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{~song for chapter: Best Thing I Never Had-Beyoncé~}
Tazlynn's POV:
~the next day~
Weather conditions ruin our chance of doing outdoor challenges.
So instead we're inside..bored as hell..
I change into a simple yet cute outfit
A long sleeved cropped tee & ripped black comfy jeggings
I walk downstairs when I hear the doorbell..
Everyone's so wrapped up in playing video games..that they don't bother opening it..
I realize Derek is missing from everyone..
I open the door & Derek grabs me
He drags me outside & closes the door...
"What the hell are you doing?" I say almost screaming in his face
He grabs my hand
"I miss you." He says frowning
"Your so confusing Derek..you can't have me now." I say & show him my ring
"But you guys were done for good." He says pissed slightly & he paces around..
"You told me you loved me!" He adds & grabs my waist
I slap his hands away from my waist & I stare at him..
"Derek I did love you...but Jack made me realize I loved him more & he didn't cheat on me Derek..the truth is..you did with Samantha..you didn't even visit me when I hit my head & ended up in the hospital...what side was I suppose to choose..the one that cared about me & actually visited me..or the one who didn't care & didn't bother showing up..you weren't even drunk so don't make the same excuse..."I was drunk"...because your weren't! I'm so sick of you!" I say loudly
"You even said we couldn't be a couple anyway..that we were opposites & you didn't really love me..you did it to make Samantha jealous...we fought remember? Or did you forget that too." I add
"But you did the same with Jack!" Derek blurts out
"Jack & I love each other..we're getting married..you & Samantha will not ruin our chance at marriage." I say & push him away from me..
"You claim he loves you" he says frowning
"I know he does & I love him." I say & look at him
"Wow your glowing Lynn" He says
"The glow is a suntan asshole. I've been in the sun a lot lately" I say rolling my eyes
"No need to call me a asshole." He says cracking a smile..
I twist the knob & he stops me..
"Lynn..why can't we be together..without anyone knowing? Like a secret forbidden relationship.." he whispers in my ear...
I take this as a chance to get away from him..
"Sure baby..come over here" I say & motion him over..
He tries to kiss me & I move his head away..
I kick him in the balls & he falls down
"Owww what the hell?" He groans in pain
I quickly run back inside & lock the door..
"Where's Derek?" Jack asks
"I don't know..maybe he went to the store..I gotta lay down." I say feeling dizzy..
I walk upstairs & Jack follows behind me..
I sit down at the edge of the bed..
Jack closes the door quietly & sits next to me..
"What's wrong?" He asks & caresses my cheek
"The secrets..the lies..I've held too many away from you. I don't think I deserve to marry a man who has none." I say tearing up
He hugs me tightly
"I have a few..but I'll tell you them." He says
"Nothing compared to me Jack..I just want us to get married & have nothing hidden..I want us to be able to communicate with each other & not hide anything.." I say frowning
"Then how about we tell our secrets & lies right now?...nothing will leave this room I promise." He says & kisses my hand..
"Just in case..lock the door." I say pointing to the door
He not only locks it..
He blocks the door with a chair
He sits back down & holds me tightly
"Okay..one secret of mine..is that I had a girlfriend before I first came on this show 2 years ago.." he says
"Really?" I say raising a eyebrow
"I'm gonna be honest..it was Madison." He says frowning
I lean in & peck his lips
"As long as you two stay far away from each other..I don't mind it." I say
"God I love you." He says
I giggle & I bite my lip nervously..
"Jack..I have something to tell you.." I say
"Go ahead.." he says
"Remember when we broke up?" I ask him
He nods
"Remember how I was with Derek?" I say
He nods again
"Yeah it killed me inside." He says
"Well..I wasn't really into him like I am into you..I dated him solely because Samantha stole you away from me..I felt like I had to make you feel jealous..I wanted to get back at her..I'm sorry Jack...I hope you can forgive me." I say & put my head down..
He raises my chin up with his finger
"Hey..it's okay..it's all the past now..at least you didn't catch feelings for him. Or did you?" He asks
"I did for a short moment..but then I saw how you showed up at the hospital & he didn't...I decided to give you another chance" I say smiling
He giggles
"Because I'm the pain in the ass right?" He says raising a eyebrow
"No..because you really care for me..you really love your daughter & I just really love you Jack..I wanna marry you already." I say tearing up with happy tears..
He kisses me softly...
"That was the only secret I had btw" he says
"To be honest I never done anything bad in my life..that's the only secret I kept from you really Jack.." I say
"Well...I'm happy you told me now..anything else before I make sweet love to you?" He asks wiggling his eyebrows..
"Your such a nasty boy" I say giggling & slap his arm playfully
He bites his lip & looks at me intensely
"Jack...there is one more thing.." I say & pull him closer to me..
"What's up?" He asks smiling
"It's been 2 years since I last did this wow...okay.." I say giggling like crazy..
I grab his hands..
"Jack baby..I'm pregnant." I say smiling
His face lights up..
"Omg another baby!!!" He says & lifts me up
He twirls me around & kisses me
"I love you Tazlynn" he says..
"I love you Jack" I say
"Let's get married tomorrow..lets have the whole crew set it up." He says
"No no..how about in a week or two okay?..I want a week so I can get my dress & the girls dresses.."
"The show can buy everything for us...you just have to show up." He says & grabs my hands
"Plus with another baby on board..I want us to be a happy family finally..meaning we get married already." He adds smiling
"Alright tomorrow it is!" I say & he wraps his arms around me..
Our cute moment is interrupted by Nayeli & Jasmila stumbling into the room..
"YASSS THE WEDDING IS FINALLY HERE!" Yeli says waving her hands in the air..
"Celebration TWERK!" Jasmila says & bends down
She starts twerking on top of me
I laugh & Yeli joins in..
I start shaking my ass & Jack grabs me by the waist..
"Okay girls time to leave now.." Jack says trying to hide his embarrassment
"Oh damn..looks like Jack got a little too excited with Lynn shaking her booty..okay lets go Yeli..let's leave the lovebirds to mate & we'll see them later.." Mila says
I cover my face & start laughing
"Goodnight..Mr. & Mrs. Gilinsky" Yeli says winking & closes the door
"I told you to lock it!" I say laughing
"I did..I even blocked it!" He says & pulls the chair away
"They have superhuman powers" I say
He lays me down on the bed..
"I love you so damn much.." he says looking mesmerized at me
I giggle & I kiss him softly
"I love you baby" I say & run my fingers though his thick dark brown hair
Looks like I'll be Mrs. Gilinsky tomorrow!..
{~cause honestly..you turned out to be the..best thing I never had..~}
Happy Saint Patrick's' Day!!🍃🍃🍃✨✨✨
I love you guys so much💋💋❤️❤️💋💋❤️❤️💋💋
One week until the big day🍾💫✨ #1year
Tagged favs;❤️
Peace & Love💙

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