5. Business as usual

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5. Business as usual

The long awaited day has arrived. The nation has been on edge ever since it got the news that Marc Paxton, founder and CEO of Paxton Corporations would be released from his two year confinement. Paxton was arrested when an investigation was conducted on Paxton Corp. and it turned out that he had been embezzling money from his own company, forging tax documents under his employee's names, and was also involved with money laundering. Paxton neither confirmed nor denied the charges two years ago, but was still found guilty of committing the acts mentioned.

However, when we arrived at the prison yesterday morning there was no sign of Marc Paxton. Our news crew spent the whole day there waiting to see the man that has captured the attention of the people from a very young age, but he never showed. When we interviewed a member of staff at the facility the only thing we got from them was that they had no comment on the matter. When we asked them to confirm if Marc Paxton was indeed confined to the particular facility, their response was that they could neither confirm nor deny such claims.

The crowd that had gathered to get a glimpse of the billionaire CEO left disappointed.

However we were not to be deterred. After conducting investigations of our own, we confirmed that Marc Paxton had indeed been imprisoned at the particular facility but was released a day early due to a special request. With that information, the crowd reassembled at his apartment building and at Paxton Corp. hoping to catch a glimpse of him.

"You really shouldn't pay attention to such garbage."
"How the hell did you get in here?"
"I have a key."
"Of course you do."

"Good to see that you're dressed and ready. Let's get down to business. Your security detail has already arrived. I also added a few extra security, courtesy of Accosi's security. The plan for today is simple. We go out front, get to the car and go to Paxton Corp. You will not speak to anyone or respond to any comments that are sure to be thrown at you during that time. You'll go with the first car and I'll take the second one. Any questions so far?" I nodded my head and took a sip from the coffee she brought. I smirked internally. She said she wasn't my assistant but yet still she brings me coffee.

"There is a second set of security detail already at Paxton Corp. so there also won't be any problems there. Once again you won't be doing any talking. I'll be doing that for you. We will head straight to your office which has already been prepared for you. I'll occupy the adjoining office for the time being."

I liked what she was wearing today. She had on a beige suit with navy coloured shirt underneath. On her feet were navy coloured work pumps. The only thing she had in her hand was her iPhone.

"That's it for now. I'll fill you in on the rest when we get to the office."
"Good. Shall we go?"
"Hold on. Your tie is crooked. Why are you wearing such a bright tie? Change it."
"Are you a stylist now too?"
"No wait. Leave it. People will focus more on the tie than you. It can work in your favour."

I watched her as she fixed my tie and ensured that I was looking sharp in my suit. My hair had been styled to perfection and I was looking every dollar like the billionaire that I was.

"Okay let's go." I took up my wallet and my iPhone. Before I could put my phone in my pocket she took it from me. "I'll take that." My eyebrow lifted at her audacity. "I'm sure you know how this works. You can't take any calls. Neither are you allowed to make any. So all your little booty calls are going to have to go on hold for now. I'll be in charge of your phone."
"And if I want to call someone over?"
"I'll arrange it. That's what I'm here for. For now we can't damage your image any more than it already is. Whatever you do with your sex life should be done in secret."

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