23 - Lit

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It's no time at all before I have a house full of people I don't even know. And by a house full of people, my house is tiny, so I really just mean about 20. But still. This is what I was afraid of. But hey, before long I won't give a hairy rat's ass. I've already consumed more alcohol than I've had in, well, ever. And I know I'm going to regret this tomorrow. But how often does one graduate college, right?

Music is blaring, people are dancing, and the house is already trashed. But people are having a good time, and that makes me happy, even if I don't know them. Even my neighbors, some couple in their 30's, came over. The place is lit. It's exactly like one of those house parties you see in movies, but scaled down.

But unlike in those movies, Calum hasn't whisked me upstairs to my bedroom to have sex with me. Dammit. As a matter of fact, I've hardly spoken to him since our lovely friends interrupted our almost-kiss. Just let me call it that, okay? He's mostly been with Michael, Luke, and Mali. I'm actually surprised that Mali is still here, seeing as she doesn't care to hang out with Calum's friends, or so he said. But she seems to be having a great time anyway. I'd even go so far as to say she's the life of the party.

Ashton, on the other hand, has practically been attached to my hip. I can't really say that I mind, except I know how Calum feels about it. But every few minutes I forget about that, and I find myself enjoying Ashton's attention immensely, even encouraging it. What's a little harmless flirting? It feels good to have someone showing me affection in public; someone that I know isn't going to yell at me as soon as everyone leaves.

Just as I get to the point where I'm so wasted that I want to dance, one of my favorite All Time Low songs starts playing: Don't You Go. Perfect timing. I don't even think about it. I just grab Ashton by the shirt and pull him to the center of the living room, which has become the official dance floor. As though we're not already having a blast, Green Day's American Idiot comes on next. I don't know who's in charge of this playlist, but they're amazing. However, I'm ready for a break by the time a couple more songs finish. Ashton looks disappointed, but all this jumping around is starting to make me feel nauseous. I need to sit down for a minute and let my stomach settle. Plus, I need to check on Harley. He's been in my room since it started to get crowded. He kept trying to put himself between me and all these strangers, and I could tell he was a little overwhelmed.

I have to practically yell into Ashton's ear so he can hear what I'm saying. "I'm going to my room to check on Harley!"

"I'll go with you!" he shouts in return.

I don't object.

Surprisingly, I don't have any difficulties ascending the stairs this time. Maybe it has something to do with Ashton holding my hand.

Harley is excited to see me. His tail is wagging 100 miles per hour. And he jumps up with his front paws landing right on my stomach, which exacerbates the nausea problem.

I have to sit down on the bed and take slow breaths until my stomach settles. Ashton asks if I'm okay, and I mention that I'm feeling a little sick and should probably stay here a while.

He pats the pillow and tells me to lie down. "Go ahead. It's your party, you're allowed to disappear for a bit if you want. I'll stay with you."

"I'll be fine, Ashton. Go back downstairs. I just need a few minutes."

"Nonsense," he says.

The next thing I know, he has turned off the light and made his way to the other side of the bed and is spooning me. I repeat: Ashton is spooning me.

I'm glad he can't see my face, because I know my eyes are bulging. But then I decide to just go with it. I'll enjoy it while I can, because after we both sober up, nothing like this is going to happen. I snuggle into him and in no time, I've forgotten all about why I needed to rest in the first place. It's been so long since I've had someone's arms around me and it feels wonderful. We talk quietly and share a few laughs while Harley is snoozing on the floor at the foot of the bed.

After a while - no idea how long really - Ashton asks if I'm feeling better. I turn over so that I'm lying on my back, which causes my head to spin for a second, but then I'm fine. "Yeah, much better. Thank you. This is nice." I probably shouldn't encourage him, but...

Ashton's hand has been resting on my waist, but he moves it up and lightly caresses my collar bone and then my cheek. I kind of want him to stop, but I also kind of don't want him to stop. But he does, and he raises up onto his elbow. It's dark, but this close, I can still see his facial details, like his perfect jawline, and the dimples that show even when he's not smiling. I can't help but to reach up and touch the one on his left cheek.


"Yeah?" I whisper.

He doesn't answer. But a few seconds later, he kisses me. And I kiss him back.

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