chapter 18

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After one week

I was sitting in my balcony thinking how will I take care of my family I had no job I gave several interviews but not a single one got clicked I don't know whom to ask for help I already spoke to so many people whom I know.

As I was browsing through my contact list I came across Gaurav's contact no.
I knew he will definitely help me.

I punched his no. and called him.
Receive Gaurav please receive ...

"Hello who is this?" Gaurav spoke from other side.

"It's me Riya" I said

"Ooohh Riya is that you well how are you" he asked me.

"Iam good Gaurav what about you" I asked him

"Iam fine yaar(pal) where are you this days haa no message no call you vanished like a fog" he said in one breath .

"Nothing man ....Gaurav I need your help" I said in a hope he could help me.

"Tell me Riya you sound so low what's wrong" a friend can see through your soul.

"Gaurav I need a job urgently please help me" I said pleadingly.

"What's wrong Riya why you need a job you have your own café naa"he asked a bit shocked.

"It catched fire and I lost everything Gaurav I don't know what to do I gave interviews in so any places but I didn't get hired anywhere as you know I never worked for someone" I said sadly and Vijay made sure I get hired by none he wanted me to beg in front of him which I will never ever do.

" Riya I will definitely help you I will get you a job don't worry I will get back to you tomorrow okay Riya" he said softly.

" Okay Gaurav "I said and hung up.

"Riya .....Beta Riyaaaa...." Dadi was calling .

I walked out of my balcony dadi was in kitchen I went inside kitchen dadi was standing there with a empty container in her hand.

"What happened dadi" I asked her eyeing container .

"There is nothing to cook Riya whatever grocery you bought everything  got finished" she said holding that empty container still in her hand.

"I will go and get something" I said to her.

Whatever money I had saved I had made a fixed deposit couple of months back for Rihaan's  education now I just had around 2000/- in my account.

I somehow purchased all the grocery which was necessary for as of now in six hundred rupees .

Next Day

I was eating my breakfast in between my phone buzzed I hope it's Gaurav.

When I saw his name I became so happy it was Gaurav hope there is some good news for me.

"Hi Riya how are you?" he asked.

"Iam fine Gaurav did you got someone who want to hire me"I asked  in rush .

" I got you a job of an accountant but it is in Banglore Riya I tried hard to find a job in our town  but I didn't find any of it"he said a bit sadly.

" What about the CTC" hope it is sufficient I said to my self.

"It's 35k monthly this job needed experience but somehow I managed to get this job on your name" he said.

I knew he must have pulled some strings to get this job I was thankful to Gaurav but now there was one more obstacle in my way.

I have to discuss this with Dadi first.

Dadi was sipping her tea as it was evening time I walked towards her and sat next to her.

Dadi looked at me and smiled.

"Go drink some tea you will feel better" she said.

" Dadi I need to tell you something" I said fidgeting with her saree pallu.

"Tell me Riya"she said casually.

"Dadi I got a job of an accountant" I said nervously.

"Ooh that's a great news then why long face we should celebrate" dadi said getting excited.

"Dadi but there is one condition" I said with more nervousness.

"Will you tell me properly" she said getting bit irritated.

"Dadi that job is in Bangalore" I finally blurted out. Her facial expressions changed and she looked a bit worried.

"I cannot allow you to work that too away from us how will you stay alone there it's a  metro politian city"she said worried.

She is right but I cannot dismiss such a big opportunity Gaurav must have tried hard to get me this job.

"What happened Riya what are you thinking"? She  asked.

"Dadi Gaurav must  have tried hard to get me this job I can't back down now just because of me I cannot let him down in front of someone" I said lowering my eyes. She held my hand.

"I know beta but see yourself in my shoes I have lost everything in my life I lost my husband in the  young age I lost my only son and your mom who was like a daughter to me now I'm just left with you two" she said looking into my eyes pleadingly.

This woman have gone through a lot whatever I'm doing now is for their betterment.

"Dadi  I have one idea" I said.

"What's that now"? She said raising her one eyebrow which she normally did to tease me.

"Dadi once I join that company simultaneously il find a house for us and you know all well know colleges are located in Bangalore we can get our Rihaan into one of those colleges Dadi think about it" I said, to her pleadingly in a hope that she will allow me.

Somehow she agreed to me I was happy on one side but other side of my heart was crying as I have to leave them soon and stay in Bangalore without them.

Hey Guys as promised I'm back with another chapter shower some love and thank you all for voting commenting and showing your love it really means a lot to me love you guys....

Thank you so much guys for all your love votes and comments do follow me it will make me inspire to write more stories for all you lovely people.....😊😊😊😊😊😊😊

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