension leave my body..
It felt so good..
Until I hear the giggling again..
This time louder & clearer..
Curiosity got the best of me..
I really wanted to know where that giggling was coming from..
I walk really slowly..
Inching closer & closer to jacuzzi
The fact it's 70 degrees & it's a summer day.
Makes me feel odd about it.
It's summer but it's not hot.
For today at least.
I hear the jacuzzi running...
I'm now 3 footsteps from the jacuzzi..
I look over & I see the most heartbreaking sight..
I see Jack with his arms around a brunette
Who looks oddly familiar.
The girl turns around & laughs evilly
It's Samantha.
This evil bitch.
She's starting to ruin my life again..
I tear up & Jack'a facial expression changes
He jumps up & climb out of the jacuzzi
"Babe I can explain" he says frowning & follows me
"Leave her alone Jacky..she's not worth the fight. Come back" she says flipping her newly bleached blonde hair..
I turn around & I glare at her
"Your a piece of shit Samantha & your a damn homewrecker...your gonna regret this." I say threatening
"Ooh I'm so scared" she says sarcastically
I shove him roughly
"How could you Jack? You said you loved me. I promised to marry you! I have a daughter with you! With Samantha really?! You are driving me crazy Jack..I can't take this anymore..SHAWN FLIRTED WITH ME AT THE PARTY & guess what..I LOVED IT. but I didn't go chasing after him..because I knew I'm with you...I loved you Jack. what has changed between us..that makes you cheat on me?" I say breaking down into tears
"It was a complete mistake I'll admit it...baby she didn't kiss me though..I'll make her leave. She just came over to talk..I tried to push her off..she didn't move. I tried everything" He says
"I can't believe any word you say Jack..not at all." I say & I look down at the beautiful diamond ring he got me
I slowly slip it off & he tears up
"Baby..let me explain it all..please..I wanna be with you & Ella" he says as a tear rolls down his cheek
"Ella can see you..but our relationship..is done." I say tearing up
"Here give it to that stupid whore" I add & throw the ring at him
He drops down his knees
"Tazlynn. No don't go...your the best thing that ever happened to me. I can't lose you"
He says
"Well you lost me..Take that L" I say & walk inside..
I throw myself on the couch & I cry into one of the sofa's pillows..
{~Still got the flowers that you sent...and the note you wrote that said that...we were meant to be forever..I keep them all as evidence..In a drawer under the mirror, filled with empty promises...I don't know why..I keep...letting you lie to me...Hard as I try..It seems I can't break away..I thought that you would be the hero...Come and save the day...But you're a villain...Your sins unforgiven..I'm going down, and you have watched me drown...In a river of tears, lost beneath the stream...Under the waves, I've found the strength to say...The river of tears has washed me clean...Go 'head and wish me well...I'll cry a wishing well....I'll fly before I fail...I'll set sail and drift away...So I won't need you here...Love sinks and hope floats...In a river of tears...In a river of tears...I catch your scent in every wind and I recall the love we had...I can't pretend that I don't miss you...Every now and then...But the hurt is for the better...Moving on, it's now or never...Lost in the tide, I can't keep my pillows dry...Like there's a sea in my eyes...I realize that sometimes love brings you flowers...Then it builds you coffins and far too often...We end up falling to our demise...~}
I love you guys so much‼️❤️
So do you think it's really over for #Tilinsky ?? (Tazlynn + Jack) 💭
Comment below what you thought of this chapter.
Samantha's back..
Ugh! I know.
The next chapter is where..Tazlynn gets back at Samantha..
Prepare yourselves for the bomb ass chapter coming up..❤️❤️
Tagged favs;❤️
Peace & Love💙

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