Chapter 5

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I had never entered such a big buildling .Right now im going to meet him to discuss about the deal. Morning he had called me to inform about where shall i meet him actually i was thinking to meet him in public place but that did't happen i hope this meeting goes good .

"how can i help you" asked receptionist politely

"Im here to meet Mr. Vijay khanna"

" he is in one of the meeting  now it will get over soon please be seated il inform you once he finishes with the meeting"

I just nodded and sat on one of the sofa's .Everything here was screming " im expensive" .
I always think how come this people are so rich even the receptionist might be earning more then i manage to earn for a year. She was wearing such an expensive dress . Instead of buying one dress for so much price il buy 10 dresses well don't blame me i belong to middle class family every girl like me will think in same way as i .
As i was in my train of thoughts estimating price of vase kept on the table receptionist informed me that Tiger  is finally free  and he is waiting for his prey ohh well that's me how lucky am i hai naa god .
I am  waiting outside his office debating weather i should go inside or just run away from here.There are so many "if's" going on in my mind .but i have to do this so i pushed the door open and entered his office .The office was huge and again screming "im expensive".
But to my surprise he is not there in office do i again have to wait now .
Again i was lost in my own thoughts that bastard spoke up

" So u r finally here "

as i heard his voice i turned to look at his face ooh god he is so damn handsome the moment i led my eyes on him i falled in love nothing happened like that with me he was handsome pretty tall but arrogance on his face can be seen clearly .

" Do u always make people wait for you or im just an exceptional case" i said sarcastically

"are you here to talk about this things then you may go out the door is open"

This guy don't have any emotions heartless fellow

" as i had told u on phone that in less then 4 weeks i want you to set your cafe somewhere else"

" Sir as you know from last 20 years our family has been taking care of your place so please suddenly why are you taking back from us we are not rich as you my family is depend upon me the cafe is the only thing which fulfills all my family's  expense so my humble request to you don't take the only  we are left with"

" i have given you an option "

" how come i can marry you its impossible i don't know anything about you leave about me what about my family who will take care of them "

" are you done or you have anything else to say"

" its not a joke sir for rich people like you it might be a joke not for me you guyz only know to play with the life of people like us "

" i will take care of your family your all family expenses will be taken care of your brothers education will be taken care of anything you want to be taken care of"

it will be understatement if i say i was speechless my mouth was hung open why the hell this man wants to marry me .

" i will like to marry you on monday today is friday right"

"what are you saying monday are you allright "

" yes or no "

" why do u want to marry a girl like me there might be so many girls out wealthy and beautiful im just an average girl "

" so monday is final then"

" i have't informed my grandmaa"

"inform her today don't let your hopes high we will marry in court just with some family members and friends i will send my p.a tommorow to your place for shiffting arrangements etc . She will inform you everything"

" can you promise me that you will take care of my family "

" yes i promise "

Its 11 pm now my grandma might be waiting for me i have to inform her everything i don't know how she is gonna react.
I rang door bell twice but she still did't open the door again i rang the bell finally she opened otherwise i would have got mild heart attack .

" Angel what took so long to open door"

" I was watching my favourite song " baby ko base pasand hai".

she sang we both started laughing she might be old but she acts like 16 yr old girl .

" angel i need to talk to you something important "

" okay beta go freshen up first '

"as you say"

i kept my bag on table and entered washroom .warm water running over my tired body soothed me. Today's day was prerty hectic.

As i entered kitchen my grandmaa was serving food on dining table .
we both first finished our food .
" so tell me beta"

" grandmaa i don't know how to tell you this to you now"

" so this is sonething very important "

" yeah on monday im getting married"
finally blurted out.

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