Chapter 8

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Riya Pov

I was looking into mirror I really felt different ...different about myself I'm not single anymore "married women" there is mangalsutra in my neck my hand is designed with beautiful mehandi I have put bangles in my hand I look totally different women I'm no more that women who wore jeans and loose t-shirts who never bothered to comb her hair properly.

Now the life will be so different I can't be that same old me I can't get back my freedom .

Last two days I was busy with all the rituals today I will be going to my husband's place. Nothing is more painful then to live your family ,friends everything behind for someone whom I don't even know properly .

I heard a knock on my door as I turned toward door there stood my Angel

" I have packed your bags dear"

" What about you guyz haven't you guys packed bags yet"

" beta we can't come there dear it's your husband's place"

" I can't leave without you guyz you both know that right "

" but now you have to leave with your husband dear he is everything for you your life everything"

" So you are telling leave your family with whom you grew up leave those people who sacrificed their dreams to fulfil mine and go stay with that stranger "

" Beta you were bound to be with him its not in our hands "

" I can't leave without you two " I said crying and hugging her tightly

" I think it's time to move Riya" said that jerk.

I did't bothered to look at him n was in my angels arms crying .

" Grandmaa we will be late " said that jerk how dare he let me meet him in private I will hit him on his handsome face.

"Yes Yes beta she is just emotional as she is not used to staying away from us "

" I have already arranged for your stay I had promised her of taking care of you I dont break my promises "

I really got shocked he had promised me but I thought just to convince he would have told so but no this both my darlings will stay with me nothing is better then that .

" Thanx a lot beta but we can't stay at your place "

" what's the problem grandmaa I don't have any problem my family have no issues as I had already spoke to them regarding then why not" he asked

"Its India beta you know very well family of a girl can't stay at her husbands place like that" my angel said.

" Okay don't stay in our house but atleast stay next to us as I had bought that house long back due to some reasons but you guyz can stay there" he said .

" okay beta but we will shift Tomorrow please" she requested him
" okay grandmaa as you say "

I again went and hugged her .

" see he has a golden heart you are really a lucky girl " she whispered in my ears .

" grandmaa will you stop with that"

We all went outside he bought all my bags from inside and kept in the luxurious car he have bought this rich people always have to show off with their luxuries.

" be a good wife to him and take care of him thik hai beta" she said why do you have to tell that infront of him she could have told that when we were alone "

" off course she will take care of me and i know she will be a good wife hai naa " he said hugging me side ways how dare he touch me calm down Riya calm down you have all the time to take revenge on him.

After 2 hours

We reached his house it's not just a house its massive bungalow God how will I stay in such a big place I don't know how many ghosts will be there in that house God please save me . My home sorry it's not my anymore is way smaller then this .
As I was in own thoughts he kept his hAnd on my shoulder signalling we reached .

I got down from the car there were so many people waiting to welcome me i didn't notice that.

They were all the people who work in this bungalow so I won't be staying alone thank God otherwise God knows what would have happened but one thing is if there are so many people in this house there won"t be any ghosts yehhh thank God , mostly in bungalows like this there are ghosts so .

I entered my new home sorry bungalow this rich people naa anyways everyone greeted me welcomed me the smile which was on their face was not the plastered one but genuine one they all made me feel home.

One of lady she must be in here late 50's showed me my room
" my name is Rose madam if you require anything just give a call I will be at your service " she said bowing infront of me.

" please don't call me madam aunty you are like a mother figure to me you can call me by my name " I said .

" You are our baba's wife , owner of us how can i can call you by your name"

" by your mouth " we both laughed .

" our baba is lucky to have such a beautiful girl not only from face but by heart " she said

" That I very well know Rose " that jerk said suddenly

" baba is here you both enjoy have a great night " she walked away winking at me .

We both entered his room sorry our room it's all decorated beautifully as shown in tv for first night .

He closed the doors and came and sat next to me .Which made me nervous . I Just got up from bed and was going to unzip my bag

" unpack that bag in morning now come here " he said

" I won't be able to sleep in this Saree so want to change" I told him .

" well don't worry I won't let you sleep in that Saree" he said in a teasing tone.

"This jewellery is too heavy let me remove that "

" you come here first " he told me sternly .
Be a good wife I remembered those words and went near him .

" I will remove that jwelleries for you" he said and slowly started removing one by one he was so close to me which felt right I did't feel uncomfortable being him so close to me may be he was bound to be with me .
He had removed my earrings making sure I didn't get hurt.
Now he removed my necklace .
He just moved his hands towards my hairs and removed all the pins to let them loose .
In those dim lights he was looking like a beautiful masterpiece which god have created only for me I have seen so many handsome guyz but there was something different about him .

" You look beautiful " he said suddenly out of blue
He started running his hands from my neck to my waist and made  me sit on his lap later he removed pins of my Saree now I felt nervous and naked infront of him I tried to hide my body from my hand but he slowly removed it.

" you are my wife darling won"t you allow me to touch you " he asked softly. I did't say anything and just stared at him .

I am very scared now I know what is next .

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