Chapter 20

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As I reached bus stand Dadi started getting emotional her eyes were getting watery, and she was holding my both hands.

I untangled my hands from her, and hugged her tightly I knew she was worried about me but did I had any other option other than leaving them.

“Dadi bus will leave in 5 minutes will you leave my hand now” I said, looking at her …

“Riya take care of yourself beta once you reach call me okay and forward Gaurav's contact number on my phone Rihaan will call you okay beta” she said, looking at me sadly with her watery eyes.

I bid them goodbye and hoped in the bus for my next destination.

Next Day.

Someone shook me i opened my eyes who was it but to my shock, bus conductor was standing in front of me eyeing me angrily what happened to this guy.

“IAM trying to wake you up from last 10 minute, and you are sleeping peacefully” he said irritated in souch south Indian accent.

“Why you are waking me up yaar” I asked him yawning.

“We already reached Bangalore madam kindly get down from the bus” he said angrily I looked at him amused he looked so funny with his small mustache.

I took my bags and hoped down from bus.

I looked around my new city hope this city embrace me like its own daughter and shower me with happiness and stand by me during any obstacles I come across.

After my small prayer I called Gaurav after two three rings he received.

“Where are you Riya I'm waiting for from past half an hour” he asked.

I looked around to find him I didn, 't find him anywhere.

“Gaurav I cannot find you anywhere year”I said still looking around to find him in this busy city crowded with people.

“Tell me color of your clothes” he said.

“Hey Riya” he said, turning me around as soon as I laid my eyes on him I hugged him. I met him after so any days I couldn't express my happiness.

He hugged me back chuckling by my childish act.

“Riya will you stand here all day now” he said, smiling at me.

He took my bags and started walking towards a black Swift car.

“Is it your car Gaurav” I asked looking at him proudly he have moved forward a lot in his career.

“Yes I bought it couple of months ago” he said, putting his seat belt.

“Ooh great anyway tell me one thing am I going to reside at your place” I asked him questioningly.

“Don, 't worry Riya you are not staying with me because I stay with two of my roommates how I can let you stay at my apartment you are so silly to think that.

I have spoken to one of my friend she was looking for a roommate from a long time, so I suggested your name to her” he said, driving ahead.

I felt relieved I owe him a lot, and I hope god give me a chance to pay his favor.

We reached our destination I looked around, and I can see tall and lavish building everywhere.

We entered three-story apartment building it looked modest and well maintained building.

We took a lift and reached 3rd floor of the building Gaurav moved forward and I followed him he stopped at second door at the floor must be her friends place.

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