10 - No Gaydar

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The small talk on the short drive to the club was entertaining. Calum told me a story about how he used a fake ID to go into a bar for the first time when he was 19. And in the midst of the conversation I found out that he's 25 now. I also found out that he likes to write music and can play the guitar, as well as a bass guitar.

"Wow, I had no idea. I never would've guessed that as your hidden talent, Calum."

Calum offers a sexy lopsided grin and I have to force myself to tear my eyes away from his perfectly full lips. Lord have mercy. 

"There's a lot about me that you don't know about yet, MJ."

Yet. So he's not planning on revoking my friendship card anytime soon. At least, I hope not.

It seems like we have to park a mile away, and I'm sweaty by the time we make it inside. And now I'm all paranoid that I have pit stains. Remind me again why you agreed to this? I ask myself. Oh, yeah, because you're smitten with the smoking hot, super nice trainer jogger dude. The STRAIGHT smoking hot, super nice trainer jogger dude. 

We show our IDs and Calum insists on paying my cover charge. As if he hasn't already done enough for me. Then I follow him to a table attended by a group of some of the most beautiful people I've ever seen in my life. These people are way out of my league. They're all dressed to the nines and I feel ridiculous in my polo shirt and khakis. Again, why am I doing this? Obviously, I'm a glutton for punishment.

Everyone is excited that Calum has arrived and they all greet him with a hug/high-five/fist bump. Apparently, I'm not the only one who thinks he's special. 

All eyes are on me as soon as the greetings are finished and I feel like a fish in a bowl. I'm trying to talk myself out of panicking when Calum motions for me to sit down in the closest chair and he sits next to me. Thank God. I was afraid we'd be separated and I'd be stuck having to sit between strangers. 

"Everyone, this is my new friend, MJ. MJ," he points to the person next to me, a tiny girl with short blonde hair and eyes so bright blue they almost seem to glow in the dim light, "this is Megan." I smile politely while she's making it no secret that she's checking me out. She bites her bottom lip coyly and I have a hard time holding back a giggle. Obvious much? 

Calum continues the introductions clockwise around the table. There's Megan's sister, Alicia, who looks nothing like Megan with her long black hair and fuller frame. Then Alicia's boyfriend, Michael. I can tell right off the bat that Michael likes to be the center of attention. He's singing loudly to the music and ignoring the fact that Calum is trying to talk. Rude. Next is this hippy looking guy, Luke. I assume he's the same Luke that works at the gym on the weekends. Ashton is next. I've heard a lot about him, and I can definitely see why he has a successful modeling career. He's flawless. And he's the only one who stands to shake my hand. Damn, great manners, too. I like him already. Last is Brooke. Do you ever just instantly get a feeling about someone and not like them for no reason? That's how I'm feeling about her. But I smile and say hi to her anyway, and she gives me one of the most fake smiles I've ever seen. Yeah, I'm not going to like her at all. 

As soon as that's taken care of, Ashton announces that he's paying tonight. No one rejects his offer, though Megan is the designated driver for Michael and Alicia, so she's not drinking alcohol, nor is Calum. Ashton waves down someone to take our order. I order a Long Island iced tea. I honestly don't care much for the taste, but just one usually does the trick for me, and I'm in need of something that's going to calm my nerves quickly. Though, I'm more relaxed now than I thought I'd be. Maybe it's not going to be so bad after all. 

I'm bombarded with questions about where I'm from, school, family, and the inevitable "Do you have a girlfriend?" Naturally, it's Megan who asks that one. I want to say yes so that she'll back off. But I answer "no" and she puts flirting mode into overdrive. She's touching me every chance she gets and keeps indiscreetly rubbing her leg against mine. I keep scooting over, but then she does, too. Why? Why is this my life? This chick has no gaydar for sure. 

However, two LIITs later, and a shot of something that burned like Hell on the way down, and I'm not minding so much. I'm getting a little giddy and laughing along at the little show she's putting on for me. Well, to be honest, I'm kind of laughing at her, but she doesn't have to know that. I'm actually having a good time. Despite my expectations and first impression, I feel like I kind of fit in the more I loosen up. Michael is funny as shit. And the thing is that I don't think he intends to be so funny, which makes him even funnier. Luke is more reserved, but he chimes in now and then, mostly to defend himself. They seem to pick on him more so than anyone else, like a little brother. He does seem to be younger than the others.

An hour or so has gone by when Calum leans over to tell me he'll be back in a few. I watch him walk off with Brooke, and they're holding hands. I'm instantly disappointed, but remind myself that it's just as well because I don't have a chance with him. And just as I start to forget about it, it dawns on me that Calum may be a cheating, lying ass jerk. What the hell? That's not Mali. What the fuck is he doing? Ugh. For the first time, I'm having negative feelings toward Calum, and it upsets me. A lot. I really hoped he was different than every guy ever. I'm a fool for thinking he was as perfect as I thought he was.

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