36 - Celebrate

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"I got the job! I can't believe it. I freaking got the job!"

This is what I burst through the door of Calum's office's yelling. He looks at me as though I've lost my mind, until he realizes what I'm saying, then he joins in the excitement.

"I knew you'd get! I'm so proud of you, MJ."

We hug and it's the best feeling in the world. We haven't really had much physical contact since the night Calum got drunk, with the exception of some hand holding and a quick peck on the lips to say hello and goodbye. But I haven't made a big deal of it because I'm trying to be patient and move at his speed. His speed, however, is suddenly picking up.

He reaches over with his leg, still holding onto me, and shuts the door using his foot. He gives me that lopsided grin that makes me feel some kind of way, and gently pushes me up against the wall.

"Oh, shit," I whisper.

His hands are pinning me at the waist, and he begins teasing me, ghosting his lips and nose over mine. I hold onto his arms, not wanting to move. I just want him to continue this sweet form of torture.

"We should celebrate," he whispers.

I nod, and he asks, "Tonight? Your place?"

Wait. What? Is he suggesting what I think he is? I know he won't be finished at the gym until 9:00 tonight, so celebrating that late can only mean one thing, right? No way.

I nod again, way more enthusiastically. But before anything else can happen, the door flies open, and Calum promptly removes himself from me.

"Oh! Guys! I'm sorry. I should really learn to knock."

Fucking Luke, man. His face is bright red.

"What is it, Luke?" Calum asks, annoyed. Actually, I think he's embarrassed and trying to pull it off as annoyed.

"I, uh, well, you asked for me to stop by."

"Shit, right. Sorry."

Calum looks at me apologetically and says, "MJ, I need to speak with Luke privately, if you don't mind. I'm sorry. I'll text you when I'm leaving."

"Yeah, no problem. I'll see you in a little bit. Bye, Luke."

I'm feeling quite frisky now, and wink at Luke on the way out. He's such an easy target. I've grown to learn why Calum and his friends pick on him so much. It's all in good fun, though.

When I get home, I make sure everything is neat and in it's place. Well, as neat as it can be with boxes stacked everywhere. I realize that I don't have anything to make a real meal with, so I run back out to the store to get a few things. Even if Calum just wants to celebrate by spending time together sitting around doing nothing, I still want to make it as perfect as I can.

I make a little extra to give Harley, because I'm a sucker like that. And I wait. And I wait a little longer. Finally, at 10:40, Calum knocks on the door.

"I thought you were going to text first."

"Shit, yeah. I forgot. I'm sorry. My mind has been so scattered."

"It's fine. I've just been waiting for you. I'm glad you're here now."

He walks in and asks, "What's that smell? Did you cook?"

"I did, actually. Come on, I'll warm it up."

He sits at the table and sighs heavily. I go about getting our food ready, but I can't help but notice that Calum seems distracted. He's not even paying attention to Harley, who's sitting at his feet.

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