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{~song for chapter: Overdose-Ciara (Dave Luxe Remix)~}
Tazlynn's POV:
~the next morning~
I open my eyes & I look over to see Jack fast asleep still..
With his lips pouted & parted slightly..
I couldn't help but take in every feature of him..
He looked even more perfect asleep..
It that made any sense..
I was so in awe at the sight of him..
I straddled him & he opened his eyes
He smirked
"This is a perfect sight to look at when you wake up" he says & pulls me closer to him
I slip off my shirt..
Revealing my lace bra underneath
He bites his lip & I kiss him passionately..
When all of a sudden..I hear
"Mommy? Daddy? Are you two okay?"
I put the shirt on quickly & I hop off of Jack
I stare at him in horror
When I see our 2 year old daughter holding her teddy bear..
Who must've been standing there for a straight minute..
"What were you two doing?" Janella asks confused
"I was just waking daddy up" I say worried
That if she saw anything..
"Oh..why was your shirt off?" She asks
"It's hot in here sweetie..it's hot outside..& my window lets in the heat.." I say
Making up a entire lie..so she won't know.
"Oh okay! Well I'm hungry mommy! Can you make me breakfast please?" She asks batting her eyes
"Of course baby" I say lifting her up & I carry her downstairs..
I walk into the kitchen & she sits down on one of the chairs
I pull out the pancake mix & set it down on the counter
I'm looking for my chef hat..
Not that I need it..but I sometimes wear it..
Don't ask why..
I look over to see Ella wearing it on her head
I giggle & leave her with the hat.
I wrap a apron around my waist & tie it snug so it won't move
I tie my hair up into a perfect bun & start cooking some pancakes..
I wait until the batter seems cooked & I flip the pan..
"Mommy can you make eggs?" She asks pointing to the eggs
"Yes sweetie I'm making them" I say smiling & I crack some eggs
I fry them on the pan & I make both..
Scrambled & Deviled Eggs for breakfast
I place the plate down & bring the plate with pancakes on it
I place that down
I search for syrup & butter
When a arm grabs me & pulls me away from the kitchen
The arm lets go of me & I hear someone chuckling
I turn around to see Jack smiling
"I have breakfast on the table..unless you wanna starve..I think you better go eat" I say sighing & rolling my eyes playfully
He grabs me again & kisses my neck a little
"Tonight there's a party going on..we are going right?" He asks removing his lips from my neck
I nod & he pecks my lips
"Good..because it'll be another night that we have to ourselves." He says
"Tomorrow is a Challenge Day so keep that in mind" I say raising my finger to his face
He giggles & I walk away
I walk back in the kitchen to see Ella waiting for me
"Where did you go mommy?" She asks worriedly
"Daddy was messing around princess..I'm back & we can eat now" I say
I sit down & I serve Ella her food
I hand her the plate & she grabs it
I serve myself my food & Ella looks at me
"Where's daddy?"
"That's a good question!" I say raising a eyebrow
I walk out of the kitchen & see Jack on the phone outside..
I walk out & he quickly hangs up
"Who was that?" I ask crossing my arms
"Nobody let's go eat" he says hesitantly
"No. your not stepping foot inside until you tell me..who the hell was that?" I say a bit mad
"It was work okay?" He says sighing
"Hmm okay.." I say rolling my eyes & he walks inside
I sit back down in the kitchen
Not saying a word to Jack
"Hey babe I never told you how radiant you look today" he says
Kissing up I see.
I ignore him & Ella looks at me smiling
She digs her fork into the pancake & eats a piece of it
"Mm I love this mommy" she says smiling
"I'm happy you like it princess..everything I do is for you" I say smiling
I glance over at Jack & he stares at me
"Lynn now your being childish" he says
"Mommy's being what?" Ella says raising her eyebrow
"I'm being nothing princess..why don't you go take your food to your room?" I ask
"But you said it'll get dirty" she says frowning
"I'll let it slide today okay?" I ask smiling
She nods & smiles at me
"Your the best mommy ever!" She says & leaves with her food
I hear her small feet run up the stairs & her door close
I glare at Jack
"Starting up a fight when our daughter is around real mature" I say rolling my eyes
"You don't say a word to me while she's around. Just because of the phone call?" He says pissed
"Excuse me..but you looked like you were doing something wrong..plus why were you outside..every time it was business you always stay inside talking!" I say mad
"You think I'm cheating don't you?" He asks
"If I did..so what?" I say frowning
"Why do you think like that? How many times do you gotta remind you...your my only love & even in a room full of women..I only see you. Cmon Lynn..what's wrong?"
He says frowning & rubbing my back
He wraps his arms around me
"I feel so insecure after Ella was born..my body..has changed..it isn't the same...you must think I look horrible in my outfits" I say covering my face
"How dare you think that? I think you look very sexy in every outfit you wear! Lynn your still beautiful from the day I met you. It's totally normal for your body to be changing..but no matter what it may look like to you..it looks amazing to me. Because your the most sexiest woman alive to me." He says
I smile & he leans in
"I can kiss you now right? Or are you still mad?" He asks chuckling
I roll my eyes playfully & he kisses me passionately
"Whoa!!" Nayeli says covering the twins eyes
"I'm sorry kids" I say covering my face while blushing
Jack blushes & runs out of the kitchen
Nayeli notices
"No no Jackie you get your ass back here with that cheese grating jawline of yours" she says & runs after him
I hear as if someone fell
I run out of the kitchen to see Jack on the floor
With Nayeli sitting on top of his back
"Yeli get off your killing him!" I say laughing hard
As Jack struggles to move
"Keep laughing..I'm tackling you next!" Jack says looking at me
I clutch my stomach & continue laughing my ass off..
Ella walks down the stairs & laughs
"Mommy!! Daddy is stuck!" She says laughing
The twins also laugh & jump on Nayeli
Causing more weight to be on Jack..
He groans & fails to move his body..
I finish laughing & Nayeli gets off of him
By now Jack is lobster red & sweating
I help him off the ground & I walk upstairs with him following me..
Ella's playing with the twins & Nayeli downstairs..
We reach our bedroom & I close the door behind Jack
He wraps his arms around me
"You gotta shower Jack" I say cringing
"Your sweating please" I add as he tries to kiss my neck
"Fine fine..but your joining me" he says smirking
"No I'm not." I say smirking
"Yes you are..you laughed at me. Your going in with me" he says & tries drags me into the bathroom
His hold is no match to mines..
I'm released from his hold & I run to the other side of the room
When he lifts me up & throws me over his shoulder
He carries me into the bathroom & closes the door
He locks it & I squeal when he puts me down
You know the rest...😉😉😉😉
{~You're like a circus running through my mind...Got those sneaky eyes...what you trynna hide?...You're like a hurricane inside my veins...But I like it babe..so bring on the break....Let me fall, let me fall, baby let me drown...Can't breathe, can't breathe, give me mouth-to-mouth....Got my heartbeat pressing, that's slowing down...Got me sweating and I'm shaking, I'm freaking out...I took your love, think I took too much..Somebody call the doctor...Somebody call the doctor doctor (doctor)..I took it all, but it's not enough...Somebody call the doctor...Somebody call the doctor doctor (doctor)..I took your love,think I took too much..Somebody call the doctor...somebody call the doctor..I took it all,but it's not enough no..somebody call the doctor before I overdose.~}
I love you all so much💖💖💖✨✨✨
Thank you for the massive love & support 💖✨
Let's keep it going for #2017💖✨
Tagged favs;❤️
Peace & Love💙

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