Chapter 3

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Tring tring ...
At this time who the hell call yaar first of all Im getting late my grandmaa might be waiting for me Its past 12'o clock .I started taking small events in my cafe like birthday party and all to manage my house beacause i have to pay my college fees ,school fees ,houeshold expenses and even i have to take care of my grandmaa's medical expenses  and various other bills on my shoulder as well.So i have to work all night sometime my staff members are too good as they help me to manage this cafe.

"hello who is this calling at this time"

"Vijay khanna is here "

" whovever you are  don't you have watch is this the time to call a girl you idiot"

" Mind your language lady"

" areee who the hell are you to tell me its your fault to call a girl at this time is what gentlemen's do hai naa" said riya sarcastically.

" I have a reson to call you stop assuming things and listen to me carefully " said Vijay arrogantly

"oooh yeah of course at mid night you have something to speak very important" said Riya sacrcastically with a hint of anger
" See i don't have all the time in the world to listen  to your nonsense so you work in cafe and you also own it i heard couple of months ago khanna company had sent you a legal notice to get out of that cafe as you know that property actually don't belong to you or your father my company is planning to construct restaurant over there so you better leave that cafe im giving you One whole week to wind up your belongingness and if you don't do it i have other ways to work on it as you know how powerful i am "

" how can you do this to me  this cafe is the only thing which fill my family's stomach there are so many places in this big city soo why you are behind my small cafe please don't this to me "
pleaded riya.

" Im sorry i have already decided once i commit i never change it so im sorry Ms.Riya you have one  week left " Vijay said stearnly .

"Sir this cafe is the only thing which my parents left for me i have spend my childhood over here my faher had worked very hard for this cafe don't take this away from me "she pleaeded again and tried to convience him

" you have one option to save your small cafe" said Vijay

" okay tell me "

" i don't think you will agree to that"

" just tell me "

" Marry me "

"What are you out of your mind how can i marry you "

"i told you "

" why are you doing this to me"

" i have given you an option you have two weeks to think " saying hunged up .

What shall i down now i already had so much in my plate and this is like a salad .
what shall i tell my grandmaa now .

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