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{~song for chapter: Caroline-Aminè~}
Tazlynn's POV:
~the next morning~
I knew I screwed up last night real badly..
The fact I woke up without a splitting migraine is a surprise to me....
I grab my cellphone & see drunk pictures of everyone displayed on my phone
I groan & shut off my phone
How could I let myself act so foolish?
I hear footsteps coming up the steps & I cover myself in my blanket
Jack is not in the bed with me..
instead he's in the bathroom washing up..
I raise a eyebrow & the door opens slowly
Suddenly cameras appear & the host sticks his head out
"Morning! Today is challenge day! Freshen up & meet everyone downstairs by 12pm" he says smiling & closes my door
I sigh & climb out of the bed..
I peak my head out of my door & I see..
That the host tries to open the door to the room....
next to mines..
Samantha & Derek's..
Ironically yes..but I don't care frankly..
I can't let her get me worked up..like 2 years ago..
I smirk & walk over to him
"Let me help" I say & unlock the door
He pushes the door open & I hear a loud scream
I hear cameras flashing & I peak to see Samantha..
hiding herself in the sheets with someone under the covers..
I hope it's Derek...
Please be Derek..
The person's head pops up & it's a unknown guy
"Who are you?" The host asks
"GET OUT" she screams & everyone flees
The door slams in their faces & gets locked up again
I shrug & laugh
I walk back to my room & Jack stands near the bed
In only a towel..
Which is wrapped around his lower half
"You woke up I see.." he says smirking
"Yes & I see you took a shower" I say tracing my fingers over his sculpted abs
I bite my lip & sway my hips as I walk away from him
He grabs me by the waist & tackles me on the bed
I squeal & he attempts to take my shirt off
When I hear a small knocking on the door..
"Who is it?" I ask sighing
"Mommy..It's me Ella!" I hear from behind the door
Jack groans lowly & I push him off of me slowly
He runs over to the closet & gets dressed quickly
I walk over to the door & fix my shirt before opening the door
"Yes princess?" I say smiling
"I wanted to be with you & daddy!" She says & wraps herself around my legs
"Princess me & daddy have to do a game today..maybe later okay?" I say
She nods & kisses my cheek
"Please win the game mommy!" She says
I nod & kiss her tiny forehead
"I love you princess" I say & she climbs into our bed
I look for a outfit suitable for today..

maybe later okay?" I say She nods & kisses my cheek "Please win the game mommy!" She says I nod & kiss her tiny forehead "I love you princess" I say & she climbs into our bed I look for a outfit suitable for today

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Since the challenge is water related..I put on a red bathing suit
I slip on light washed shorts & slip on gold sandals
I brush my hair out & I tie my hair up in a high ponytail
I then apply a waterproof red lip stain on my lips
I then walk downstairs & I get wolf whistles from mostly everyone
Except Samantha who's sucking her teeth in disgust & continues rolling her eyes..
I roll my eyes at her & walk away from her...
I step outside to see everyone surrounding the pool area
I smile & walk over
Nayeli grabs my arm
"I'm so excited!" She says jumping up & down like a 5 year old child
"Why?" I ask raising a eyebrow & giggling
"We're going on a inflatable obstacle course on the water!..we're leaving to the beach..when the host tells us to go..he came outside & told us the news..now he left & we're waiting..I can't wait!" She says
"OMG THIS IS A BETTER CHALLENGE THAN 2 years before!" I exclaim
"I know right? It takes 2 years for the challenges to get more fun" Mila says rolling her eyes..
"Girls we need to talk later.." Jasmila says frowning
"What's wrong? Wanna chat about it now in my room?" I ask her
She shakes her head
"We'll talk about it after the challenge..maybe after dinner." She says & walks away
Me & Nayeli stare at each other
"usually Mila would joke around or act wild during challenges..she's so serious & sad right now..Lynn there's something really wrong with her." Yeli says frowning
I cross my arms
"I should have her chat with me alone. Just us you know?" I say
She pouts
"It's unfair she's like this at the moment." She says
I hug her tightly
"Don't worry Yeli we still have the challenge to do..which I see the limo outside.." I say smiling
The host walks in
"Hello everyone now you all may take the limo back to Jersey Shore Beach where we will start our challenge...luckily this is the only challenge today..the prizes will be revealed later" he says placing the mic near his mouth..
"Let's get you all in that limo!" He adds & we all rush to the limo
We climb in & he climbs in with us..
Two camera guys come & film us..
"We cannot drink yet due to the challenge..so avoid alcohol for this time please..no drugs either..unless you wanna get kicked off the show..I will not tolerate any rule breaking okay?" He says
We all nod in unison
"Ok..we are now on the way to Jersey Shore Beach! This is gonna be fun.." he says looking into the camera..
{~to be honest with you man,she's a bad thang,fine as hell,thick as fùck,omg that's my baby,Caroline you divine,mighty fine,shawty really blow the pipe,like a pro..~}
Hey guys!
More drama is coming..don't worry..
I've been laying off the drama..since there's so much coming in the next chapters..
Like always it never ends with the secrets,lies,romance,fights,breakups etc..
I love you guys so much! 💖
If this book becomes a hit like the 1st book. ❤️
I will do a third book..possibly with the original gang or the original gang's kids..
Comment below which I should do??!!
Tagged favs;❤️
Peace & Love💙

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