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{~Song for chapter: Mercy-Shawn Mendes~}
Tazlynn's POV:
~the next day~
I wake up in a hospital bed..
I gasp & I see Jack sitting down beside me..
"Your okay!" He says smiling
"What happened?" I ask..
My head hurts & I feel awful..
"You got drunk last night & well you ran around..stumbled over a brick,fell over & hit your head on the concrete..you blacked out after that..I found you a few minutes later..I was searching for you..you disappeared randomly..the girls came running in saying where you was & I came to find you passed out on the ground...I took you here & they've been treating you.." he says grabbing my hand
"Jack.." I say moving my hand away frowning
"I know...but Lynn I still love you..I didn't touch Samantha or kiss her..she was flirting with me & I'll admit it...I should've stopped it..but please Lynn..I want us back..I'm begging you..it's been hell without you..Samantha tries to make a move on me...I don't want her...I want you my diamond..my beautiful woman...I wanna be with you my fiancé" he says tearing up..
"Jack..I have to think-"
"Think about it? Okay..I'll wait for your answer..but remember Lynn. I love you" he says & kisses my hand
I smile & the doctor walks in
"Well Ms. Coleman..your good to go..just take 1 pill of Advil & stay laying down today..you should be better in 2-3 days..luckily no form of trauma was seen in the X-rays..you just bumped your head on the concrete..you'll be okay miss." She says
"Thank you Doctor" I say smiling
"Okay..let's unhook you & you can discharge yourself out of here..then your good to go home" she says & slowly takes out my IV from my arm..
Jack looks at me with a sparkle in his eyes..
I miss him.
I really do..
Maybe he's saying the truth..
She then hands me the discharge papers..
I sign all of them & Jack helps me get off the hospital bed..
We leave the hospital & he carries me into his car..
He puts the seatbelt over me & climbs in the driver's seat..
He puts on his seatbelt & starts up the car..
"You feel okay?" He asks
I nod grabbing my head
"The throbbing will be there for 2 days..but hopefully the Advil will make you feel better in less than 24 hours." He says
I smile faintly at him..
Oh jack..how I missed you.
I must've said it out loud without knowing...
I hear him say
"You did Lynn? You missed me?..I missed you more babygirl" he says
The word "babygirl" makes me smile..
I get a text on my phone..
"Who's that?" Jack asks
I look at my phone & it's Derek..
I bite my lip nervously..
"Babe?" Jack asks raising a eyebrow
I read the text Derek sent me over & over..
"Hey Lynn I'm sorry for hurting you. Samantha's pregnant again with my baby,so I'm going to be with her,i know you loved me & all..but it's time it's out in the open,tell me honestly did you go out with me to make Samantha & Jack jealous?"
I type quickly
I send it & it says he read it.
Suddenly another text comes in from him..
"I knew it. It's ok I guess..we got what we wanted right?"
"What we wanted??" I text back
"I was dating you only to make Samantha angry,you thought I was gonna be with you? No offense Lynn..but no way. Never."
I start typing
"Wow Derek you really think you all that? Jack's a better kisser TBH. I know because your a sloppy kisser & TBH I'm glad..me & you never actually became a couple..your a asshole & you can kiss my ass Derek Luh..you & Samantha are perfect together..both of you are home wreckers. Both of you don't care for others feelings & both of you are hoes. No offense Derek. But did you think I was gonna actually be your girlfriend..please look at me..I'm a stunner.,your girl is a pebble from the ground..I'm a damn diamond. Don't ever forget that son."
I text him that & I block his number
"What happened?" Jack asks looking worried
I notice we're now parked outside the mansion..
"It was a blocked number..don't worry about it..Jack we gotta talk in the house" I say
He nods & I open my car door..
He helps me walk to the front door & the host opens the door for me..
I walk upstairs & throw myself on the bed..
What a complicated time in the house.
So much drama..
Too much lies..
Too much betrayal..
{~I'm saying baby..please have mercy on me..take it easy on my heart..even though you don't mean to hurt me..you keep tearing me apart..please have mercy on me..I'm the puppet on your strings..& even though you got good intentions..I need you to set me free..I'm begging you for mercy...mercy..on my heart..I'm begging you for mercy..mercy..on my heart~}
What that spell?
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I love you guysssss so muchhh❤️‼️✨😍💋
Tagged favs;❤️
Peace & Love💙

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