16. Antonio lets go

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16. Antonio lets go

"I'll take him home."
"No, I'll take him home. You don't even know where he lives."
"I'm sure it's not that hard to find." I gave her a look. Just what the hell was Yuki up to anyway? "Where's that friend of his? I think he should be the one to take him home."
"James left a while ago with some woman. I told him I'd take him home if he got too drunk."
"Well I know Marc and he wouldn't feel comfortable with you taking him anywhere." I snapped at her. "Zhat's trueee. Listen to Natz." How he managed to even form words in his drunken state I didn't know.

"It wouldn't look good for you to take him home by yourself Natalía, the media will talk." Does it look like I care about the media right now? As much I hate to agree, Antonio was right. "So what do you suggest?"
"I'll take him home in our car and you drive his car back. That way we'll both be seen leaving his place together."

"Or you two could go together and I could drive his car back," Yuki said. I gave her a look. Was she interested in him? I'd have to ask her that later. "No, I think Antonio's idea sounds better. Besides you can't leave your car here."

We exchanged a quick hug and I followed Antonio who was practically dragging Marc out the club. "Could you be a little gentler?" He smiled. "Of course." Then he shoved him in the car so hard, he'll probably have a bruise in the morning.

"I need to get his keys." I climbed in after Marc. "You stink! Where are your keys?"
"Ahh, zee beauuutful Natalía." He tried to play with a strand of my hair. I gently shoved his arm away and started searching him. When I got what I was looking for I exited.

"You know where right?" Antonio gave me a look. "Are you seriously asking me that love?"
"Of course you do. You're Antonio Accosi. You probably know what he eats for breakfast." He shrugged. I gave him a quick peck on the cheeks. "Thank you."

We made it back in record time. Well I did at least. Marc's car was super fast. I should have expected that. Why doesn't he drive more often? I parked and waited for Antonio. About ten minutes later our driver pulled up. Gosh he was slow. I directed them to the back entrance and helped him get Marc upstairs. Antonio deposited Marc on his bed roughly.

"I assume you're staying here tonight?"
"You know me so well dear husband."
"Do you really have to? He's not your responsibility Natalía."
"Zhat's trueee," Marc slurred from his position. "Even he agrees."
"He's drunk. He doesn't know what he's saying."
"Zhat's alsooo true."
"You like him that much?"
"You never stayed with me when I was drunk," he teased. "That's a lie and you know it. I only stopped when I found out you were fucking sluts and getting drunk then coming home to me. That wasn't my fault. That was yours."
"And how is he any different? Lord knows how many sluts he fucked tonight."
"He's not my husband. You are. And that's beside the point. He's in no shape to take care of himself now. As you can see, his friend disappeared and he literally has no one else." He was silent, thoughtful for a minute it seemed, until he finally spoke again. "When you do decide to come home I have something to talk to you about." The tone of his voice sounded serious. "Okay." He pulled me to him and kissed my forehead before disappearing through the door. I made sure to lock it behind him.

"Now what am I going to do with you?" It was miracle he wasn't passed out as yet. I couldn't let him go to sleep in the condition he was in. He reeked of alcohol. I at least had to make sure he showered. Putting my hair up into a bun I tried to get him to the shower. It was a task, because he kept on pulling me down on the bed beside him.

"Get up. You have to shower."
"Marc." I tried pulling him up. He weighed a ton. "Natalía," he said in a sing-song voice. I ignored him and started stripping him for the shower I was about to give him. "Natalía, Natalía, Natalía." He tugged on a loose strand of hair. "What?" I had finally gotten him undressed and in the shower. He stared at me. Although, I wasn't sure if he could actually see anything. "You like me."
"I thought you were drunk."
"I am. But I know you like me. Admit it." I pushed him under the hot water and started scrubbing his body. He pulled me under the shower with him and my hair and dress got wet. "Admit it. You like me." I stripped off my dress and continued washing his body. He tugged on my hair again. "Fine. You won't remember any of this in the morning anyway. I like you Marc. Are you happy?" He gave me a dazzling smile and responded like a little boy. "Yes. You want to know a secret?"
"I like you too. Shhh. Don't tell anyone." I wanted to laugh. He was cute when he was drunk. "I won't tell anyone."

It took me some time before I had him dressed and fast asleep. He refused to let me go. He clung to me like a small child. There was nothing I could do but lay there while he slept on me. His head rested on my chest for comfort, similar to how a child would rest his head on his mother.

Tumbling around the apartment woke me up. I had no idea when I fell asleep. I carefully extracted myself from Marc and followed the noises and flicked the switch.
"Son of a bitch..."
"So nice of you to show up." James eyes squinted in recognition. "Natalía? What are you doing here?" His eyes took in my appearance. "Well I had to take responsibility for your friend because you decided to disappear on us without notification." I wasn't mad he left. I was just mad he didn't tell anyone. "Thankfully he's sleeping it off now. He should feel better in the morning."
"Wait, he was drunk?"
"Are you sure he wasn't pretending to be drunk?"
"He called me Natz."
"He never gets drunk."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean exactly that. He never gets drunk."
"As in ever, at all?" He nodded. "Well he was drunk tonight. Now that you're here I can go. I'll make some chicken soup before I leave. Do ensure he drinks it in the morning."
"Of course." After I made the chicken soup as promised, I left.

"You didn't go to sleep?"
"I told you I had something to discuss with you. It was expected I would wait until you returned." It didn't escape my knowledge the way he took in my attire. I was in one of Marc's button down work shirt, because he had gotten my clothes wet. "Did you sleep with him?"
"And what if I did?" He didn't respond. Instead, he walked away and returned less than a minute later with an envelope. "What's this?"
"Open it." I hesitantly took the envelope from him and took out the document inside. I gasped. "Are these the..."
"Divorce papers," he finished for me. I inspected the documents thoroughly. "You signed these papers a year ago. Is the divorce official?"
"Yes. It became official a month after I signed them."
"So you're telling me we've been divorced for almost a year and I'm just knowing about it?"
"That is correct."
"Why would you have me believe we were still married?"
"Selfishness I suppose. I didn't want to let you go regardless of the fact we were separated."
"And you're telling me you're letting go now?"
"Why all of a sudden?"
"You're no longer mine."

I was confused. "When have you ever admitted to liking someone? You've had sex with men I'm sure. But you've never liked anyone before now."
"What? I never admitted to liking anyone."
"You didn't have to. You were jealous of your long time friend tonight. You don't get jealous. You don't care enough to be jealous. But you were tonight."
"None of this makes sense. Why wouldn't you just have told me we were officially divorced?"
"Because I kind of like you having my name." I rolled my eyes. "I can still keep your name Antonio."
"Even if you remarry?"
"My businesses are tied up in the Accosi name. If I remarry I'd still use your name."
"Good. For now, don't make it public knowledge we're divorced."
"I know Antonio. I'm not stupid."
"To everyone else we're still married. And you might want to put those papers somewhere safe."
I held them out to him. "You keep them until I ask for them."
"If that's what you want."

"Wait, does father know about this?" He got red in the face. "He does doesn't he?"
"You know I can't hide anything from your father Natalía. He knew the minute I signed them." I laughed. That explained so much. But he was still going to get an earful from me. "I'm leaving in the morning."
"What? You can't go yet."
"I've concluded my business here. It's time for me to go home."
"Stay for another two days at least. We have a welcome party to go to tomorrow night. It wouldn't go well if Mrs. Accosi showed up by herself now would it."
"Still using me for your job I see?"
"I can't help it. You're a very useful man Antonio Accosi. So does this mean you approve?"
"Approve of what?"
"Not what. Who."
"Your guy?"
"He's not my guy," I said defensively." He laughed and ruffled my hair. "I guess so. Your father approves so I have no choice but to approve as well."
"My father what?" He started to back away from me. "Well he kind of sent you here hoping you'd develop more than a business relationship with the guy."

"He did what?" I tackled him to the ground. "You and my father are a match made in heaven. I can't believe you two." I pouted and he gave me a peck on the lips. "You know we're divorced now. You have to stop doing that."
"But I'm still your best friend right?"
I rolled my eyes. "Of course you are Antonio."
"Good. Because I won't have it any other way."

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