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{~song for chapter: Good Life-Kehlani ft G-Eazy~}
Tazlynn's POV:
~a year later~
I wake up due to my two kiddos.
Jack laughs & tries to get them away from us..
"Mommy! You promised we'd go to see Aunt Mila" Ella whines batting her eyes
"Yeah I know..damnit never promise things Jack." I say rubbing my eyes & climbing out of the bed.
Ella & Silas ran away back to their room.
He stays laying down smirking..
"Haha you have to take her to Mila's place." He says laughing
I hit him with a pillow
He groans
"Wake up sleeping beauty. It's time for you to start getting ready." I say
"I don't wanna go.." he says pouting
"It's for Johnson cmon" I say
He climbs out of bed with his messy hair in his face.
I move it away from his face & I giggle..
"How did I get so lucky to have you" I say smiling big
"I think the lucky one here is me." He says & pecks my lips
"Well I gotta shower & get dressed. So do you." I say grabbing clothes
"Remember our anniversary dinner is tonight." He says
"Ah yes..1 year married." I say smiling
"A year ago..the most wonderful & beautiful woman became my wife." He says sighing & looking at me
"Aww Jack your so adorable" I say & I walk to the bathroom.
I close the door & I take a quick shower.
I dry off & I get dressed in a simple yet cute outfit

I dry off & I get dressed in a simple yet cute outfit

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I slip on black flats & put lipgloss on..
I wanted to be simple today..since I'll be getting dressed up later.
The baby weight is slowly falling off & I've been slimming down a bit..
But it's not enough according to model agencies.
So I gave up on becoming a model & now I'm just your average stay-at-home parent.
I'm going over to Jasmila's house for a play date with Izabella.
But it always leads to us having a wild day instead.
But I told her today is me & Jack's anniversary.
The reason behind the "play date" is a actual sleepover instead.
So we'll have both kids out of the house for the rest of the night.
Leaving us finally alone.
I walk down the stairs & greeted by Johnson who's about to leave with Jack.
"He cleans up good doesn't he JJ?" I ask him referring to my husband
He giggles
"He looks. Spiffy" Johnson says smiling trying not to laugh
"Oh..well. Be safe." I say smiling
Johnson has the huge long meeting at a music company today.
If that goes well.
Both him & Jack can get signed to the music company.
I watch them leave & I walk to the living room.
To find both of my kids dressed & ready to go.
"Let's go to auntie Mila's house!" I say giggling & they run out of the house smiling.
~at Jasmila's place~
I pull into the driveway.
There's something I wanted to get off my chest for a bit.
It's crazy how this is our new reality.
We have huge houses that look like mansions instead of Apartments.
We drive in fancy cars & wear designer clothing.
How did this all happen?
Over a show.
A reality show changed my life.
It flipped my world & made it slightly better.
It's not horrible.
It's okay I guess.
To be honest things have been stressful these couple of weeks.
That's why I'm so happy me & Jack finally will have alone time together tonight.
Because of so much stressing & so much stuff happening in the matter of months.
Ella's in preschool now & i deal with our 1 year old son.
I've been worried for Jack mostly.
He's so stressed over music.
He can't write lately & it's making me all stressed out.
I try to help him but he doesn't want any help.
Then a few months ago..Jack & Johnson had to go on tour.
Leaving me with 2 young kids behind while he toured the states.
I missed him a lot & it made me sad that I couldn't be with him.
I'll be honest with you.
It's been 2 weeks since he came back & I don't want him to leave again.
So I'm trying to help him write a song finally with Johnson.
Anyway back to reality.
I climb out of the car & I open the car door.
Ella & Silas rush out.
I laugh & grab both of their hands.
I close the door & lock the car.
I walk up to the front door.
Silas starts stomping his feet on Jasmila's floor mat.
That's right outside the front door & it's bright blue.
She randomly placed it there.
Ella reaches into my pocket & tries to find my iPhone.
Too bad for her.
It's located in my bra.
I knock on the door & wait for a sign of life to appear.
Since the house looks empty.
Sure enough..
I hear heels clicking near the door & the door opens.
I see Jasmila in casual clothes but has heels on.
"Wanted to look sexy for us?" I ask her looking at her feet
"Sorry. I just got in from work." She says sighing loudly & slips off her heels.
"It's looks so quiet though" I say raising a eyebrow
"Exactly. I walked in & was about to change..which btw..I just picked up the kids fork school. Shit they are full of energy. Then I heard the knock." She says giggling
"Sorry girl. Sometimes you gotta explain yourself" I say smiling
She hugs me & the kids.
"Kids why don't you go upstairs with Izabella & Alana" she says to them
They nod & Ella grabs Silas.
They rush up the stairs together & run away..
I walk into the kitchen & I sit down sighing.
Jasmila prepares us a drink she calls her "afternoon boost"
She sits down with me & I grab my glass.
"What's up with you babygirl? You & hubby ready for tonight?!" She says wiggling her eyebrows
I blush & hide my face
She always goes there.
"Remember to look sexy tonight!" She says smirking
"Relax..I know what I'm gonna do..you don't gotta tell me." I say giggling
"Already a year..wow." She says
I look down at phone when I feel a buzz
I see a text from Jack
"Hi baby just a reminder our date starts at 6pm. 💋💌✨"
I look at the clock
"Mila..tell me..what time is it?" I ask gasping.
I leap out of my chair & grab my purse
"Got a date?" She asks raising a eyebrow
"YES WITH MY HUSBAND AT 6" I say running to the front door
She opens it & hugs me tightly
"Make sure Ella showers before bed & Silas likes when you read a bedtime story to him. Ella likes to have warm milk also before bed. Omg I sound like a helicopter mom!" I say
"Be safe now babygirl. Don't worry about the kids they'll be fine. I'll do everything you just said. Go have fun. Happy anniversary to my favorite lovebirds" she says
I wave at her & climb into the car.
I turn on the car & pull out of the driveway..
I start speeding to house.
I don't care about the speed limit at this point.
I arrive at the house & it's 5:39pm
Wow took 19 minutes. But I'm here.
I rush to take a quick shower & get dressed.
I wanted to be comfortable tonight.
I just hope Jack doesn't mind.
I get dressed & I brush my long hair out

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