23. A little...Hysterical

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23. A little...Hysterical

I needed answers and no one was giving them to me. "I'm sorry ma'am, but we can only give out that information to immediate family." I laughed historically. "Immediate family? I am his family you bitch! If you don't tell me what I want to know I'll make sure you never work again!" Who the hell was she anyway? She wasn't even a doctor. "Who's in charge here? Get me your supervisor." The woman hurried away to get the supervisor. This was so fucking frustrating. I've been here for over three hours and they can't give me any information. All I was told was that both Andrea and Marc were admitted. I didn't know how bad things were. I was freaking out.

I paced the small space in the hospital waiting area, trying unsuccessfully to calm myself down.

"What's the problem here? I'm the supervisor on duty." He told me his name but I neither heard nor cared. "I'm trying to find out the status of a patient, but no one seems willing to give me the information I seek."
"Maybe I can assist you. What's the patient's name?"
"Marc Paxton." His facial expression changed at the mention of the name. "What's your relationship to the patient?"
"We're business associates and friends."
"It's against hospital policy to give out patient information to people who are not family members or next of kin."

I scoffed. Next of kin they say. How fucking ironic! "He doesn't have any family. So unless you want me to sue you and this hospital you'll give me the information I'm asking for!" I wanted to punch him in the face! Why won't these people tell what I want to know? It was so damn frustrating. I was so close to losing it.

"Mrs. Accosi?" I turned at the sound of my name. Thank the stars they were here. "We're sorry we took so long. We had to get the necessary paperwork." They looked at me warily. Did I look that scary? "It's no problem. You came just in time. These people will not give me any information about Mr. Paxton." I'm about to go crazy. "That's why we're here."

They turned to the so-called supervisor. "We're Mr. Paxton's attorneys. These are document signed and authorized giving Mrs. Natalía Accosi authority over any decision regarding Marc Paxton's care if anything were to happen to him. All and any decision making should be done by her."

The man gulped and looked at the nurse beside him. "We are sorry for the inconvenience Mrs. Accosi, we just had to be sure before giving out any information about the patient. The doctor will be out shortly to speak with you. Well, what are you waiting for? Get the paperwork."

The nurse scrambled around frantically getting numerous pieces of paper and putting them in front of me. The glare I gave her could have killed her on spot. She started to explain what each piece of paper was, but I shut her up. "Thank you! I can read." I couldn't concentrate on the words in front of me. My mind was preoccupied with thoughts of Marc. My vision got a little cloudy, and I hurriedly wiped the tears away. It was a relief that the doctor came. I deserted the papers and bombarded him with questions.

"How is he? Is he all right? How long does he have to stay here? When can I see him?"
"Are you his wife?" I kept quiet. "Mrs. Accosi is the person who you should speak with about Mr. Paxton."
"I see." He went on to introduce himself, which wasn't necessary because I did not care. I just wanted to know about Marc. "When Mr. Paxton was brought in he was unconscious. He had a broken arm and also broke several of his ribs." Broken bones don't sound too bad. They would heal.

"How is he now? Can I see him?"
"He still hasn't woken up yet." My hands gripped the counter next to me. "What do you mean? If he only has a couple broken bones he should have woken up already."
"What I'm trying to say Mrs. Accosi, is that Mr. Paxton seems to be in a coma." It took my brain about thirty seconds to register and process this information. "Excuse me? What the hell kind of doctor are you? What kind of hospital is this?" I threw my hands up in the air. "If he is in a coma, wake him the fuck up!" My voice had risen to a high pitch. Any louder and I would be screaming. "It's not that simple. He doesn't seem to want to wake up."

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