3 - Any Way You Wish

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I've been exhausted today after that awful dream, and I'm weary about seeing What's-His-Name again. Not only do I not want to be reminded of my nightmare (well, it's kind of too late for that), but I'm still embarrassed about yesterday's kind-of-sort-of encounter. The dude caught me checking out his ass. He's bound to think that I'm a weirdo. Maybe he won't be there today. I know it's dumb to even worry about it, but I can't help it.

Harley and I've nearly walked the entire perimeter of the small park after about 20 minutes, and I haven't seen him yet. Maybe I'm in the clear. I turn to head back in the opposite direction when Harley lunges forward and I lose my grip on the leash. He takes off at full speed. He's barking his head off like I've never seen him do before, and completely ignoring my commands to halt. I'm running as fast as I can, but there's no way I can catch him. He's too far ahead of me. But he suddenly stops at a tree and the crazy thing tries his best to climb it, which he of course can't do.

I've almost caught up to him when someone approaches him with their hand out. Harley forgets about whatever was up in that tree and turns his attention to none other than the smoking hot jogger guy. Of course it's him.

I come to a standstill when I realize he now has Harley's leash in his hand and he's walking toward me. Fuck me.

He's not shirtless this time, but I've never seen someone make a tank top look so sexy in my life. It's clinging to him from all the sweat pouring out of his delicious body. I know I'm staring but I can't help myself.

"Did you lose something?" he asks, handing over the leash with a grin.

I nearly laugh at the irony. This was basically my dream, except a thousand times better. It's crazy. I accept the leash and tell Harley to sit, which he does. "Oh, so now you listen," I tell the dog. I'm stalling, because I'm nervous. But alas, I speak directly to the great piece of work standing directly in front of me. "Yeah, thanks. I don't know what got into him. He's never done that before."

"Squirrel," says this still unnamed guy.

"Huh?" I question.

"It was a squirrel that he was chasing. It ran up that tree," he pointed behind him toward the tree.

Duh. "Oh! I didn't see it."

Then, silence. Very, very awkward silence. I need to say something. But what? This guy is looking at me. He really has no certain expression that I can read. And I'm standing here still a little short of breath from the chase. I think out loud before I even realize it.

"Damn, I really need to get in shape." I close my eyes momentarily, embarrassed by my own comment. But it seems to perk this other guy's interest.

"Yeah? If you're serious I can help with that." He cocks his head a little and raises an eyebrow awaiting my reply.

What? I mean, he can help me get in shape alright. I can think of a few exercises we could do...

"You can? Wh-wha... what do you mean?" I stammer. I have so many inappropriate thoughts right now and pray to God that this guy can't read my mind.

He holds out his hand and introduces himself. "Calum Hood, personal trainer. I own a gym over on Hickory Street. I'm always looking for new clients. I'd be glad to help you out if you're interested."

I shake his hand and don't mind the sweat swap one bit. Hot damn. That explains everything. I can envision him working out, grunting, flexing, ordering me around, spotting me... Yeah, I need to quit.

"Oh, okay. Cool. I'm MJ. And this is Harley. He's really a good dog, I swear."

Calum. I'm so glad to finally know his name rather than referring to him in my head with the various cheeky nicknames I've come up with for him. He squats down and pets Harley. Harley seems to like him. He licks his face and Calum isn't taken aback at all. He's smiling widely as he talks to Harley and tells him how much he's always wanted a dog. I don't know him, but I already think he's perfect for me. Oh, but wait. I remind myself to not get too excited. He probably doesn't swing my way.

Calum stands up and puts his hands on his hips. I'm fiddling with the leash because I'm feeling a little uncomfortable with him looking at me. He's sizing me up and I don't know if I should say something or what I should say if I do. Thankfully, Calum speaks.

"So, MJ, what do you say? Do you want me to whip you into shape or nah?"

Please Lord Jesus, yes. Whip me any way you wish.

I want to say yes, but realistically, I can't. "I'd love for you to, um, help me out. But I really don't have much free time between school and working on the weekends. And I don't have money to spare for a gym membership right now. Maybe in a - "

He holds up his hands in between us and waves them for me to stop. "Nah, man. Don't worry about the money. We'll work something out. And I know you have at least a little free time, because you're out here with Harley every night. Just come to the gym instead. Hell, bring Harley, too. The back of the property is fenced in. He can play outside while we... while we get you in shape."

He smirked. The motherfucker smirked and my groin tightened. And he noticed that I'm out here every night? Well, then.

"Well... I guess I don't have any other excuses. So, yeah. I'd love to see what you can do with this." I indicate that I'm talking about my body and holy shit, I hope he didn't notice the double entendre. Or maybe I do. Shit, my heart is thumping like crazy.

He looks me up and down again and runs a hand through his thick, dark, wavy hair. My eyes take in the muscles flexing in his arm and I'm mesmerized. Then I tear them away to meet his and it strikes me how dark his brown eyes are. They're so dark that I can barely distinguish the pupils from the irises. Absolutely breathtaking.

"Great. Let me give you my card, and-" he says as he reaches behind to where his wallet would normally be. "Oh. I forgot, I don't have my wallet. You have your phone?"

Yes, yes I do. I fish it out of my pocket, unlock it, and place it in his awaiting hand. Even his hands are nice. He enters his information and hands the phone back to me.

"Okay, then. See you soon?"

I almost can't speak. All I say is, "Yeah, definitely," and nod emphatically before Calum pats Harley on the head and leaves. I don't dare watch him this time, though.

How is this even real right now? I'm trying to not take it personally, but I can't help but be a little excited. I know I'm imagining the vibes I'm getting from Calum. It's just wishful thinking. He was only checking me out to see what he had to work with, not to see if he liked it. But it still felt nice. Oh well, I guess time will tell.

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