Chapter 15

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Till the time I prove you cannot take away my café” I said and thankfully he agreed to it.

Today was a hectic day not by my physical errands, but by mentally each and every word I said to Vijay was telecasting on repeat mode in my mind.

I reached my home by 7: 00pm Dadi was sitting quietly on one of a single sofa deep in her thoughts shall I disturb her or let her be.

I never saw her sitting like this in such her own trance she is the one who is always full of energy and
chit-chatting telling what all happened in neighborhood and what all my idiot brother did and, Today seeing her in this way made me realize that our lives have changed so drastically maybe I had never been married to Vijay.

I went in my room and kept my bag and washed my face and hands thought to make a tea once tea were prepared I poured tea for two of us and went near her.

Dadi I called her softly I don, 't want to startle her she looked at me and was bit surprised may be because she didn, 't notice me coming.

“When you arrived? She questioned me I gave her cup of tea I bought for her and sat on a sofa next to her.

"Dadi I need to talk you about something” I said she straightened up to listen carefully.

“Tell me beta” she said.

“Dadi you know na Mamma dad, ' death anniversary is in next week,
I said, looking down to hold my emotions she too looked dull once
I said that to her.

“I know beta we have to make all the arrangements for that” she said, sighing.

“Yeah Angel I will inform Pandit ji and whatever stuff we require let's make a list of it " I said she agreed to it.

“ I was thinking to invite Vijay's parents as well "

“Well if you really want to then ok I don, 't mind well they are really lovely people”

“ I hope Padma also come along with them it's so long since I met her beta” she said

“ Okay can I call uncle and aunty” I asked hesitantly

“ No you cannot call them Riya"she said sternly

“Dadi please it's been 10 years I last saw them” I said

“Okay you can call them” she said and got up from sofa and walked to her bedroom.

It's been 10 years since, I saw my aunty when mamma dad were alive they used to visit us during summer holidays every year but after my parent accident we lost contact with them as Dadi never liked them.

Aunty and Uncle had a love marriage and on top Uncle was catholic that was The main reason Dadi never liked them.

I walked to my bedroom and started searching auntie's number and called her as soon as I found it.

After two three rings she received it.

“Hello who is this” she said from that side

“It's your daughter,” I said, smiling to myself after hearing her voice

“OMG is that Riya beta how are you I cannot believe it's you John see who has called it's Riya” I chuckled listening to her it seems like I'm talking to mamma.

“How are you aunty” I asked her.

“I'm fine Riya I'm so happy beta Today, I cannot express how happy That I am “she said her voice cracking in between.

“Same here aunty I'm way too happy to hear your voice” I said.

We spoke for about half an hour about anything and everything finally I hung up the phone as I have a lot of things in my plate.

I got ready to reach market as dadi had given me a list of pooja items and few grocery items too.

I reached Market one by one I got all the items Dadi had mentioned in list.

On the Day of Pooja

I and Dadi had prepared Everything which was required for pooja.
Today Uncle and Aunt were suppose to come they may arrive at any time even Vijay's parents had confirmed that they will be present for pooja.

At one side I was an happy Uncle Aunty were also joining us for Pooja other side I was sad that Vijay might also join.

I was in my own train of thoughts I didn, 't notice Dadi was Calling my name to check on Milk she had kept boiling on gas thank God I switched on time otherwise I had to run away from this house due to Dadi's tantrum.

We had already prepared lunch Panditji may come anytime.

As I was wearing my clothes I heard Uncle Aunty's voice I wore them in a haste and ran out of my room.

Uncle Aunt was already seated on sofa I went near her and hugged her tightly she was wearing blue sari and was looking similar to mum I felt as if mumma was standing in front of me someone tugged my kurti and it was a small boy around 6 years old I looked at aunt.

“He is your younger brother now you have ek ke saath ek free(buy one, get one free)” she said, pointing towards Rihaan everyone laughed at her joke.

I bent down towards him and kissed his soft cheeks, "What's your name” I asked him.

“My name is Arjun”he said cheekily
I smiled at him Rihaan joined me and started asking him about his school names, and stuff.

He was so cute due to him everyone's mood brightened.

In meantime Pandit ji also arrived we all got our self seated and pandit ji started Pooja looking at their photo frame every incident came crashing down to me it felt like it was flashing in front of my face like a movie tears started rolling down from my face.
I couldn't stop it I started sobbing silently aunty who was sitting beside me held my hand tightly expressing her feelings may be that she will always be with me.

Rihaan nudged me pointing towards door Vijay's parents had arrived they murmured sorry for being late and got themselves seated.

I didn, 't find Vijay with them maybe he didn, 't come why will he come after all he think I cheated on him as I was cursing him I heard his voice he was greeting everyone slowly came and sat beside me because of my dump brother made a place near me to make his jiju seat next to me one big idiot he is.

I didn, 't look at him he copied my actions after sometime pooja also got over we took blessings of pandit ji Dadi spoke with pandit ji about me and vijay I don, 't know what all he said because he was speaking so slowly I didn, 't hear anything.

It was afternoon already aunty called and told me to serve food.
We both served food to everyone.

Everyone had left except Vijay he was speaking to Dadi I got myself busied with cleaning kitchen which was total mess I so wanted to and relax but who will clean my kitchen.

I was arranging utensils in a rack someone grabbed me from behind I wiggled to get free from him but his hold become tighter I knew who it was.

“Vijay will you please leave me for god’s sake”I said angrily not able to turn still trying

“Well guess what IAM not your Vijay I'm your lover darling Ritesh” my heart started beating so fast I felt it will come out of my mouth what he is doing here.

He turned me abruptly now we were facing each other he was looking into my eyes intensively I was trying to push him away, but he was tightening his hold on me he was coming closer to me in a swift he crashed his lips on me I felt disgusted I felt like some lichens had attacked my lips, and we're sucking it.

I was trying to push him hard and at a very moment my nightmare entered kitchen holding glass in his hand as his eyes laid on us glass he was holding, fell Ritesh ran from there through kitchen door.

Thank you so much for all your support and love it really means a lot to me you guyz dunno how happy it makes me.

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