Chapter 24

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Riya's POV

They both were leaving, and I don,'t know why but, I felt they both will click well together.

"Riya it's too late we all should leave now" Dadi said which I too felt correct it was past 12'o clock now.

Gaurav had bought his car we didn't have to worry about transport.

One by one everyone was stepping out of café Dadi handed my Keys of café, so I locked it and checked twice.

Gaurav bought his car in front of café everyone got inside I too was about to get inside, but Dadi stopped me...

"You come with Vijay"she said sternly.

"There is so much space I too can easily fit let me in," I said, getting near car, but she stopped me again.

"Don, 't create a scene now Riya stop acting like a child" she said, looking at me angrily.

"Dadiiiii...." I pleaded it will be difficult for me to get along with him easily.

"Gaurav we don, 't have time for this lady, turn on your car" she said they literally drove away leaving me behind.

I stood there nervously I could here Vijay's footsteps getting closer to me.

I turned around he was standing nervously fidgeting with his hands I was shocked to see him so nervous that too in front of me was he the same guy who tormented me like a devil now standing before me like a lost kid.

"Riya Happy Birthday" he extended his hand to wish me.

"You are late it's already over,"I said, making a face.

"Ooh yes" he chuckled nervously.

"Will you drop me, or we going to stand here all night" I said, acting pricey.

"I wanted to tell you something"he said, looking everywhere but not me.

"Go ahead" I said.

"Riya I don, 't know from where to start I had always been my worst with you instead of being the best for you every girl dream of having caring and lovable husband, but I broke you in every possible way I evicted you from our home and that....that cafè which was the closest to you, I burned it into ashes and I also married you without your consent Riya I stooped so low in raging jealousy I never thought even for a minute how will you deal with this situation.... I had been a nightmare to you" he said with watery eyes ...

" Riya I punised you for my father's mistake I'm so sorry Riya I don, 't know whether you will forgive me or not but, I really love you Riya I didn, 't realize when I falled for you every minute I have spent thinking of about you that day when I saw you with Ritesh in such a proximity I went insane and committed such a huge mistake but, when he kissed you on the day of Pooja I couldn't control myself Riya that evening he called me and manipulated with my mind, and he took revenge in a very wrong way Riya" he said his eyes we're red shot by now he was on his knees begging for my forgiveness I stood there numbed looking at him in such a vulnerable situation, and I somehow agree with him.

"Riya I'm so sorry for my behavior Riya please forgive me....." I kept my hand on his lips and shooed him I made him stand first...

"U don, 't look good like this everyone make mistakes Vijay but, atonement of those mistake is more important I didn, 't feel bad that much when you threw me put of your house but, when you burned my café that the situation literally broke me Vijay, you know when my parents were alive we never faced any issues later when they died my family struggled a lot specially Dadi to feed us Vijay and you know without that café we could have died of starving but this café feeded us Vijay. it is like our God " I said, remembering those bad days. He hung his head low in shame.

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