Chapter 14

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As I was standing in my balcony, I saw someone,'s shadow near my mango tree which was in our small garden.

I tried to see it more closely it was him.

I didn, 't move I stood there to see what he was doing. He was trying to peek in my bedroom, I jerked aside and sat on floor I slowly got up and tried to see whether he was still there and as I stood he was still standing there.
He stood there till 2:00 am.
I was sitting in my balcony till he leave.

He finally left and I jumped on bed and dozed off.

Next Morning.

I was preparing breakfast for my brother he was getting late for school my dadi was searching his tie and was shouting at him this is a everyday scenario in our house, he never take care of his belongings and dadi is shouting every morning at him.

"Here is your tie from tomorrow onward I will not do all this stuff for you day by day you are becoming lazy and irresponsible donkey” she said with a fake anger, and that donkey was laughing at her he is really an idiot.

I also got ready and headed to my café.

As I reached café everyone was busy with their respective work.

I was busy with my own work I got a mail and it was from Vijay.

It must be important that's why he must have mailed.

I checked that mail and I felt heartbroken I don, 't know how to cope up with this 1st thing was he wanted me to leave this café and 2nd thing we're divorce paper he had scanned those divorce copies and had mailed how will I inform this to my family.

With heavy heart I reached my home dadi was watching some serial and that donkey was doing homework.

I washed my face and looked myself in mirror pale face was looking back at me I felt a like crying my heart out, but I didn't it will make me week, and I'm not week I drank a cup of tea and calmed my mind.
I thought of calling Naina let's try I didn, 't make any mistake I will prove Vijay that I didn, 't cheat him and a lot more stuff he needs to learn that he cannot make week people feel like shit by taking everything from their god hardly give them something they can earn their bread from and this rich bastard wants to take that away too from me I was not sleeping with him, he didn, 't even listen from my side and threw me out of his house like a tissue paper I need to calm my mind again.

As I dialed Naina's no. after two three beeps lady of customer said in her robotic voice “the number you are trying to call is not available.”
That's big disappointment how will I reach to Ritesh I called again it again started beeping, and finally it started ringing thank God after 3 rings.

“Hello who is this”said Naina

“Hi Naina"I said

“OMG Riya is that you, I cannot believe it's you”she said in one breath

“How are you? I asked

“Good" she said

“What about you how's you Riya how's your married life”she asked

“ How my life can go well when your brother is all set to ruin”I said without any emotions

“Riya what's your problem he apologized to you long back you should forgive him and move on your life you are already married now be Happy with your husband” she said angrily

“Ohh wait girl what did you say I should be happy with my husband how will I stay happy with my husband if your brother Don, 't want to ruin it”

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