Chapter 4

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"just get out of this cafe"

" But sir please i can't this is all im left with "

" Im nt here to watch another daily soap"

" Sir please don't do this with me don't be so heartless"

" ohhhh uu got it right im heartless"

"throw all that shit out of that cafe i want that place crystal clear my tommorw " he said to his worker.

"and you get out " he said without any emotions

" Sir please sir don't do this with me with my family "

" you just get out i said " he just dragged me out of the cafe and thrown me out like a trash

" beta get up "

" please don't throw me out please i beg you "

"what are you talking about why will i throw you"
this voice sounds different

"Beta wake up its almost 11 "
ooooh god that was a dream i got  such a bad dream god

" what happened why are you so sweaty i think u got nightmare go have shower first take so much stress beta " she said hugging me

" yeah il go hv shower angel  i think i gotta long day ahead "

Today i have an appointment with that bastard  i don't know what to do now totally blank .
My grandmaa does't know a single thing about it i don't have that much of guts to bring this topic infront of her she can't be able to handle it .Sometime when i sit alone in balcony what if my parents were with me how good my life would have been .I don't think  if they were here u had to go through this kind of situations in my life .My life would have been very easy .

Maa Paa i miss uu a lot ...

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