18. For old time sake

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18. For old time sake

"I noticed you stopped drinking after your dance with the luscious Natalía. I trust she said something to your liking."
"Luscious?" I loosened my tie while giving him the eye. "It was just a dance, mate. Nothing more."
"I hear the husband's leaving tomorrow. Would that have anything to do with it?"
"He's leaving? I wasn't aware."
"I don't see what's so interesting about that. Anyway, when are you leaving?"
"New York or your apartment?"
"New York."
"Not for a while."
"And you plan to stay here the entire time?"
"You have four bedrooms. What's the problem?" I gave him the stink eye but didn't get to comment further because Natalía strolled in just then.

"I see you've changed. I was rather fond of that dress tonight."
"Well you can keep being fond in your mind, James. I have to talk to him so please excuse us." She took my arm and dragged me away. "Take your time." James shouted at our backs.

"Natalía what brings you by?" I took off my tie and jacket. "I told you I was coming didn't I? And don't give me that look."
"What look?"
"You know what look."
"Are you going to tell me why you're here or not?" She closed the bedroom door before attempting to speak again. I cut her off. "You do know you spend more time here than you do at your own apartment right?"
"Are you complaining?"
"No complaints here. So what is it that you wanted to tell me? Are you finally going to admit that you like me?" She ignored that particular question.

"Antonio is leaving tomorrow."
"So I've heard."
"I thought you would be pleased and your sulking would come to an end."
"I was never sulking darling."
"Sure you weren't."

Her cell phone rang and she answered before I could finish talking. So, I continued taking off my clothes while listening in on her one-sided conversation.
"I completely forgot about that. Next week? My face is fine but... Well if you're paying for everything how can I refuse. Can I bring a friend? Perfect! Fax me the details. She is? I wasn't aware. No it's fine. It's your fashion show and she can't not model. This is the last favour I'm doing for you. You know I don't model anymore. Okay, send me the details. Bye."

"What was that about?" She pretended not to notice my almost naked body. "That was about a fashion show I'm supposed to do next weekend in Japan. How's your Japanese? Up for a trip?"
"How can I refuse?"

After our conversation, I took the quickest shower I've ever taken in my entire life. "So spill."
"Antonio signed the divorce papers."
"He what? When?"
"According to the papers, he signed them a year ago. But he just gave them to me." She frowned. "So you've been divorce all this time?"
"Well that's good news. You're officially a free woman now."
"I was always a free woman."
"You know what I mean. So, where does this leave us?"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean if we're a thing or not."
"Weren't we already a 'thing' as you put it?"
"I mean if we are officially dating."
"If that's what you want."
"What about what you want?"
"I'm fine either way."

"How can you be so callous?"
"I'm not being callous. It's whatever. There's one more thing. The divorce isn't public knowledge and I'd like to keep it that way."
"In other words we're dating, but in secret." Was she serious right now? "Why do you sound so upset?"
"That's because I am fucking upset. You prance around with your husband but want to keep me a secret? Am I nothing to you?"
"Ex husband, and don't you think you're overreacting? The reason I want to keep the divorce a secret is for your benefit. You might think I'm being selfish or I'm hiding you or whatever, but that's not the case."
"Wow, you really have no feelings do you?"
"Are we back to this?"
"Just forget it. You can go." The expression on her face was priceless. If I wasn't so pissed I would have been laughing my ass off. "You're kicking me out? Unbelievable. You know what! Fine! You're an asshole anyway."

He's such an arrogant asshole! I screwed all the way home. I wasn't upset because of what he said really. Frankly I didn't care about his ego. I was horny and hoped we would have ended up having sex. Now I was horny and frustrated. Damn infuriating man!

"Someone's upset."
"Don't start Antonio."
"Didn't go as planned I see."
"Whatever, he's a stupid asshole anyway."
"Need a hug?" Those gorgeous eyes looked at me with laughter. "It's not funny." I wanted to stamp my feet and create a scene, but I decided to take the hug he offered. He pulled away after about two minutes of us just standing there. Then in his usual style of comforting, he placed light kisses over my face. First it was my forehead, then my eyelids, next my nose and last I knew would be both cheeks.

Because I was super horny and needed release I turned my head lightly so the kiss landed on my lips instead of my cheek. He was surprised but didn't pull away because I started kissing him the way I knew he liked.

One good thing about the Italians, they knew how to deliver a kiss, and soon enough Antonio was kissing me the way I liked. He made my toes curl which made me even hornier. I moaned deep down within my throat and opened my mouth. He took advantage the only way he knew how, and sucked my tongue until I was begging him for more. My hands crept up his muscled chest. He gripped them in his and pulled away.

"Hmm?" I managed to moan out while licking up the side of his neck. "Natalía! Natalía! Stop it! What's wrong with you?" My lips kissed up his jaw and to his ear. I pulled seductively on one earlobe and felt him stiffen. He was affected. I knew he was. "I'm aching Antonio. Please..." I stuck my tongue in his ear and swirled it around. The grip on my arms loosened and I used the opportunity to circle them around his neck. He pulled me closer and joined our lips together again. After about another three minutes of intense lip locking, we pulled away driven by the heat of our lusts.

He quickly got rid of my top and I did the same for him. I kissed down his chiseled abdomen stopping only briefly to play with his nipples. That drove him wild. I knew, because he started mumbling incoherently in that sexy Italian voice of his. I loved it when he spoke Italian during sex.

The further down his body I went the more vocal he became, until he was begging me to take him in my mouth. I obliged, and didn't disappoint. Midway through he stopped me stating he didn't want to cum just yet. He wanted to pleasure me first. Antonio was all about giving pleasure, one of the things I loved about him.

Before I realized, my bottom had disappeared and I was hanging upside down in his arms. My hair covered my face, but not enough so that I couldn't see the erection he was sporting. It was right in line with my face. Then he started eating my cunt and I forgot everything else. The pleasure I felt from him eating me out upside down with blood rushing to my brain was indescribable. I came twice and yet still he didn't stop. He continued lapping away, and I took him into my mouth once again.

When he finally flipped me and took me against the wall there wasn't much I could do. Antonio specialized in giving pleasure with every part of his body. He used his cock, his lips and his hands in ensuring I received ultimate pleasure.

When I came again for the fourth time that night, he was right behind me. "Are you going to tell me what that was about? Not that I'm complaining or anything I'm all for goodbye sex."
"Nothing. I was horny and you took care of it. There's nothing more to tell."
"You do know you use sex as a way of acting out."
"I do not."
"Yes you do. If you're pissed at me or upset about something you always go and find a guy to screw. Some people use drinking as a way of escape, while others smoke. You have sex."
"I do not use sex as coping mechanism."
"You're in denial." He laughed. "And you're too cold. You're frigid."
"Says the man who married me."
"I'm used to you and your ways so I don't have a problem if you are cold. You never promised me love Natalía, and I was fine with that. But not because I understand you means a next guy will." I raised my eyebrow at him. "Try to feel a little more will you il mio amore." He kissed me on the forehead a walked away. Was he right? Did I really use sex as a way of coping?

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