Chapter 22

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Vijay's  POV

“Mind your tongue Ritesh don, 't speak nonsense” I said angrily.

“Your father abandoned us you know how difficult our life had been just because of your father, my mother worked day and night just to feed us we lived our life with so many difficulties on other side your upbringing was made with royalty leaving us here rot in hell” he spat I stood there dumb-founded.

“Ritesh stop it why is you blaming him is it his mistake” Aunty questioned.

“Off course he snatched our childhood, all the privilege for which we were entitled and a father's love which was most important of all your husband gave all the love to him and not us” he said sadly but not showing it.

“He doesn, 't know anything about it so keep him out of all this Ritesh please” aunty warned him.

“He took my love as well Maa he snatched away my Riya from me” my blood boiled when he said mine how can she be his she is only mine.

“She is my wife” I warned him.

“I know how well you treated her same like your father treated my mother" he spat.

“Will you stop it Ritesh” his mother requested this time.

“Tell him everything or shall I”he countered his mother.

“Why are you blaming him he is not the cause of our situation” his mother reasoned.

“Maa you are taking his side don, 't you remember why dad left us don, 't you” he countered back.

“What is happening here will you please tell me aunty," I said anger laced in my voice.

Aunty turned towards me looking into my eyes with her tear filled eyes ...
"My family and me used to stay in Jaipur and your father had come there for some business trip the hotel he was residing in I was working there as a receptionist we both fell in love and later your father started coming to Jaipur thrice a month to meet me later after a few months my parents came to know about us and pressurized us to marry, and we both got married.

Even after my marriage I stayed at my parents house for two months. People started creating rumors, so without informing Gangadhar I came here and visited his office I only knew his office address I went straight into his cabin but unfortunately your grandfather was seating on his chair when he asked about me I told his the whole scenario, so that they can accept me but the situation here was totally different he was already married and had a son I felt like my whole life crashed.

Your grandfather didn, 't accept me beta he threw me out of your father's life, and your father as well never tried to reach us at that time I was four months pregnant.

I couldn't go back to Jaipur as well, so I stayed here only Riya' mother had helped me that time she was my good friend. We have really struggled a lot in our life beta” by that time she finished her story tears we're rolling out of her eyes she sat on sofa and was weeping.

I felt betrayed my own father had betrayed us he betrayed my mom for some other woman how he could that.

“That was the reason I separated you two. I knew you loved her a lot, and I wanted you to go through this pain the emotional trauma leaving a person you love the most. Look at yourself business tycoon Vijay Singh has become a lovesick alcoholic” he said, laughing evilly at me.

“You sick bastard you made me a villain of her life”I said, getting hold of his collar and punching square on his face he got wild and was trying to kick me his mother came in between us and starting pulling his son away from me to stop this fight.

“Aunty I will come back” I said and walked out of the house banging away the door.

I punished my innocent Riya for my father's mistake I wanted to punch myself how horrible of a husband I can be. I burned down her most precious café. The guilt was killing me.

Will she ever forgive me for my mistake.

I got into my care and drove to Devi Mansion where my parents reside.

As I got into the bungalow my mom was seating on a sofa she came towards me to hug, but I shoved her off and walked straight to my dad's bedroom.

As I opened the door my dad was seated on a corner sofa reading some magazine. As soon as he laid his eyes on me he smiled asked me to come near him I walked towards him.

“Dad you betrayed us”I said, looking straight into his eyes.

“What are you speaking Vijay” he questioned me.

“How you can abandoned them and on other side you betrayed my innocent mother” I screamed at him I had never raised my voice against him he looked shocked at my behavior and got up from the sofa and was standing opposite to me.

“Is Madhumita your second wife”

“Beta.....beta....that .....she....”he was stammering he wasn, 't able to look into my eyes how will he.

“Cat caught your tongue dad”

“Why you cheated on my mommy”

“I made a mistake beta please forgive me” he started pleading

“But your mistake had put 3 lifes' at stake you not even though once about them before leaving them in that situation,” I said, looking at him.

“I was helpless as soon as your Grandfather came to know about this he warned me and also threatened me saying he will evict the property from me, and he will inform everything to your mom” I looked at him bewildered the man who had been my role model whom I looked upon as my inspiration was a culprit.

“Now listen to me dad,” I said, looking at him.

“I want you to pass down half of the property to them”dad looked at me shocked.

“What are you saying” he questioned.

“Atonement of your sins” I said, looking at him sadly.

“But how can I give have of it you know how much our property costs”my father asked me.

“You made their past live in hell let their future be better” I said, looking blankly

“As you say” my said agreeing to me.

“Keep all the papers ready tomorrow”I said and left with a heavy heart.

I have to get my Riya back in my life.

Hey all so here is a new chapter I hope you all will like it I will try soon to update next chapter...

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