14. Payback's a bitch called Natalía

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14. Payback's a bitch called Natalía

I can deal with anything or anyone as long as they don't damage my face. Andrea made a wrong move attacking me. A move she was going to pay for. I was done playing games with her. Instead of going home like Marc requested I walked right into the nearest police station. I was done hiding and pretending I wasn't here. Well guess what New York? I'm here and it's about time you knew it.

"I'd like to report an assault." All eyes turned to me the minute I spoke. Some with recognition and others with curiosity. "An assault?" An officer that looked to be in his mid forties repeated. "Yes."
"Please have a seat Ms...?"
"It's Mrs. Mrs. Accosi." If I was going to keep Antonio's name I might as well put it to use. "I was attacked while coming back from a business meeting with Marc Paxton. You might have heard or him?" And if I'm going to be giving it up to Marc I might as well get the most out of his name as well. "The woman who attacked me is an employee of his and I assume his girlfriend. But you would have to confirm the latter with Mr. Paxton." The officer quickly started taking my statement. "Could you describe in detail what happened, Mrs. Accosi?"
"Sure officer. Mr. Paxton and I just returned to his company where I am currently conducting some business. Not long after he parked his car in the company's parking lot the window shattered, and a very hysteric woman crawled through shouting obscenities at me. She grabbed me by my hair and proceeded to drag me from the car. I was punched, scratched and clawed as you can see from my face here. Eventually some of Mr. Paxton's security dragged her off me."
"Could you go into detail about exactly what happened after you were dragged from the car, Mrs. Accosi?"
"Sure." I went on to explain to him in explicit detail.

"Why did you come here instead of going to the hospital?"
"I'm not sure what that woman will do or say. So I wanted to make sure I reported it first."
"We'll have to take pictures of your face. Is that okay with you?" I nodded my permission. They have no idea as to how much of a calculating bitch I really am. I'll ruin her so bad she'll have to go back to prostitution to survive. "We're going to have to bring the woman in for questioning along with Mr. Paxton. Can you give us any more information about her?"
"I don't really know much about her other than that her name is Andrea Winters and she's a blonde with blue eyes. My suggestion is to check with Mr. Paxton if you don't know where to start looking. He'll point you in the right direction."

After leaving my contact details, the next stop I made was to the hospital. If I was going to do this I might as well do it right. Luckily it was only a scratch and wouldn't leave a scar. I was grateful for that. I'd have to cancel the commercial I was supposed to be shooting next week in France but I wasn't too worried about that. I was just annoyed. For the rest of the evening I stayed inside all locked up. I refused all phone calls and made it clear I was not accepting visitors no matter who they were. I had to at least fake being distraught. I loved how the American media was quick to carry a story once it involved Marc Paxton. Some of them used the opportunity to slander me and my name. Something they were going to pay dearly for. I ensured I made note of all the news channels that defiled my good name and image. No doubt they would be in some difficulties later on. Other channels seemed to know which side to bet on and they were backing me and expressing their outrage at the treatment of a foreigner in their country. Those were the smart ones. They knew not to cross an Accosi. Everything seemed to be going fine and according to plan. That was until my father called.

"Ciao Padre." (Hello father.)
"Che cosa esattamente sta succedendo laggiù? Siete su tutte le news!" (What the hell is going on over there? You're all over the news.)
"Non iniziare padre." (Don't start father.)
"Non posso dire come vivere la vostra vita Natalía. Tu sei una donna adulta. Agire simile! Risolvere questa situazione prima che diventi più fuori controllo." (I cannot tell you how to live your life Natalía. You're a grown woman. Act like it! Resolve this issue before it gets out of control.)
"Sì padre. Capisco." (Yes father. I understand.)
"Una cosa di più ..." (One more thing...)
"Che cos'è?" (What is it?)
"Antonio è il suo modo." (Antonio is on his way.)
"Che cosa?!!" (What?!!) Why was Antonio coming to America all of a sudden? "Io non sono sicuro della natura della sua visita ma ha lasciato ieri, il che significa..." (I'm not sure of the nature of his visit but he left yesterday which means...) "Egli arriverà da un momento all'altro." (He'll be arriving any minute.) I finished the sentence for him. Another problem to deal with I suppose. "Grazie per il testa a testa padre." (Thank you for the heads up father.) We hung up after that because there was nothing left to say.

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