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{~song for chapter: Blue-Beyonce~}
Tazlynn's POV:
~the next day~
It was a complete success at the adoption center for Nate & Jasmila.
Now it's Tuesday afternoon..which means CHALLENGES.
Bring it on..I've been wanting to beat Samantha's ass...
I get changed into my outfit
It's a beige knitted long sleeved crop top with denim shorts
I slip on my gold sandals & start working on my hair..
I brush it out & braid my hair into two separate braids (my all time favorite hairstyle)
..I barely have any makeup today..
I apply a moisturizing lip balm to my lips & toss my eyeliner back into my bag..
I then walk out of the bathroom..
To see Ella who's standing below me..
"Mommy why are you leaving me?" She says pouting
"We'll be outside princess..plus you kids can't play these games." I say kissing her forehead
"But they look fun." She whines
"I'm sorry princess.." I say
She nods & hugs me
"Win that game mommy!" She says
"I will princess" I say & she high fives me
I giggle & walk downstairs
I see Jack waiting for me
"Finally..your here" he says rolling his eyes playfully
I wrap my arms around him
"Don't complain mister." I say & peck his lips
We walk outside to see everyone waiting
"Hey bestie!" Nayeli says & runs towards us
She hugs me tightly
"We were apart for literally 12 hours." I say giggling
"That's a long time!" She says & squeezes me tighter
"Yeli chill your suffocating her" Jasmila says
"Well...if she dies..we all dying!" She says & grabs Mila
Now we're all engulfed into a tight group hug..
"Yeli..I can't breathe" I say gasping for air
"Oh cmon..you lying" she says
"No forreal i can't.." I say in barely a whisper
She lets go & I wheeze a little
"Omg I'm sorry..you were suffocating! I almost killed you!" She says frowning
"It's ok.." I croak out & she hands me some water
"Crybabies" Samantha mumbles under her breath
I leave my leg out & she trips over it
"Oops" I say smirking & stand back up on my feet
I hear her groan..
Yeli,Mila & I all walk to the garden area of the mansion
Where we see the host & the camera crew waiting for us..
"Welcome!!! Today's challenge is a YouTube inspired one." The host says
Me & the girls smile at each other
I see Samantha & the boys coming towards us..
I roll my eyes at Samantha
"It's so childish for you to act up" Samantha says scoffing
"I wonder why I am.." I say eyeing her up & down..
Then I roll my eyes..
She mumbles something under her breath..
"Speak up bitch!" I say loudly
I cover my mouth quickly & I hear gasps..
Damnit your live on tv Tazlynn..really!
"What are you talking about?" She says crossing her arms
"You mumbled something you dumb hoe" I say & cover my mouth again..
Damn I got the mouth of a sailor today..
At a bad moment too..
"I was mumbling how you are a stupid bitch who needs to grow tf up" she says
"Come at me hoe!" I say & shove her roughly
We start fighting & I punch her..
She knocks me down by kicking my side..
She attempts to hold me down..when the security guards grab her
I stand up & fix myself..
"Are you okay?" Jack says worriedly & checks to see if I'm hurt
"I'm fine" I say glaring at her at the distance..
"Shall we continue with our challenge..Samantha if you pick a fight again..you'll be sent back into the house for the rest of the day.." the host says
"Woohoo big deal. I get to be away from her" she spats
He rolls his eyes & guides us into a area..
Where there's chairs & tables set up..
"Please couples find your seats." The host says
We all scramble to find seats..
I sit down quickly & Jack sits down
He grabs my hands & I smile at him
"Okay...today's challenge is the..Touch My Body Challenge..after one person gets blindfolded,your other half must grab your hand & make you touch an area of their body..please be appropriate with it & the other player must guess..what their finger is touching..the couple with the most points wins." The host says into his mic
"Are you all ready?" He adds
We all nod
"I didn't hear that..are you all ready?"
"HELL YEAH" we all scream at the same time
He giggles & starts counting down..
"Okay..3...2...1..! GO!" He says
Them Jack looks over..
He grabs the red bandana on the table
He places it over my eyes & I laugh hesitantly
"I swear Jack you better not be a asshole with this" I say
"I would never baby." He says & ties it snugly
He then grabs my hand & I feel a flat surface..
I move my finger around..
"That's your abs" I say confidently
"How did you know that?"
"You forget young Gilinsky..I know your abs very well.." I say smirking
He giggles & then I untie my blindfold..
I place it over Jack's eyes & tie it tightly
"Ow babe!" He groans & laughs a little
"Sorry" I say & peck his lips
"Not sorry" I add & he sticks his tongue out at me
I laugh & I unbutton my pants..
I slide down my shorts & grab his hand..
I press his finger on my inner thigh..
Hoping to see what he'll think..
"Hmm..it feels meaty..like thick. It's your thigh. My thick woman" he says licking his lips
"Ugh I thought you wouldn't get that one!" I say & he leans in
"You forget Miss Coleman..I know your thighs very well" he says smirking & grips onto my thigh firmly
"Jack we're in public" I say & slide my shorts back on quickly..
When I see the host getting close to us..
He chuckles lowly & I button my shorts up..
I sit right back down & he takes off his blindfold..
~after a while~
After many rounds..we finally reached the final round..
I'm blindfolded & I'm trying guess what Jack has my finger placed on..
"It feels wet..ew it feels funny" I say cringing & I move my finger away
He laughs & places my finger back on whatever it is..
"Ewwww..wait..that's your tongue"
He sighs & uncovers my eyes
"I was right yay!" I say giggling
He rolls his eyes playfully & I cover his eyes
I grab his hand & place it around my ear
He looks concentrated thinking..
"It's your damn ear" he says laughing
"DAMNIT" I say too loud..
Everyone looks at me weirdly & I blush
~the results~
We finished the game & now awaiting the results..
Me,Jack,Nayeli,Johnson,Nate,Jasmila,Samantha & Derek are all in line looking at the leaderboard
"Nayeli & Johnson..got 24 correct out of 30" the host says reading the leaderboard
"Jasmila & Nate got 26 correct out of 30" he adds smiling
"Samantha & Derek got 20 correct out of 30" he says
"Tazlynn & Jack..got 30 out of 30 correct. Congrats you two are the winners!" The host says
Me & Jack hug each other tightly
"We won!!" I say & kiss him softly
"Omg!!" Jasmila says looking at her phone..
"What is it?" I ask her
"Our daughter..she's here. Right now." She says tearing up..
"LETS GO UP FRONT!" I say excitedly
Me,Nate,Mila,Jack,Yeli & Johnson all run up to the front of the mansion.
We see a limo parked in front..
We see the door open & a blonde curly haired little girl climbs out
She looks around & Jasmila's crying at this moment..
She looks over at Jasmila..
She starts walking then catches speed..
So she starts running towards Jasmila..
They run up to each other & Jasmila grabs her
They hug each other tightly & Jasmila cries hugging her
"Hello" the little girl says
I'm tearing up at the sight..
Ella walks up to me & grabs my hand
I lift her up & hold her
"I love you princess" I say & kiss her head
"I'm Jasmila..your mommy..this Nathan..your daddy" Jasmila says tearing up
"Hi daddy..hi mommy.." she says looking at Mila
Mila tears up again & the little girl wipes her tears
"Don't cry mommy! Your too beautiful to cry" she says
"We have a name for you little one" Nate says tearing up a little..
"What is it?" She asks
"Izabella Claire Maloley do you like it?" He asks her
She nods
"It's beautiful daddy I love it" she says & hugs Nate tightly..
Jack hugs me & kisses my cheek
"I love my girls" he says looking at me & Ella..
I'm so happy for Jasmila..she's finally a mother!.
{~Sometimes these walls seem to cave in on me..When I look in your eyes, I feel alive..Some days we say words that don't mean a thing..But when you holding me tight, I feel alive..Make it last forever...Come on baby won't you...hold on to me, hold on to me...You and I together...Come on baby won't you hold on to me, hold on to me..Mommy mommy mommy!~}
Tagged favs;❤️
Peace & Love💙

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