Chapter 23

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Riya's POV

“Stop disturbing me Shravs let me sleep for just 10 minutes” I said with sleepy eyes wrapping myself in bed sheet.

“I will be back in 10 minutes if you aren't out of bed you sleepy head I'll eat that Cad bury alone" she threatened me a girl can share anything not her favorite Cad bury as soon as I heard her saying that I got up from my bed looking at her angrily she started laughing historically such an idiot I got into bathroom showing my tongue.

In these two months me and Shravs have become best friends she is my elder sister which I never had.

She always take care of me let be in kitchen errands or my personal stuff she helps like an elder sister.

It was afternoon time I was seated on sofa watching A TV and munching my favorite chips Shravs too came and sat beside me.

“Shravs can I ask you something” I asked her.

“Of course go ahead” she said, looking towards TV.

“Why you lied to Aham that you have boyfriend he is a nice guy, you should have said yes to him you are single na" I said, putting chips into my mouth.

“Riya he is a nice guy but I cannot be in relationship I have a lot of responsibilities on my shoulder” I looked at her blankly.

“What we see it's not always true Riya” she said not looking into my eyes is she hiding something from me.

"I, too, know that but what responsibilities you have your both the parents are so successful and you too are well-educated working in a one of the reputed company” I said to her.

“Yeah but lets close this chapter we will discuss this some other time”I shrugged my shoulder and got indulge into Movie.

“Riya your phone is ringing” she said, pointing towards my phone, I glanced over my phone it was Rihaan.

“Hello Rihaan how are you dear” I chirped.

“Riya Dadi's health is deteriorating you get here soon” he said and hung up.

My blood drained from my body Shravs senses my chirpy mood changed into intransigence, she came near me...

“Riya is everything alright” she inquired.

“Shravani Dadi isn, 't well I need to get there”I said in rush she nodded in understanding.

“I'll get your tickets booked go get ready” she said I rushed to my bedroom and changed my clothes.

I just wore a tee which I got my hand first on, and jeans. I took my bag and dumped whatever was important.

I walked out of my room Shravani was waiting for me she came towards me...

“Riya I have booked a flight for you and cab as well he will be here anytime take care darling call me once you reach” she said with a concerned look, I hugged her she hugged me back.

I reached Airport in my messy bun and creased tee I looked a total mess, but it didn't concern me as much. I was already late I rushed inside airport.

After completing a stressful procedure of security checking I got into my seat.

Anxiousness was at peek my mind was swirling.

Every minute felt like an hour.

After long two hours of this stressful journey I finally reached my City, I walked out of the airport in search of cab. I looked around for a cab, but every cab driver was behind foreigners in greediness of getting higher fair charges from their passengers.

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