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{~Song for chapter: Blessings (Reprise)-Chance The Rapper~}
Tazlynn's POV:
~5 months later~
My pregnancy was going great..
Our little prince got bigger as the weeks went by & Ella got older..
Her 3rd birthday rolled upon us & we celebrated it with pure enjoyment.
With huge bouncy house,Delicious cake,music & having Moana appear at the birthday party.
Ella dressed up exactly like her & the whole party theme was Moana.
Ella was so hooked on the movie..it was only natural I added it as a theme.
Her room's currently being repainted & redecorated..
So we have her in our room..
I've been suffering with severe nausea & headaches all day..
I even lashed out at Jack & I quickly felt horrible for yelling at him.
He just hugged me & smiled.
The doctor told me over the phone..it's normal & to have some soup.
Well I did & I still have pain..
Our little prince is due any day now..
But somethings telling me..he wants to come now.
I went through similar behavior..
Before I gave birth to Ella..
I'm now walking downstairs..
Heading to the kitchen to grab a slice of pizza.
Jack bought pizza earlier & there's still leftovers..
I rub my huge belly & I groan when I feel a hard kick..
"Little boy please stop hurting me!" I say & I walk over to the kitchen..
I open the pizza box & I grab a slice..
He comes up from behind me & hugs me..
I grab my cup filled with water & I take a sip..
I smile & turn around to be pressed against his chest..
"Ella's watching Moana again." Jack says rolling his eyes playfully
"Note to self..when we have a daughter. Name her Moana." I say giggling..
Jack smiles & I sit down in the living room..
"Your not coming back upstairs?" He asks as I turn on the tv..
"Nah too lazy for that." I say & take a bite out of the slice of pizza..
Which is in my hand & my other hand is gripping the tv remote..
"I'll get Ella down here." He says
"No no no! You watch Moana for the hundredth time for me." I say whining
"Your the pregnant one here! You gotta watch with her! You'll probably name our child Maui.." Jack says
"I would never.." i say
"This reminds of something.." Jack says raising a eyebrow..
"Oh god no...not this again" I say sighing
"JACK I WANNA SEE FROZEN. YOUR GONNA WATCH IT WITH ME." Jack says mocking my voice & putting his hands on his hips.
"Okay..I liked frozen so what?" I say smiling
"You watched it literally 100 times. You are a grown adult now." He says laughing
"So..NO RIGHT..NO WRONG..NO RULES FOR ME..IM FREE" I burst out singing
He sighs
"No..oh god no.." he says pacing around..
I stand up & rub my pregnant belly..
"LET IT GO..LET IT GO..CANT HOLD IT BACK ANYMOREEE!" I sing loudly & I grab Jack..
"LET IT GO..LET IT GO..TURN MY BACK & SLAM THE DOOR." I sing & I make him dance with me..
Which he looks miserable dancing with me..
I stop & I burst out laughing..
"Your not cute doing that" he says rolling his eyes
I slap him arm playfully
"You shut your mouth right now mister." I say sternly trying not to laugh..
He smirks
"Okay sexy." He says & winks at me..
"Not this again.." I say moving away..
"Babe we haven't in a while..Ella can stay with Jasmila & we can finally go stay at the hotel..I've been wanting to take you." He says
I gasp when I feel pressure & pain at the same time..
It hits me like a ton of bricks..
Suddenly I feel water in my pantie..
"Jack I'm wet." I say looking at the floor..
"Well damn..I didn't know my words got you like-"
"I MEAN MY WATER BROKE DUMBASS" I say & I grab my belly..
I start groaning in pain & Ella runs downstairs..
"What's wrong? Omg!" She screams the last part..
I look down to see water on the ground..
Jack quickly grabs everything & drags me to the car...
"Okay breathe slowly..okay you can do this." He says nervously & throws Ella in the car..
He speeds away from the house & drives to the hospital..
He's breaking all types of traffic rules right now..
But my water broke..so he has every right to break the rules right now.
We finally reach the hospital & I see familiar cars parked in the parking lot.
It's 11:20 pm according to the hospital clock outside..
I groan & the nurse helps Jack walk me in..
Jasmila,Nayeli,Johnson & Nate are all sitting in the waiting room..
I see their expressions.
Mostly excited yet they look so scared & nervous.
I get to my room & I strip down to nothing..
I put on one of the hospital robes..
My ass is exposed completely unfortunately..
I lay down & I grip Jack's hand tight..
"Jack baby..I feel so much pain.." I say trembling from the pain..
He kisses my hand & rubs my head
"Miss..I just checked you..your 7 centimeters open." The nurse says
"Is that good?" I say out of breath slightly..
"Yes..3 more & you can push." The nurse says smiling & I try to move my arm.
I moan in pain..
"Sorry Ma'am you have a IV in your arm right now." The some nurse says
"How did I not feel that?" I say shocked
"Your in worse pain right now." She says
"True.." I say & grip to the bed as I get a painful contraction
"I'll check on you in a few." The nurse says..
~3 hours later~
I'm suffering still from the pain & I look over at Jack..
Ella's outside with the crew & my parents are in the hallway..
I see them looking through the glass..
I groan in pain & I rub my belly
"Baby boy why you hurt mommy so much?" I ask..
The same nurse from earlier walks in & checks me out.
"OMG. Call in the doctors!" She yells
"Omg what's happening?" I say panicking a bit & I clutch my belly as I get another horrible contraction.
"Your ready to push." She says grabbing gloves & face masks..
"I'm 10 centimeters open?" I ask her.
I'm sweating so much & I feel bad for Jack..
Because I hear him whimper a bit every single time...
When I squeeze his hand tighter & tighter..
The doctors rush in & one of them puts a pillow behind my back.
"Okay miss..your gonna have to push okay? I'll need you to push hard." The doctor says
I nod..
I cant even speak right now because of the pain..
"Okay..one..two..three...PUSH!" He says
I push hard & Jack rubs my back
"Okay baby..breathe in & breathe out slowly..cmon baby." Jack says
I breathe slowly & I stare at Jack's eyes..
For some odd reason..his chocolate brown eyes give me comfort..
It kinda reminds me of the day we first met..
I snap out of my thoughts & i continue pushing..
~after many pushes~
"One last push..cmon a real big one." The doctor says
I grip onto the bed again & Jack's shoulder
I moan in pain & push hard.
I hear small cries from below & the doctor stands up with our baby boy in his hands
"Congrats on your baby boy" the doctor says
I smile & tear up looking at Jack.
"We did it babe" I say & I feel so worn out..
The nurses clean the baby up & hand him to me..
I hold our little prince in my arms for the first time..
"Hi little guy.." I say playing with his tiny fingers
"I'm your mommy" I add smiling
"& I'm your daddy." Jack says tearing up looking at our son.
"What should we name him?" I ask him
He stays thinking & smiles at me
"How does Silas Landon sound?" He asks
"Silas Landon Gilinsky. I love it." I say smiling
I hear a tapping on the door..
"Hello? Is the coast clear?" I hear a familiar voice say
"Yes come in all of you." I say giggling
Jasmila walks in with Nayeli & the boys behind them..
"Omg he's adorable!" Nayeli says staring at him in awe.
"What's the cutie's name?" Jasmila asks me smiling
"Silas Landon." I say & stare at our gorgeous son.
I feel the bed dip & I see Ella has climbed on the bed.
She hugs me & I hug her back..
"Can I see him mommy?" She asks
I nod & I place him back in my arms..
She looks at him & plays with his fingers like I did..
She kisses every single finger & gives a smile to me.
"I love him." She says
"He loves you too princess." I say..
I'm in love with the adorable sight..
Of my eldest child seeing her younger sibling for the first time.
Jack hugs me & Ella..
He looks at Silas & kisses my forehead..
"I love my family." He says
Nayeli,Jasmila,Nate & Johnson all hug us..
Forming a group hug & I continue staring at my new baby boy.
Silas Landon Gilinsky.
Born on February 10th 2018 at 2:30am weighing 8 pounds & 6 ounces.
With a full head of gorgeous hair & the most adorable little baby I've ever seen.
Silas Landon welcome to our crazy little world.
{~I made it through, made it through, made it through,And everything I gave to you, I gave to you, I gave to you,You got it, you got it, you got it, it's coming, coming, coming,So are you ready?..Are you ready for your blessings?..Are you ready for your miracle?..Are you ready for your blessings?...Are you ready for your miracle?...Are you ready for your blessings?...Are you ready for your miracle?...Are you ready for your blessings?...Are you ready for your miracle?...Are you ready for your blessings?...Are you ready for your miracle?...Are you ready for your blessings?...Are you ready for your miracle?...Are you ready for your blessings?...Are you ready for your miracle?...Are you ready, are you ready?...Are you ready for your blessings?...Are you ready for your miracle?....Are you ready for your blessings?...Are you ready for your miracle?....Are you ready for your blessings?..Are you ready for your miracle?.....Are you ready for your blessings?....Are you ready for your miracle?...Are you ready for your blessings?...Are you ready for your miracle? (You ready big fella?)..~}
Well he is here!
#SilasLandon 💙✨
The final chapter is coming after this chapter😭❤️
Thank you all for the mad love & support ❤️🌹
Y'all are appreciated very much & you all are a part of my famila.
But the question is..will there be a 3rd book?
If yes..it'll be the final book of this series.
So tell me in the comments below💖
I love you all 💋💘✨
Tagged favs;❤️
Peace & Love💙

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