9 - Nervous

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My heart starts racing when the doorbell rings. Since I don't have a car, Calum offered to pick me up. Riding my bike probably wouldn't be a great idea.

It took me forever to get ready, because I couldn't make up my mind what to wear again, and I still need to get Harley squared away. Harley rushes to the door with me to greet Calum, and my already ragged breath catches at the beautiful sight in front of me. I secretly hope that he didn't notice the quick assessment I took before greeting him.

"Hi," says a grinning Calum, standing in my doorway, with his hands in his pockets, looking like something straight out of GQ magazine. He's wearing all black: a black dress shirt, showing off the perfect amount of chest, and tight black jeans. How the actual hell does he even put those things on?

Fuck. Me. Up.

I invite him in and apologize for running late, explaining that I need to let Harley out to potty and put him in his kennel before we leave. I can't trust him to be running loose in the house alone. He gets destructive when he's bored.

"Not a problem at all."

"Cool. Make yourself at home. I'll be right back," I say as I lead Harley to the back door and follow him outside. I can use the fresh air to calm my nerves. "Get yourself in check, MJ. This isn't a date. No need to be nervous," I tell myself quietly.

After Harley is finished doing his business, I let him inside and wait for him to drink a little water before telling him it's time for bed. He knows those words are his cue to go to his kennel, which he does. He slows down and looks curiously at Calum as we pass him in the living room, but then continues up the stairs to the bedroom like a good boy.

"Okay buddy," I tell my furry friend as I give him a treat and a quick cuddle before shutting the crate door. "Wish me luck. I don't know what for, but wish me luck." Then I take a deep breath and scurry back down the stairs.

Calum is checking out my rather extensive book collection that's displayed on a bookshelf in the tiny living room. When he notices me, he says, "I take it you like to read?"

"Yeah, you could say that."

"Cool. I wish I did. You have a nice little place here, by the way. Very nice. I'm guessing you're also a neat freak."

I chuckle at his observation. "Um, yes, definitely. I don't like things out of place at all. It gives me anxiety." Yeah, that's it, MJ. Let's tell him all about your weirdness. "But thanks. My parents actually own this place."

He acknowledges the statement with a nod.

"Yeah. They're not really ones to give handouts to my sister and me. They've always wanted us to do well for ourselves; work for what we have, like they do. But when they were trying to talk me into going back to school..." Fuck. Why? Why do I do this when I'm nervous? I've already said too much. He doesn't even know that I quit to begin with, or why. But it's too late now. I may as well finish. "...um, I was having a rough time and didn't want to live on campus with a roommate and stuff. They have several rental properties, and they offered me this one - insisted on it, actually - so here I am."

Calum nods his understanding again, though I see the unspoken questions in his eyes. "Well, that's pretty awesome. They sound like good parents."

"Yeah, they're the best. I'm really lucky to have them, and my sister, too. I don't know what I'd do without her."

"I don't know what I'd do without my sister, either. She's amazing. She keeps me in line and is so supportive of everything I do. She's still single, by the way." A small smile creeps up on his perfect lips.

I simply smile back at Calum, still not wanting to explain my sexuality. I don't know much about Calum's sister, not even her name. He hasn't talked about her much, other than to point out that he thinks we'd be a good match. Little does he know.

"Well, I'm ready if you are," I say, avoiding the subject. And then we're on our way.

I have no idea what awaits me, but I say a little prayer that I don't make a complete fool of myself. That's my only goal for the night.

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