15 - Jason

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"It's a really long story. But the somewhat condensed version is this: When I was 18, not quite out of high school yet, I met this guy at a frat party that my sister dragged me to when she was in college. I had no business being there in the first place." I tell him everything in a nutshell. How Jason swept me off of my feet, and how my parents were against it from the start, even though they hadn't met him. They saw how quickly and deeply I fell for him, and there were other concerns, but I brushed it off because I was young and didn't think my parents understood. They were parents. I explained that we moved in together as soon as I graduated high school, barely knowing this guy, and he changed right away. Or, I guess maybe I just got to know the real him. He was so possessive and controlling. He became verbally abusive. But when things were good, they were amazing. Even up to the very end. "We'd just gotten back from a weekend getaway, celebrating one year together and completing my first year of college, and it had been perfect. But an hour after returning home is when..."

Calum puts his hand on mine and squeezes it. I expect him to let go, but I'm pleasantly surprised that he doesn't. He rubs his thumb against the back of my hand and tells me, "It's okay." It's then that I realize that I'm trembling. But I'm going to finish my story.

"I don't even know what caused the argument, really. I don't remember much about it at all, except the fury in his eyes and the first hit. I either blacked out, or blocked the memory, I don't know. But the next thing I remember, vaguely, is Arabella screaming my name. Jason ran out and left me lying there in the floor, not caring if I was even alive. That was the first and only time he hurt me physically. It was so bad that I had to stay in the hospital overnight."

Calum is shaking his head, looking both angry and sad.

"He nearly destroyed me. I, um, I ended up in a psychiatric hospital for a couple of weeks because I thought about killing myself. I hated myself for not listening to my parents. I got so depressed that I couldn't go back to school that fall. I felt like I became a burden to my parents. I had no friends because I had isolated myself. And Arabella felt so guilty for taking my side and wanting me to be with Jason against my parents' wishes. So I hated myself for that, too. I just wanted to disappear and not be a problem for anyone."

Calum has removed his hand from mine and is stroking Harley, who is literally snoring softly between us. "But you didn't, MJ. You're so strong. Look at you now. You've come so far. I never would've guessed you went through something so awful and were at such a low point that you thought you'd be better off dead. You're a fucking rockstar, MJ." Calum smiles at me, and I know he means it. I'm so lucky to have him in my life now, even if all he'll ever be is a friend. I can live with that.

I feel myself blushing a little, and Calum's reassuring words help me calm down. "Thanks, Calum. That means a lot coming from you. It wasn't easy. And catching up on a semester of classes was the worst, but it helped keep my mind busy. I still have bad days. But it does get easier as time goes by. I used to be so embarrassed about the whole situation. I was so naive. Young and dumb. But anyway, my family has been so supportive of me since then, even though I didn't always feel like I deserved it. Like my parents letting me stay here, and Arabella calls me every day, even though she's married and has a baby on the way and has far more to worry about than me."

"I'm glad you have a lot of support. You can add me to that list now."

Ugh, my heart. That makes me want to cry again, but for a completely different reason than before.

"Where is this guy now?"

"I'm not sure. Last I heard, he moved to Arizona when he got out of jail. He hasn't attempted to contact me. He'd go right back to jail if he did because that was one of the terms of his release."


Things get quiet and Calum reaches over to get his phone from the nightstand.

"Shit, it's almost 3:00. I should go home."

"Yeah, I'm exhausted. And I have to work tomorrow."

He stands and holds out his hand for me. I take it, and he helps me to stand and pulls me into a hug. It's a very sweet gesture on his part, which makes my heart soar. I feel so warm and safe and perfect in his embrace. I feel myself fall for him a little more, even though I know it's in vain. He pats my back and pulls away.

"Thanks for everything, Calum. For tonight, for listening, and most of all for not judging me."

"No worries, MJ. It's all good. Nothing's going to change. I'm still going to wear your ass out at the gym."

"I'm counting on it. And next time we go out, I'll be the DD so you can enjoy yourself more. Or I can just take a cab."

"Um, but who's going to unlock your door and make sure you get up the stairs safely if you take a cab?"

I roll my eyes playfully at his teasing. "Okay, okay. Good point."

"Are you good now? Do you need me to stay with you tonight?"

I think he's serious. But even so, there's no reason for him to stay, though I'd love for him to. Just knowing he was near would be satisfying.

"No, but thanks for the offer. I'm fine now. I'll stay away from the stairs, I promise." I still can't believe I did that.

Calum reaches down to the bed and pulls the covers back and motions for me to get under them. "Go on. I'll let myself out."

It's honestly sweet, whether or not he means for it to be. I do as he says, barely having any room because of Harley all sprawled out. But I'm used to that.

"Thanks, Cal. If I don't talk to you before, I'll see you Monday."

"See ya, MJ. Get some sleep." And with those words he turns out the light and is gone.

What a night. I can't believe everything is out in the open now, but it's such a relief. I just hope it doesn't change anything.

A/N: Forgive me for spreading 1 night over 7 chapters. Yikes. But there was a lot that happened!

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