28. Plotting and scheming

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28. Plotting and scheming

Andrea Winters
If Marc thought he was going to get away with ignoring my calls he was sadly mistaken. I will not be ignored. I am not one to be ignored damn it! If it wasn't for that stupid car accident I would have gotten away with fooling him into thinking he was really the father of my child. But fate can be so cruel sometimes. Plan A didn't work out so well, so it was time for plan B.

"It's time for the world to know that you are Marc Paxton's brother. Don't you think so?" Josh looked at me with a bored expression. "The world should have known since the day I was born. It's time to take what belongs to me. But we need a plan. Just going to the media and telling them I'm Marc Paxton's brother isn't enough for me to take control of the company. I need him to acknowledge me publicly. Only then can I get control of my fifty percent." I thought about what he said. He was right. We needed things to blow up real big so Marc had no choice but to acknowledge him.

"How about the upcoming charity dinner? There is bound to be a bunch of hungry reporters there. Ensure you get into an argument with him then. Something that would really get him pissed off. Talk about his mother being a slut or something to that effect."
"You want me to talk about my mother being a slut?"
"You want results don't you? I'm sure your dead mother would forgive you this once. The last time Marc lost his temper and punched a reporter was because the reporter mentioned your mother."
"I'm well aware of what to say to piss my brother off. I just need him to say I'm his brother so that someone hears it."

"Well I'll leave the details to you. I have other things to deal with."
"Are you still obsessing over Natalía?"
"Funny how you and everyone else seems to be smitten by that adulterous whore. Ever since she came into the picture Marc has completely tossed me aside."
"He would have tossed you aside sooner or later. Don't kid yourself. Besides, what's not to be smitten with? Natalía Accosi is rich, beautiful, powerful and smart, and she's good in bed."

I seethed at his words. I still haven't forgiven him for fucking that bitch. "After everything I've done for him he just replaces me like nothing."
"I'm sure he's grateful to you for ruining his good name and sending him to prison for two years. He must be eternally grateful. Wake up, Andrea. You were just pussy to him and nothing more."
"Well whatever. You just do your part and I'll do mine. I'm going to get rid of that bitch somehow. And when I do, Marc is going to come crawling back to me on his hands and knees. By then you will have your fifty percent control, and I'll help you get the other fifty by marrying Marc." It was perfect. I am a genius.

I looked around the apartment ensuring I had everything I needed. Marc did deliver on his promise. Too bad this apartment was so damn far away from the city center. I needed to be close to the city if I wanted to get back in Marc's good graces.

"I'm leaving. I'm sure you can entertain yourself while I'm gone."
"Don't worry about me. I have things to do anyway." I wasn't concerned about the things Josh had to do. I was too focused on carrying out my revenge on that bitch. I tried Marc one last time before getting in the car; luckily he answered me this time. "What? What do you want Andrea? You'd think ignoring your calls would give you a hint to stop calling."
"I miss you Marc."
"I'm hanging up now."
"I'm listening."
"I need cash."
"What happened to all the money I sent you?"
"I had an emergency."
"I'm sure you did. Well you have a job. I'm sure if you go to it you'll get paid."
"Marc I don't like that job," I whined. "Well that's too bad. I won't be sending you any more cash until the end of the month, as was our agreement. So you have to take responsibility for your action and grow the fuck up." He hung up on me. That bastard. No worries, he'll be calling me soon enough. I unlocked my phone and typed up a quick message.

I wonder what your 'girlfriend' would say if she found out not only that I'm still in New York, but also that you're the one who is ensuring I stay here. Maybe I should pay her a little visit. I pressed send. That should do the trick. I mentally started counting down from five. When I reached two, my phone rang. I smiled before answering. "Marc, how sweet of you to call."
"Are you threatening me, Andrea?"
"This is why lying doesn't do a relationship any good. Lying to your girlfriend is not a nice thing to do, Marc."
"I'm only going to say this once. Stop calling and texting me. And if you ever make the mistake of trying to threaten me again, I will cut off all funding indefinitely and leave you homeless and broke. Lastly, don't you ever think of appearing before Natalía. I will end your miserable existence if you do." He hung up again. Well that went well. I sighed. Marc was being extremely difficult. Maybe I should shift my focus a little.

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