11. Be mine

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11. Be mine

"You're avoiding?"
"No I'm not."
"Did you sleep well?" He was baiting me, but I wouldn't fall for it. "Did you?" He didn't even think about it. "Yes." I thought I would feel awkward, but surprisingly I didn't. This was a first. "I thought you didn't cook." He eyed the food I was preparing suspiciously. "It's just breakfast Paxton, relax. Poison isn't my thing. Now I think you have some explaining to do. How is it that Josh is your brother? Who knows about this?" I could tell he didn't want to talk about it but would because I asked him to. "You know the story of how my parents died right?" I thought for a while. I vaguely remembered something about a murder-suicide but I wasn't sure. "I'm not sure that I do."

"Well my father killed my mother then killed himself when I was five years." Oh my gosh! How horrible. I didn't know what to say to that so I didn't say anything. He continued. "One of the reasons that happened was because of Josh. My mother used to sleep around a lot so I've heard and less than a year after she had me she got pregnant with another man's child. My father tried to accept it at first but he couldn't especially when my mother kept going out to meet this man after she had Josh. He eventually ended up shooting her killing her one night after they had a big argument about her leaving her children to go out with this man. After he killed her he killed himself."
"How do you know this?"
"He left me a letter with the details. I didn't get it until I was old enough to understand what happened. Supposedly a family friend sent it to me. It was that same family friend that sent Josh and I off to boarding school and took charge of my trust fund until I was old enough to manage it myself. I've never met the family friend though."

"I think I know who that family friend is." He looked at me expectantly. "My father. He said your father was an old friend and it would make sense why he insisted that I come here to handle your situation myself when any of the other PR officers could have done so."
"I guess it would make sense. But he never came forward. Everything was taken care of for me and I never asked any questions."

"You said both of you were sent off to boarding school."
"Yes but different ones. My father's wish I later came to understand."
"Did he leave a trust for Josh as well?"
"Then how was he able to go to boarding school?"
"My guess would be your father funded it, if he is in fact the family friend."
"That sounds like my father. He wouldn't leave a child to fend for himself so young. But what happened? How did he end up working for you and what kind of relationship do you have now?"
"Well my guess is, since Josh didn't have a trust fund and I did, when he reached eighteen there was nothing for him to inherit. So he had to get loans and work odd jobs to pay and get through college. It was around that time his resentment towards me started. Before that, we got along fine even though we were at different boarding schools, but we kept in contact and spent time together when we got breaks. He was the only family I had after all. But like I said, things changed. We eventually found out that my father had his father killed and our relationship went sour from there."

"But that still doesn't explain why he's working for you."
"He came to me for a job. He's my brother after all. I couldn't say no."
"And he's still there even after framing you and sending you to prison?" He shrugged. "I wish you had told me all this sooner."
"Why? Would you not have slept with him if you knew?"
"No, I probably would have still slept with him. I just wouldn't have done it twice."
"You really have no shame do you?" I refrained from answering that. "So what now? You keep him close and hope he doesn't try to frame you again? If that is your plan it's a stupid one."

"He's family."
"He wants what you have. Do you think he'll stop? He won't stop until he gets it."
"I know. He wants my life; the business, the cars, the houses, the women, the lifestyle. He wants it all. He somehow thinks he was cheated or something."

"If he's that desperate for your life why doesn't he just kill you?"
"He won't. He needs me alive in order to get what he wants."
"What do you mean?"
"He wants Paxton Corp." I scoffed. "Fat chance there. Isn't it one hundred percent owned by you? You don't even have shareholders. Which I find quite odd by the way."
"Actually I own fifty percent of Paxton Corp. Josh owns the other fifty."
"What? Does he know this? You really are out of your mind. I thought you were a man of reason, Paxton. Cleary I was mistaken."
"Will you shut up and listen first? By law I do own Paxton Corp. one hundred percent even though I gave Josh half of my shares, the only way he can actually claim those shares is if I acknowledge him as my brother and next of kin. That was a clause my lawyers put in."

"And you haven't done so."
"So how does Andrea fall into this mess? She did work with Josh to put you away right?"
"Supposedly they are together. Josh met her first and was infatuated by her, but I fucked her first which he still holds a grudge for."
"Of course you did."
"She approached me, not the other way around. Anyway I suspected they started working together when I caught them in the copy room together."
"Wow, that must have been hard for you," I said sarcastically. "Her defence was that I rejected her. She wanted to get married and I didn't. We weren't even exclusive. At least I wasn't anyway. My brother promised her marriage and the whole nine yards so I could understand why she would side with him."
"So why is she still with you now?"
"I have no idea. But keeping her close would be the best thing for me right now. It's not like I can't do whatever I want anyway. Which brings me to my next topic."

"And what's that?"
"Be mine."
"I want you to be mine, Natalía."
"What the hell does 'be mine' mean?"
"It means I like you and I want to be with you."
"I'm not looking for a relationship Paxton."
"What are you so afraid of? It's not like you don't like me. You wouldn't have slept with me otherwise."
"You seem to be confused, Paxton. I do not have to like someone to have sex with them. Case in point, your brother. For me, sex is just that; sex. I don't get feelings involved in sex. I never have and I never will."

"Why do you have to be so stubborn?"
"You are already in a relationship."
"A fake one."
"Regardless, it's still a relationship."
"I'm not asking you for your soul."
"Let's just keep things simple and have sex, okay?"
"You really are a cold person. I never knew you were this cold. Okay, how about we be friends?"
"I thought we were already sort of friends."
"I mean let's do things that real friends do. Let's hang out, go out to the movies, go clubbing, things like that."
"Okay, I can do that." We were basically doing that now anyway. "But I still want to be with you."
"Meaning you still want to sleep with me. Isn't that like dating then?"
"I won't demand or expect anything from you. You are still free to see whoever you like and do whatever you want, and the same applies to me."

I thought it over for a few minutes. What harm could it do? It's like having a boyfriend without the stress of actually having to deal with the issues that couples have. And I get to have sex which was a bonus for me because although I hate to admit it, Marc Paxton was the best I've ever had. "Okay, but if anyone asks we're just friends. I'm not your woman nor are you my man. We are just two people who enjoy hanging out with each other that just so happens to enjoy sex with each other. But no one needs to know about that last one."

He stood up and extended his hand to me.
"Let's shake on it. From this moment on you are mine." I placed my hand in his intending to shake on it, but he pulled me suddenly against his hard chest and latched his lips on to mine. Without hesitating, I returned his kiss. Things started heating up again, but his cell phone rang interrupting the moment. Reluctantly I pulled away. There was only one person who be calling him now anyway, and when he frowned I knew my suspicion was correct.
"Answer it, or she'll just keep calling." I walked away to get ready for the day. "You know, a normal girlfriend would get jealous of another woman calling their man," he shouted after me. "That's true. But you seem to be forgetting, I'm not a normal woman nor am I your girlfriend." He laughed and then proceeded to answer the call. I did not stick around to listen to it. Things were about to get a whole lot more interesting anyway.

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