0. Favour

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0. Favour

"I need a favour." My fingers paused over my laptop's keyboard. Slowly, I dragged my eyes over to the man that was my father. Liam Birke was fifty-eight years old and didn't look a day over thirty. His electric blue eyes that I had inherited stared me down. Something told me I wasn't going to like this. "Make it quick dad. I still have work to do."

A file landed on my desk. I opened it and scanned the contents briefly. My eyes flew to his. "This is the favour?" He nodded. "Look, I know this is a lot to ask of you but his father was a friend and I promised I would look out for his son if anything were to happen to him.

I opened the file again and read through quietly.
Marc Paxton
29 years old
Money laundering, tax fraud, embezzlement...
Solitary confinement (2 years)
Release date: 23/10/13

"Should I read the entire thing, or are you going to fill me in?"
"I need you to move back to America and work for Paxton Corp. As you can see, he will be released from prison in a couple of days. I expect you to be in America by then and have some sort of plan in action to save his image. Your contract with the company has already been drafted."

I didn't follow the American media much but I remember when the news broke worldwide two years ago of the arrest of one of the richest men in the world. It was a miracle his company was still standing. You'd think it would have been shut down along with all his other businesses and investments around the world.

"Dad I can't just pack up and leave. I have a job and a business here to run. Who is going to handle the company?"
"Don't worry about that. Just please do me this favour. I'll give you anything you want." That piqued my interest. "Anything?"
"Can you get him to sign the papers?"
"Are you really going to divorce him? He's madly in love with you." I scoffed. "Well he has a funny way of showing it. It's been over a year. Just get him to sign the papers and I'll fix this little problem for you." I smiled feeling hope for the first time. "How am I suppose to do that?"
"Oh please dad, we both know you have your ways. The only reason why I'm still married is because you like Antonio so much you don't want to part with him. I swear sometimes it feels like you're the one married to him and not me."
"OK. I'll get him to sign the papers. Do we have a deal?"
"Book me the first flight out. How long am I expected to be there?"
"As long as needed. I'm sure you'll know once you read his file thoroughly and you meet him in person. Good luck."

My eyes landed on the file again, and I couldn't resist being drawn to it. Of course my father was thorough. It had everything you could possibly think of on the man inside. I still had some loose ends to tie up before I could even think of leaving the country so I pushed the folder aside and decided to read it on the plane.

I didn't make it a habit to work often outside of my country and I didn't fancy the great America but work was work and that's what I was here for. I had already been set up in an apartment and had all the necessities. I didn't bother going to the company. I'm sure they already knew I was here. I had a few things I needed to do before the day was over. For one, I needed clothes. Whenever I travel I tend not to bother with the hassle of bringing luggage. I just tend to buy whatever I needed when I land. This time was no different.

Because I didn't know my way around the city, I had to ask the receptionist for information on the best places to shop and also asked for directions which I found out I didn't need because my father had already arranged for that. He knew me so well.

After I had finished with my shopping I got dinner and returned to my apartment. I wasn't used to having free time on my hands so I was kind of at a loss as to what I should do until tomorrow when I had to go pick up my client. The folder peaked at me from inside my bag. I took it out and went over the content once again. There was information on his company, business and his personal life, tons of articles and newspaper clippings about various scandals involving him and usually women. And detailed descriptions of what transpired two years ago.

The media was going to have a field day with this. I knew they were anxiously anticipating his release. This was one of America's richest and most handsome men. It's going to be chaos. Good thing he's getting out a day earlier than what everybody expects.

I took up the picture my dad insisted on giving me and studied the man in it. His chocolate brown eyes and arrogant smirk just added to his appeal. That along with his strong chiselled features, nice pouty lips and wavy blonde hair and I could see why women would swoon at the sight of him.

Oh well. I put the picture back in the folder. Not my type.

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